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Scheduler: Program Schedulers

abstract class Scheduler
  int getNumber()
  boolean isReady(int i)
  int incTime();
  abstract int nextProgram()

A scheduler selects the next program for execution among those node programs that are in the ready state. A scheduler must redefine the abstract function nextProgram() such that this function returns some i with 0 <= i < getNumber() and isReady(i) (i.e. it must select one ready node program for execution). If this condition cannot be fulfilled, the scheduler must return -1 (denoting deadlock). The scheduler should call incTime() on each attempt to select a (possibly non-ready) program for execution; this will increase the global network time in the upper left corner of the visualization window.

The default scheduler selects in a round robin mechanism the next program ready for execution; it is an object of type

class SchedulerDefault extends Scheduler
  int last = -1;
  int nextProgram()
    int n = getNumber();
    boolean reset = false;
        if (last == n)
            last = 0;
            if (reset) return -1;
            reset = true;
    while (!isReady(last));
    return last;

The default scheduler may be redefined to implement different kinds of network models (synchronized networks, asynchronous networks, ...).

Maintainer: Wolfgang Schreiner
Last Modification: November 14, 1997

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