Theorema© Workshop

9-10 June, 1997
RISC, Hagenberg near Linz, Austria

The Theorema© project at RISC aims at extending
current computer algebra systems by facilities for
supporting mathematical proving. In cooperation
with RISC, related research is going on at SCORE,
University of Tsukuba, Japan.

The purpose of the workshop is to present the
current status of these projects and to stimulate
further interaction between the two groups. Guests
from the international research community are
cordially invited to participate.

The proceedings will be published in the
RISC Technical Report Series.

Contents of the Proceedings

Overview and Language
Bruno Buchberger Overview on Theorema
Bruno Buchberger, Franz Kriftner Theorema: The Language
Equational Solving and Narrowing
T. Suzuki, K. Nakagawa, Tetsuo Ida Higher-Order Lazy Narrowing Calculus: A Computation Model for a Higher-order Functional Logic Language
Mohamed Hamada, Tetsuo Ida A Deterministic Lazy Conditional Narrowing and its Implementation in Mathematica
Tour through RISC and SWP
Bruno Buchberger, Tudor Jebelean Theorema: The Predicate Prover
Bruno Buchberger, Daniela Vãsaru Theorema: The Induction Prover for Lists
Jun Matsuda A Prover for Propositional Logic in Natural (Deduction) Style: Implementation in C
Elena Tomuta Using Functors in Organizing Proofs
Rewriting 1
Irène Durant, Aart Middeldorp Decidable Call by Need Computations in Term Rewriting
Bruno Buchberger, Mircea Marin Proving by Simplification
Coffee Break
Rewriting 2
Makoto Hamana Term Rewriting with Sequences
Toshiyuki Yamada, Jürgen Avenhaus, Carlos Loría-Sáenz, Aart Middeldorp Logicality of Conditional Rewrite Systems
Guests Section
U. Martin, D. Shand Investigating some Embedded Verification Techniques for Computer Algebra Systems
M. Matsumoto Algebraic Specification Language ``CafeOBJ''

Some Photos taken during the Workshop

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