=ADD= =reftype= 14 =number= 00-04 =url= ftp://ftp.risc.uni-linz.ac.at/pub/techreports/2000/00-04.ps.gz =year= 2000 =month= 02 =author= Stadelmeyer; Peter =title= Computing the System of Adjoint Plane Curves by Puiseux Expansion, Part II: Algorithm =abstract= Let $\acurveC$ be an irreducible algebraic curve in the affine plane. We present an algorithm to compute the linear system of adjoint curves of $\curveC$ of some given degree based on Puiseux-series expansions. An important part of the algorithm is, that a priori to the adjoint computation a degree bound for the Puiseux-series expansions can be given, so that lazy evaluation of the coefficients of the Puiseux-series can be avoided. =sponsor= FWF project number P11160-TEC ``HySaX'' =keywords= algebraic geometry, plane curves, adjoints, Puiseux expansion, Newton polygon, algorithm