=ADD= =reftype= 14 =number= 00-29 =url= ftp://ftp.risc.uni-linz.ac.at/pub/techreports/2000/00-29.ps.gz =year= 2000 =month= 10 =author= Kutsia; Teimuraz + Nakagawa; Koji =title= An Interface between Theorema and External Automated Deduction Systems =abstract= The interface between Theorema and external automated deduction systems implements a link providing a user with a tool for using external provers within Theorema session in the same way as "internal" Theorema provers. Currently, 11 external systems are supported and links to the others can be easily incorporated. Also, the TPTP (Thousands of Problems of Theorem Provers - problem library) problem convertor to Theorema format is described. =keywords= Bliksem, E equational prover, Eqp, Gandalf, Ivy, Mace, Otter, Scott, Spass, Vampire, Waldmeister =sponsor= FWF project P1302