=ADD= =reftype= 14 =number= 01-15 =url= ftp://ftp.risc.uni-linz.ac.at/pub/techreports/2001/01-15.ps.gz =year= 2001 =month= 07 =author= Schreiner; Wolfgang =title= Parallelizing the Big Prime Berlekamp Algorithm with Distributed Maple =abstract= We report on a parallel implementation of the Big Prime Berlekamp algorithm with Distributed Maple. This implementation is based on three parallel subalgorithms with different parallelization strategies and dynamic behaviors. The experimental results on a cluster and a multiprocessor system yield superlinear speedups due to a performance problem of the sequential Maple implementation and demonstrate varying efficiencies for the parallel subalgorithms. =note= =howpublished= =sponsor= FWF projects P11160-TEC (HySaX) und SFB F013/F1304 =keywords= computer algebra, parallel computation, polynomial factorization, cluster, multiprocessor.