YEAR 1996 ========= [96-29] Tudor Jebelean "Practical Integer Division with Karatsuba Complexity" Proceedings of ISSAC'97, in print [96-32] Werner Krandick, Tudor Jebelean "Bidirectional Exact Integer Division" J. of Symbolic Computation (1996), Vol. 21, pp. 441-455 [96-40] Bruno Buchberger "Mathematica as a Rewrite Language" T. Ida (ed.) ``The Second Fuji International Workshop on Functional and Logic Programming'', Nov. 1-4, Shonan Village, Japan. [96-28] Hoon Hong, Stefan Ratschan "Determining the Relationship among Sets" Proceedings of IMACS ACA, Linz - Hagenberg, 1996 [96-36] Bruno Buchberger "Symbolic Computation: Computer Algebra and Logic" F. Baader, K.U. Schulz (eds.) Frontiers of Combining Systems. Applied Logic Series. Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1996. [96-37] Tudor Jebelean "Design of a Systolic Coprocessor for Rational Addition" Proceedings of ASAP-95 (Application Specific Array Processors, Strasbourg, France, July 1995), P. Capello, C. Mongenet, G-R. Perrin, P. Quinton, Y. Robert (eds), pp 282--289, IEEE Computer Society Press 1995 [96-38] Tudor Jebelean "Integer and Rational Arithmetic on MasPar" Proceedings of DISCO'96 (Design and Implementation of Symbolic Computation Systems - Karlsruhe, Germany, Sept. 1996), J. Calmet, C. Limongelli (eds.), Springer 1996 (LNCS 1128), pages 162--173