slides 4 and 5: under 'Anwendungen' on one slide appears Einsatzarten, on the other Einsatzgründe Which one is to be used? slide 10: is MEuro Million Euro or Billion (Milliard) Euro? (I left it as MEuro for now). slide 24: I don't know what the 'LHC' acronym stands for, so I don't know if it needs translation. slide 25: same for FhG slide 38: 'Folgen' has been translated with 'Sequence' is this the intended meaning? (could also be translated to 'Consequences', but doesn't seem to make much sense in the context) slide 41: 'gesicherte Leistung' = 'trusted servive' could also be translated with 'trusted performance' Is my choice ok? slide 45: to what i have found the two concepts (Authentifizierung and Authentisierung) translate indeed, to 'Authentication' ('Authentification' does not exist in English - misspel). However, in the English language, I have found that the differentiation between the two meanings is done using 'with': Authentisierung = Authentication with (I've put myself the question: does it make sense to include this slide in the English version at all?. I think yes. It is important to see the difference the word 'with' brings with it.) slide 58: last item on the page: is there an error? ('unterschiedlichste QoS Möglichkeitenmultiple quality of service ... '). slide 67: on the picture, a typo is present in Connectivity slide 73: Mehrfachspeicherung von Daten - Multiple data storage. Does this translation reflect the meaning in German? slide 74: 'Applikationen der Benutzer benutzen Grid benutzen bzw. interagieren mit ihm' I'm not sure I understand this phrase. I've translated it to: 'User applications use the grid, respectively interact with it.' slide 98: is it possible to actualize the date? (2006 is now past)