\Keywords: ********* (The intention of these keywords is to group the papers in relatively big classes so that one can easily extract the papers belonging to one of the research projects of RISC-LINZ etc., mainly for the purpose of report to research foundations, industrial contractors etc. The keywords are not meant to provide a reasonable rough structure of the field of symbolic computation!) Abstract Data Types Algorithm Theory Applied Mathematics (Analysis etc.) Artificial Intelligence Automatic Programming Automated Theorem Proving CAM Chemistry Coding Theory Combinatorics Complexity Theory Computatinoal Geometry Computer Algebra Computer Algebra Algorithms (except Gr\"obner Bases) Computer Algebra Languages Computer Analysis Critical Pair Completion Data Structures Expert Systems Functional Programming Geo Reasoning Geo Theorem Proving Graphics Groebner Bases Mathematics for Computer Science Logic Programming Operations Research Organisation Parallel Computation Politics Programming Program Verification Recursion and Iteration Robot Programming Semantics of Programming Languages Simplification Software Technology Symbolic Computation 65-1 \> BUCHBERGER B. \\ 65-1 \> Ein Algorithmus zum Auffinden der Basiselemente des \\ 65-1 \> Restklassenringes nach einem nulldimensionalen Polynomideal \\ 65-1 \> Universit\"at Innsbruck, Dissertation \\ 65-1 \> Gr\"obner Bases \\ \\ 69-1 \> BUCHBERGER B.\\ 69-1 \> Grundbegriffe der Algorithmentheorie \\ 69-1 \> Steierm\"arkisches Math. Symposium, Grattenhof, Vortragsauszug \\ 69-1 \> Algorithm Theory\\ \\ 70-1 \> BUCHBERGER B. \\ 70-1 \> Ein algorithmisches Kriterium f\"ur die L\"osbarkeit eines\\ 70-1 \> algebraischen Gleichungssystems \\ 70-1 \> Aequationes Math., vol. 4, fasc. 3, pp. 374-383, Birkh\"auser\\ 70-1 \> Verlag, Basel \\ 70-1 \> Gr\"obner Bases\\ \\ 71-1 \> BUCHBERGER B., EMELYANENKO G. A. \\ 71-1 \> Methods of Inverting Tridiagonal Matrices (Rushian) \\ 71-1 \> Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Preprint P11-5686 \\ 71-1 \> Parallel Computation\\ \\ 71-2 \> BUCHBERGER B. \\ 71-2 \> An extension of ALGOL 60 (Rushian) \\ 71-2 \> Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Preprint E5-5787 \\ 71-2 \> Computer Algebra Languages\\ \\ 71-3 \> BUCHBERGER B. \\ 71-3 \> On the Values $S_i$ determined by the Recursion\\ 71-3 \> $ S_{i+1}=U_iS_i + V_iS_{i-1} $ (Rushian) \\ 71-3 \> Communications of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research,\\ 71-3 \> Dubna, P5-5789, 1971 \\ 71-3 \> Recursion and Iteration\\ \\ 71-4 \> BUCHBERGER B. \\ 71-4 \> A Comment on Blum's Signal Functions \\ 71-4 \> Univ. Innsbruck, Inst. f. numerische Mathematik u. elektronische\\ 71-4 \> Informationsverarbeitung, Bericht Nr. 71-3 \\ 71-4 \> Algorithm Theory. Semantics of Programming Languages. 71-4 \> Comlexity Theory\\ \\ 71-5 \> BUCHBERGER B. \\ 71-5 \> Associating Functions and the Operator of Conditioned Iteration \\ 71-5 \> Univ. Innsbruck, Inst. f. numerische Mathematik u. elektronische\\ 71-5 \> Informationsverarbeitung, Bericht Nr. 71-4 \\ 71-5 \> Algorithm Theory. Semantics of Programming Languages.\\ \\ 71-6 \> BUCHBERGER B. \\ 71-6 \> Bemerkung zu den Reduzierbarkeitskriterien von R. Albrecht\\ 71-6 \> f\"ur das Optimum-Mix-Problem \\ 71-6 \> Univ. Innsbruck, Inst. f. numerische Mathematik u. elektronische\\ 71-6 \> Informationsverarbeitung, Bericht Nr. 71-5 \\ 71-6 \> Operations Research\\ \\ 72-1 \> BUCHBERGER B. \\ 72-1 \> Bemerkung zu den Reduzierbarkeitskriterien von R. Albrecht f\"ur\\ 72-1 \> das Optimum-Mix-Problem \\ 72-1 \> Zeitschrift f\"ur Operations Research, Bd. 16, pp. 137-143 \\ 72-1 \> Operations Research\\ \\ 72-2 \> BUCHBERGER B. \\ 72-2 \> A Basic Problem in the Theory of Programming Languages \\ 72-2 \> Univ. Innsbruck, Inst. f. numerische Mathematik u. elektronische\\ 72-2 \> Informationsverarbeitung, Bericht Nr. 72-1 \\ 72-2 \> Algorithm Theory. Semantics of Programming Languages.\\ \\ 72-3 \> BUCHBERGER B. \\ 72-3 \> Certain Decompositions of G\"odel Numberings and Semantics\\ 72-3 \> Programming Languages \\ 72-3 \> Proc. Symp. on Theoretical Programming, Novosibirsk, LNCS, vol.\\ 72-3 \> 5, pp. 152-171, Springer 1974, (Zentralblatt, vol. 278, no.\\ 72-3 \> 68022, 1974) \\ 72-3 \> Algorithm Theory. Semantics of Programming Languages.\\ \\ 72-4 \> BUCHBERGER B., ROIDER B. \\ 72-4 \> A Study on Universal Functions \\ 72-4 \> Univ. Innsbruck, Inst. f. numerische Mathematik u. elektronische\\ 72-4 \> Informationsverarbeitung, Bericht Nr. 72-5 \\ 72-4 \> Algorithm Theory. Semantics of Programming Languages.\\ \\ 73-1 \> BUCHBERGER B., EMELYANENKO G. A. \\ 73-1 \> Methoden f\"ur die Inversion tridiagonaler Matrizen (Russisch) \\ 73-1 \> J. vytschisl. mat. i mat. fisiki, 13/3, pp. 546-554 \\ 73-1 \> Parallel Computation.\\ \\ 73-2 \> BUCHBERGER B., JENEWEIN F. \\ 73-2 \> Implementierung einer Metasprache zur Definition von \\ 73-2 \> Programmiersprachen \\ 73-2 \> Univ. Innsbruck, Inst. f. Informatik u. numerische Mathematik,\\ 73-2 \> Programmbibliothek Nr. 228 (ZUSE Z 23V) \\ 73-2 \> Semantics of Programming Languages. \\ \\ 74-1 \> BUCHBERGER B. \\ 74-1 \> On Certain Decompositions of G\"odel Numberings \\ 74-1 \> Arch. math. Logik, vol. 16, pp. 85-96 \\ 74-1 \> Semantics of Programming Languages.\\ \\ 74-2 \> SCHINDLER K. \\ 74-2 \> Blum'sche Komplexit\"atsma{\ss}e in der verallgemeinerten \\ 74-2 \> Rekursionstheorie von Moschowokis \\ 74-2 \> Univ. Linz, Inst. f. Mathematik, Institutsbericht Nr. 16 \\ 74-2 \> Algorithm Theory. Complexity Theory.\\ \\ 74-3 \> PLONER H. \\ 74-3 \> Ein ALGOL 60 Interpreter \\ 74-3 \> Univ. Linz, Inst. f. Mathematik, Institutsbericht Nr. 18 \\ 74-3 \> Semantics of Programming Languages.\\ \\ 74-4 \> BUCHBERGER B. \\ 74-4 \> Programmverifikation mit Interpreterunterst\"utzung \\ 74-4 \> Univ. Linz, Inst. f. Mathematik, Erl\"auterung eines\\ 74-4 \> Forschungsvorhabens \\ 74-4 \> Program Verification. Semantics of Programming Languages.\\ \\ 74-5 \> JENEWEIN F. \\ 74-5 \> Eine Metasprache zur Definition von Programmiersprachen und ihre\\ 74-5 \> Implementierung \\ 74-5 \> Univ. Linz, Inst. f. Mathematik, Institutsbericht Nr. 15 \\ 74-5 \> Semantics of Programming Languages.\\ \\ 75-1 \> SUTTER P. \\ 75-1 \> Vergleichende Analyse von implementierten Systemen zur \\ 75-1 \> Programmverifikation \\ 75-1 \> Univ. Linz, Inst. f. Mathematik \\ 75-1 \> Program Verification.\\ \\ 75-2 \> SUTTER P. \\ 75-2 \> Fallstudien zur Programmverifikation \\ 75-2 \> Univ. Linz, Lehrkanzel Mathematik III, Notiz 75/1 \\ 75-2 \> Program Verification.\\ \\ 75-3 \> SUTTER P. \\ 75-3 \> Implementierung einer Metasprache zur Definition von\\ 75-3 \> Interpretern mit Variablenbehandlung \\ 75-3 \> Semantics of Programming Languages.\\ \\ 75-4 \> SUTTER P. \\ 75-4 \> Lineare und semilineare Programme \\ 75-4 \> Univ. Linz, Inst. f. Mathematik, Notiz 75/2 \\ 75-4 \> Program Verification.\\ \\ 75-5 \> SUTTER P. \\ 75-5 \> Implementierung einer Metasprache zur Definition von auf\\ 75-5 \> symbolischen Daten operierenden Interpretern und ihr Einsatz in der\\ 75-5 \> Programmverifikation \\ 75-5 \> Univ. Linz, Inst. f. Mathematik \\ 75-5 \> Semantics of Programming Languages. Program Verification. \\ \\ 75-6 \> BUCHBERGER B. \\ 75-6 \> 1. Jahresbericht \"uber das Forschungsprojekt\\ 75-6 \> Programmverifikation mit Interpreterunterst\"utzung" (Forschungspr.\\ 75-6 \> 2661 des Fonds zur F\"orderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung) \\ 75-6 \> Univ. Linz, Inst. f. Mathematik \\ 75-6 \> Program Verification. Semantics of Programming Languages.\\ \\ 75-7 \> BUCHBERGER B., ROIDER B. \\ 75-7 \> Some Results on Universal Automata and Input/Output Codings \\ 75-7 \> Univ. Linz, Inst. f. Mathematik, Institutsbericht Nr. 34 \\ 75-7 \> Algorithm Theory. Semantics of Programming Languages.\\ \\ 76-1 \> BUCHBERGER B. \\ 76-1 \> Das Problem der Programmverifikation \\ 76-1 \> Jahrbuch \"Uberblicke Mathematik, pp. 163-188, Bibl. Inst. \\ 76-1 \> Mannheim, (Math. Rev. vol. 53, no. 4594) \\ 76-1 \> Program Verification.\\ \\ 76-2 \> PLASSER K. \\ 76-2 \> Axiome f\"ur Speicherfunktionen \\ 76-2 \> Univ. Linz, Inst. f. Mathematik, Institutsbericht Nr. 69 \\ 76-2 \> Abstract Data Types. \\ \\ 76-3 \> BUCHBERGER B. \\ 76-3 \> A Theoretical Basis for the Reduction of Polynomials to\\ 76-3 \> Canonical Forms (Part I) \\ 76-3 \> SIGSAM Bulletin, vol. 10, no. 3, pp. 19-29 \\ 76-3 \> Gr\"obner Bases\\ \\ 76-4 \> BUCHBERGER B. \\ 76-4 \> Some Properties of Gr\"obner-Bases for Polynomial Ideals \\ 76-4 \> SIGSAM Bulletin, vol. 10, no. 4, pp. 19-24 \\ 76-4 \> Gr\"obner Bases\\ \\ 76-5 \> SUTTER P. \\ 76-5 \> Implementierung einer Metasprache zur Definition von auf\\ 76-5 \> symbolischen Daten operierenden Interpreten und ihr Einsatz in der\\ 76-5 \> Programmverifikation \\ 76-5 \> Univ. Linz, Inst. f. Mathematik, Dissertation \\ 76-5 \> Semantics of Programming Languages. Program Verification.\\ \\ 76-6 \> PAVLICEK P. \\ 76-6 \> Resolution zum Automatischen Beweisen \\ 76-6 \> Univ. Linz, Inst. f. Mathematik, Diplomarbeit \\ 76-6 \> Automated Theorem Proving.\\ \\ 76-7 \> MINICHSHOFER W. \\ 76-7 \> Das Klassenkonzept von Simula \\ 76-7 \> Univ. Linz, Inst. f. Mathematik, Diplomarbeit \\ 76-7 \> Programming Languages.\\ \\ 76-8 \> BUCHBERGER B. \\ 76-8 \> On Certain Bases of Polynomial Ideals \\ 76-8 \> Univ. Linz, Inst. f. Mathematik, Institutsbericht Nr. 53 \\ 76-8 \> Gr\"obner Bases.\\ \\ 77-1 \> BUCHBERGER B. \\ 77-1 \> Simulation-universal Automata \\ 77-1 \> Univ. Karlsruhe, Inst. f. Informatik, Interner Bericht Nr. 14/77 \\ 77-1 \> Algorithm Theory. Semantics of Programming Languages.\\ \\ 77-2 \> NEUBAUER R. \\ 77-2 \> Eine Systematik f\"ur Kreativit\"atsbegriffe \\ 77-2 \> Univ. Linz, Inst. f. Mathematik, Diplomarbeit \\ 77-2 \> Algorithm Theory.\\ \\ 77-3 \> SEEBER G. \\ 77-3 \> Rekursiv aufz\"ahlbare Zylinder, Splinter und \\ 77-3 \> Verallgemeinerungen von kreativen Mengen \\ 77-3 \> Univ. Innsbruck, Naturwissenschaftliche Fakult\"at, Diplomarbeit \\ 77-3 \> Algorithm Theory.\\ \\ 77-4 \> RUDALICS M. \\ 77-4 \> Beurteilung von Softwarefehlererkennungs- und Behebungsverfahren\\ 77-4 \> in Abh\"angigkeit von Fehlerklassen \\ 77-4 \> Univ. Linz, Inst. f. Mathematik, Diplomarbeit \\ 77-4 \> Program Verification.\\ \\ 77-5 \> GRUBER H. \\ 77-5 \> Stufenweise Software-Entwicklung demonstriert an der\\ 77-5 \> Implementierung einer zentralen Ger\"atesteuerung f\"ur\\ 77-5 \> Hintergrundspeicher im TNS440 \\ 77-5 \> Univ. Linz, Inst. f. Mathematik, Institutsbericht Nr. 94 \\ 77-5 \> Software Technology.\\ \\ 78-1 \> BUCHBERGER B., FEGERL J. \\ 78-1 \> A Universal Module for the Hardware-Implementation of Recursion \\ 78-1 \> Univ. Linz, Inst. f. Mathematik, Bericht Nr. 106 \\ 78-1 \> Parallel Computation.\\ \\ 78-2 \> FALKINGER J. \\ 78-2 \> Universalit\"at und Reduzierbarkeit von Partiell rekursiven \\ 78-2 \> Funktionen, Automaten und deren Numerierung \\ 78-2 \> Univ. Linz, Inst. f. Mathematik, Dissertation \\ 78-2 \> Algorithm Theory. Semantics of Programming Languages.\\ \\ 78-3 \> FALKINGER J. \\ 78-3 \> Reduzierbarkeit von berechenbaren Numerierungen von $P_1$ \\ 78-3 \> Zeitschrift f. Mathem. Logik und Grundlagen d. Mathem., Bd. 26/5,\\ 78-3 \> pp. 445-458 \\ 78-3 \> Algorithm Theory. Semantics of Programming Languages.\\ \\ 78-4 \> KOLLREIDER C. \\ 78-4 \> Polynomial Reduction: The Influence of the Ordering of Terms on\\ 78-4 \> a Reduction Algorithm \\ 78-4 \> Univ. Linz, Inst. f. Mathematik, Bericht Nr. 124 \\ 78-4 \> Gr\"obner Bases.\\ \\ 78-5 \> ROLLETSCHEK H. \\ 78-5 \> Two Lattice-Theoretic Problems on Recursively Enumerable Sets \\ 78-5 \> Univ. Linz, Inst. f. Mathematik, Bericht Nr. 129 \\ 78-5 \> Algorithm Theory.\\ \\ 78-6 \> LICHTENBERGER F. \\ 78-6 \> Speeding Up Algorithms on Graphs by Using Computer Trees \\ 78-6 \> Univ. Linz, Inst. f. Mathematik, Bericht Nr. 130 + Nagl/\\ 78-6 \> Schneider eds.: Graphs, Data Structures, Algorithms, Applied\\ 78-6 \> Computer Science 13, pp. 65-79, Hanser Verlag \\ 78-6 \> Parallel Computation.\\ \\ 78-7 \> KOLLREIDER C. \\ 78-7 \> Polynomial Reduction: A Termination Proof for a Reduction\\ 78-7 \> Algorithm \\ 78-7 \> Unvi. Linz, Inst. f. Mathematik, Bericht Nr. 123 \\ 78-7 \> Gr\"obner Bases.\\ \\ 78-8 \> BUCHBERGER B., ROIDER B. \\ 78-8 \> Input/Output Codings and Transition Functions in Effective\\ 78-8 \> Systems \\ 78-8 \> Int. J. General Systems, 1978, vol. 4, pp. 201-209 \\ 78-8 \> Algorithm Theory. Semantics of Programming Languages.\\ \\ 78-9 \> BUCHBERGER B., KOLLREIDER C. \\ 78-9 \> An Improved Algorithmic Construction of Gr\"obner Bases for\\ 78-9 \> Polynomial Ideals \\ 78-9 \> ACM-SIGSAM Bulletin, vol. 12/2, pp. 27-36 \\ 78-9 \> Gr\"obner Bases.\\ \\ 78-10 \> BUCHBERGER B., QUATEMBER B. \\ 78-10 \> Systems with Universal Outsystems, Realization and Application \\ 78-10 \> Progress in Cybernetics and Systems Research, vol. VII, pp. 25-\\ 78-10 \> 32, Hemisphere Publ. Corp. \\ 78-10 \> Parallel Computation.\\ \\ 78-11 \> BUCHBERGER B. \\ 78-11 \> Computer-Trees and their Programming \\ 78-11 \> Troisieme Colloque de Lille "Les arbres en algebre et en\\ 78-11 \> programmation" \\ 78-11 \> Parallel Computation.\\ \\ 78-12 \> WINKLER F. \\ 78-12 \> Implementierung eines Algorithmus zur Konstruktion von Gr\"obner\\ 78-12 \> Basen \\ 78-12 \> Diplomarbeit \\ 78-12 \> Gr\"obner Bases.\\ \\ 79-1 \> FALKINGER J. \\ 79-1 \> Universalit\"at von berechenbaren Numerierungen von primitiv\\ 79-1 \> rekursiven Funktionen \\ 79-1 \> Zeitschrift f\"ur Mathem. Logik und Grundlagen d. Mathem., \\ 79-1 \> Bd. 26/6, pp. 523-528 \\ 79-1 \> Algorithm Theory. Semantics of Programming Languages.\\ \\ 79-2 \> BUCHBERGER B. \\ 79-2 \> A Criterion for Detecting Unnecessary Reductions in the\\ 79-2 \> Construction of Gr\"obner-Bases \\ 79-2 \> Proc. EUROSAM 79, Marseille, LNCS 72 \\ 79-2 \> Gr\"obner Bases.\\ \\ 79-3 \> PRINI G., RUDALICS M. \\ 79-3 \> The LAMBDINO Storage Management System \\ 79-3 \> Institutsbericht Nr. 138 + Byte Publications 79/08, pp. 26-32 \\ 79-3 \> Software Technology.\\ \\ 79-4 \> BUCHBERGER B., WINKLER F. \\ 79-4 \> Miscellaneous Results on the Construction of Gr\"obner-Bases for\\ 79-4 \> Polynomial Ideals \\ 79-4 \> Institutsbericht Nr. 137 \\ 79-4 \> Gr\"obner Bases.\\ \\ 79-5 \> BUCHBERGER B., NEUBAUER R., ROLLETSCHEK H., SEEBER G. \\ 79-5 \> A Note on Some Variants of the Notion of Creative Set \\ 79-5 \> Institutsbericht Nr. 139 \\ 79-5 \> Algorithm Theory.\\ \\ 79-6 \> BUCHBERGER B., FEGERL J., LICHTENBERGER F. \\ 79-6 \> Computer-Trees: A Multimicrocomputer Concept for Special Purpose\\ 79-6 \> Parallel Processing \\ 79-6 \> Microprocessors and Microsystems vol. 3, no. 6, special issue on\\ 79-6 \> Multimicroprocessor systems, pp. 244-248 \\ 79-6 \> Parallel Computation. \\ 79-7 \> BUCHBERGER B. \\ 79-7 \> Operationale Lernzielbeschreibung und Problemorientierter\\ 79-7 \> Unterricht \\ 79-7 \> Vortrag beim Mathematisch-Didaktischen Kolloquium am 6./7. Sept.\\ 79-7 \> 1979 in Linz \\ 79-7 \> Education.\\ \\ 79-8 \> BUCHBERGER B. \\ 79-8 \> Multi-Microcomputer Systeme \\ 79-8 \> Vortrag im Rahmen des Aufbauseminars Informationstechnische\\ 79-8 \> Behandlung kryptologischer Probleme am Inst. f.\\ 79-8 \> Systemwissenschaften, Univ. Linz \\ 79-8 \> Parallel Computation.\\ \\ 79-9 \> BUCHBERGER B. \\ 79-9 \> Automatisches Beweisen und k\"unstliche Intelligenz \\ 79-9 \> Vortrag im Rahmen des Aufbauseminars Informationstechnische\\ 79-9 \> Behandlung kryptologischer Probleme am Inst. f.\\ 79-9 \> Systemwissenschaften, Univ. Linz \\ 79-9 \> Automated Theorem Proving. Artificial Intelligence.\\ \\ 80-1 \> BUCHBERGER B. \\ 80-1 \> Eine Fallstudie in systematischer Algorithmenentwicklung und \\ 80-1 \> Algorithmenverifikation: Ein Algorithmus f\"ur ein Nimmspiel \\ 80-1 \> Bericht Nr. 162 \\ 80-1 \> Program Verification.\\ \\ 80-2 \> SEEBER G. \\ 80-2 \> Kreativit\"at und Universalit\"at \\ 80-2 \> Dissertation \\ 80-2 \> Algorithm Theory.\\ \\ 80-3 \> RUDALICS M. \\ 80-3 \> A Simulator for TRAMPS - Treelike Restructurable Systems of\\ 80-3 \> Autonomous Modular Processes \\ 80-3 \> Proc. 6th Int. Symp. on Mini- and Microcomputers, Budapest 1980,\\ 80-3 \> pp. 314-318 \\ 80-3 \> Parallel Computation.\\ \\ 80-4 \> BUCHBERGER B., ASPETSBERGER K. \\ 80-4 \> A Universal Variable-Topology Multi-Microprocessor-System \\ 80-4 \> Proc. 6th Int. Symp. on Mini- and Microcomputers, Budapest 1980,\\ 80-4 \> pp. 136-140 \\ 80-4 \> Parallel Computation.\\ \\ 80-5 \> QUATEMBER B. \\ 80-5 \> A Hardware Realization of a Variable-Topology Multi-\\ 80-5 \> Microprocessor System - The Implementation Principles \\ 80-5 \> Proc. 6th Int. Symp. on Mini- and Microcomputers, Budapest 1980,\\ 80-5 \> pp. 141-147 \\ 80-5 \> Parallel Computation.\\ \\ 80-6 \> ROLLETSCHEK H. \\ 80-6 \> Beitr\"age zur Systematik der Kreativit\"atsbegriffe \\ 80-6 \> Dissertation \\ 80-6 \> Algorithm Theory.\\ \\ 80-7 \> BACHMAIR L., BUCHBERGER B. \\ 80-7 \> A Simplified Proof of the Characterizatioin Theorem for Gr\"obner-\\ 80-7 \> Bases \\ 80-7 \> Institutsbericht Nr. 167, in ACM Sigsam Bulletin, vol. 14/4,\\ 80-7 \> pp. 29-34 \\ 80-7 \> Gr\"obner Bases.\\ \\ 80-8 \> ASPETSBERGER K. \\ 80-8 \> Algorithmentypen f\"ur Multi-Microcomputer Systeme \\ 80-8 \> Diplomarbeit \\ 80-8 \> Parallel Computation.\\ \\ 81-1 \> BUCHBERGER B., LICHTENBERGER F. \\ 81-1 \> Mathematik f\"ur Informatiker I (Die Methode der Mathematik). \\ 81-1 \> Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York 1980, 315 pages, \\ 81-1 \> second edition 1981 \\ 81-1 \> Mathematics for Computer Science.\\ \\ 81-2 \> BUCHBERGER B. \\ 81-2 \> H-Bases and Gr\"obner-Bases for Polynomial Ideals \\ 81-2 \> Internal Report \\ 81-2 \> Gr\"obner Bases.\\ \\ 81-3 \> ASPETSBERGER K., BUCHBERGER B. \\ 81-3 \> Proving the Correctness of Programs for Networks of L-Modules \\ 81-3 \> Internal Report \\ 81-3 \> Parallel Computation.\\ \\ 81-4 \> QUATEMBER B. \\ 81-4 \> Modular Crossbar Switch for Large-Scale Multi-Processor Systems:\\ 81-4 \> Structure and Implementation \\ 81-4 \> In AFIPS Proc. of the Nat. Computer Conf. 1981, vol. 50, pp. 125\\ 81-4 \> -135 \\ 81-4 \> Parallel Computation.\\ \\ 81-5 \> QUATEMBER B. \\ 81-5 \> New Design Philosophy for Large-Scale Systems Based on Outboard-\\ 81-5 \> Migration: Presentation of an Architectural Example \\ 81-5 \> Internal Report \\ 81-5 \> Parallel Computation.\\ \\ 81-6 \> BACHMAIR L., BUCHBERGER B. \\ 81-6 \> Simplification and Program Verification (An Annotated Bibliography)\\ 81-6 \> Internal Technical Report \\ 81-6 \> Program Verification. Simplification.\\ \\ 81-7 \> BUCHBERGER B., LICHTENBERGER F., WALLMUELLER E. \\ 81-7 \> Ein KWIC-Index System als Hilfsmittel zur Abfassung \\ 81-7 \> fremdsprachlicher wissenschaftlicher Literatur \\ 81-7 \> Internal Technical Report \\ 81-7 \> Organisation.\\ \\ 81-8 \> BUCHBERGER B. \\ 81-8 \> Publications and Reports of the Working Group. 1979-1981 \\ 81-8 \> Documentation \\ 81-8 \> Organisation.\\ \\ 81-9 \> BUCHBERGER B. \\ 81-9 \> Computer-unterst\"utztes mathematisches Probleml\"osen: Eine\\ 81-9 \> \"Ubersicht \\ 81-9 \> In "Artificial Intelligence" ed.: Horn, 1983 \\ 81-9 \> Education.\\ \\ 81-10 \> BUCHBERGER B., LICHTENBERGER F., ROLLETSCHEK H., WINKLER F. \\ 81-10 \> An Algorithm for Constructing Canonical Bases (Gr\"obner-Bases)\\ 81-10 \> of Polynomial Ideals \\ 81-10 \> ACM-TOMS, vor II, (1985) no. 1, pp. 66-78 \\ 81-10 \> Gr\"obner Bases.\\ \\ 81-11 \> LICHTENBERGER F. \\ 81-11 \> Reduce: Ein Beispiel eines Software-Systems f\"ur symbolisches\\ 81-11 \> und algebraisches Rechnen \\ 81-11 \> Lecture Notes (Vortrag gehalten im Rahmen der Vortragsreihe\\ 81-11 \> "Computerunterst\"utztes Mathematisches Probleml\"osen" am\\ 81-11 \> 29. 10. 1981) \\ 81-11 \> Computer Algebra Languages.\\ \\ 81-12 \> WINKLER F. \\ 81-12 \> SAC-2: Ein Beispiel eines Software-Systems f\"ur symbolisches\\ 81-12 \> und algebraisches Rechnen \\ 81-12 \> Lecture Notes (Vortrag gehalten im Rahmen der Vortragsreihe\\ 81-12 \> "Computerunterst\"utztes Mathematisches Probleml\"osen" am\\ 81-12 \> 5. 11. 1981)\\ 81-12 \> Computer Algebra Languages.\\ \\ 81-13 \> DAVENPORT J. H. \\ 81-13 \> Symbolic Integration \\ 81-13 \> Lecture Notes (Vortrag gehalten im Rahmen der Vortragsreihe\\ 81-13 \> "Computerunterst\"utztes Mathematisches Probleml\"osen" am\\ 81-13 \> 12. 11. 1981) \\ 81-13 \> Computer Analysis\\ \\ 81-14 \> BUCHBERGER B., FEGERL J. \\ 81-14 \> A Hardware-Realization of l-networks with Fixed and Flexible\\ 81-14 \> Interconnections: Bit-parallel Version \\ 81-14 \> Internal Technical Report \\ 81-14 \> Parallel Computation.\\ \\ 81-15 \> LICHTENBERGER F. \\ 81-15 \> Einf\"uhrung in das Programmieren in LISP \\ 81-15 \> In: Bericht der Fr\"uhjahrsschule 1982 "K\"unstliche\\ 81-15 \> Intelligenz", Teisendorf \\ 81-15 \> Functional Programming.\\ \\ 81-16 \> BUCHBERGER B. \\ 81-16 \> Detailbeschreibung des Forschungsprojekts "Programmverifikation:\\ 81-16 \> Teilprojekt Simplifikation" \\ 81-16 \> Proposal \\ 81-16 \> Program Verification. Simplification.\\ \\ 81-17 \> BUCHBERGER B. \\ 81-17 \> Mathematik f\"ur Informatiker (P\"adagogisches Konzept eines\\ 81-17 \> Vorlesungszyklus an der Universit\"at Linz) \\ 81-17 \> Vortrag gehalten am 12. Mai 1981 in Bad Honneff\\ 81-17 \> (Arbeitsausschu{\ss} "Ausbildung" GI) \\ 81-17 \> Mathematics for Computer Science.\\ \\ 81-18 \> BUCHBERGER B. \\ 81-18 \> Berufsaussichten des Technikstudiums \\ 81-18 \> Vorbereitung eines Radiointerviews (ORF Linz, Nov. 1981) \\ 81-18 \> Politics.\\ \\ 82-1 \> WINKLER F. \\ 82-1 \> A Theorem on the Headterms of a Gr\"obner-Bases \\ 82-1 \> Univ. Linz, Institut f. Mathematik, Bericht Nr. 213 \\ 82-1 \> Gr\"obner Bases.\\ \\ 82-2 \> WINKLER F. \\ 82-2 \> Attempts to Establish a General Critical Pair - Completion\\ 82-2 \> Algorithm \\ 82-2 \> Univ. Linz, Institut f. Mathematik, Bericht Nr. 215 \\ 82-2 \> Gr\"obner Bases. Critical Pair Completion.\\ \\ 82-3 \> KUTZLER B. \\ 82-3 \> Erste Erfahrungen mit muSIMP/muMATH-80 von Microsoft - Ein\\ 82-3 \> Softwarepaket f\"ur Symbolisches Rechnen auf einem 8 bit\\ 82-3 \> Microcomputer \\ 82-3 \> Lecture Notes \\ 82-3 \> Computer Algebra Languages.\\ \\ 82-4 \> BUCHBERGER B. \\ 82-4 \> Studienschwerpunkt CAMP (Computer-Aided Mathematical Problem\\ 82-4 \> Solving) an der Universit\"at Linz \\ 82-4 \> Proposal \\ 82-4 \> Education. Organisation.\\ \\ 82-5 \> NESTROY U. \\ 82-5 \> Algebraische Simplifikation: Grundbegriffe, Satz von Richardson-\\ 82-5 \> Caviness-Matijasevic und Simplifikation von Exponentialtermen \\ 82-5 \> Diplomarbeit \\ 82-5 \> Simplification.\\ \\ 82-6 \> STREICHER T. \\ 82-6 \> \"Uber ein ungel\"ostes Vollst\"andigkeitsproblem in der\\ 82-6 \> denotationalen Semantik von Programmiersprachen \\ 82-6 \> In: Sprache-Information-Wirklichkeit, Herausgeber: Rainer Born,\\ 82-6 \> Conceptus Sondernummer, Wien/Linz 1982, pp. 79-90 \\ 82-6 \> Semantics of Programming Languages.\\ \\ 82-7 \> STREICHER T. \\ 82-7 \> Scott Domains, Computability and the Denotability Problem \\ 82-7 \> Diplomarbeit \\ 82-7 \> Semantics of Programming Languages.\\ \\ 82-8 \> BACHMAIR L. \\ 82-8 \> Special Theorem Proving and Program Verification \\ 82-8 \> Lecture Note \\ 82-8 \> Automated Theorem Proving. Program Verification.\\ \\ 82-9 \> KUTZLER B., LICHTENBERGER F. \\ 82-9 \> Bibliography on Abstract Data Types \\ 82-9 \> Informatik-Fachbericht, Bd. 68, Springer Verlag, 194 pages \\ 82-9 \> Abstract Data Types.\\ \\ 82-10 \> FUNK G. \\ 82-10 \> Implementierung eines Abstrakten Datentyps durch einen\\ 82-10 \> iterativen Modul: eine Fallstudie \\ 82-10 \> Interner Bericht \\ 82-10 \> Abstract Data Types. Software Technology.\\ \\ 82-11 \> COLLINS G.E., MIGNOTTE M., WINKLER F. \\ 82-11 \> Arithmetic in Basic Algebraic Domains \\ 82-11 \> In: Buchberger/Collins/Loos eds.: Computer Algebra-Symbolic and\\ 82-11 \> Algebraic Computation, Computing Supplement 4, Springer Verlag \\ 82-11 \> Computer Algebra Algorithms. \\ \\ 82-12 \> BUCHBERGER B., LOOS R. \\ 82-12 \> Algebraic Simplification \\ 82-12 \> In: Buchberger/Collins/Loos eds.: Computer Algebra-Symbolic and\\ 82-12 \> Algebraic Computation, Computing Supplement 4, Springer Verlag \\ 82-12 \> Simplification.\\ \\ 82-13 \> BUCHBERGER B., LICHTENBERGER F. \\ 82-13 \> Mathematik f. Informatiker II (Problemtypen, Datentypen,\\ 82-13 \> Algorithmentypen: Ein \"Uberblick \"uber die Mathematik) \\ 82-13 \> Vorlesungsskriptum \\ 82-13 \> Mathematics for Computer Science.\\ \\ 82-14 \> BUCHBERGER B., COLLINS G.E., LOOS R. \\ 82-14 \> Computer Algebra - Symbolic and Algebraic Computation \\ 82-14 \> Computer Supplement 4, Springer, 270 pages \\ 82-14 \> Computer Algebra Algorithms. Computer Algebra Languages.\\ 82-14 \> Computer Algebra Applications.\\ \\ 82-15 \> BUCHBERGER B. et al \\ 82-15 \> Arbeitsplan 1983 f. das Forschungsprojekt Programmverifikation\\ 82-15 \> (Teilprojekt: Simplifikation) \\ 82-15 \> Interner Bericht \\ 82-15 \> Program Verification.\\ \\ 82-16 \> BUCHBERGER B. \\ 82-16 \> Computer-unterst\"utzter Algorithmenentwurf \\ 82-16 \> Proc. Fr\"uhjahrsschule K\"unstliche Intelligenz, Teisendorf, \\ 82-16 \> Informatik Fachberichte, Springer Verlag\\ 82-16 \> Automatic Programming.\\ \\ 82-17 \> BACHMAIR L. \\ 82-17 \> The Nelson-Oppen Method for Combining Special Theorem Provers: \\ 82-17 \> Implementation and Application to Program Verification \\ 82-17 \> Diplomarbeit \\ 82-17 \> Automated Theorem Proving.\\ \\ 82-18 \> BACHMAIR L. \\ 82-18 \> Implementation of the Nelson-Oppen Method for Combining Decision\\ 82-18 \> Procedures: Implementation Guide \\ 82-18 \> Technical Report \\ 82-18 \> Automated Theorem Proving.\\ \\ 82-19 \> KUTZLER B. \\ 82-19 \> \"Uberblick zu: King/Floyds "An Interpretation Oriented Theorem\\ 82-19 \> Prover over Integers" \\ 82-19 \> Internal Report \\ 82-19 \> Automated Theorem Proving. \\ \\ 82-20 \> WINKLER F. \\ 82-20 \> An Algorithm for Constructing Detaching Bases in the Ring of\\ 82-20 \> Polynomials over a Field \\ 82-20 \> Technical Report \\ 82-20 \> Gr\"obner Bases. Computer Algebra Algorithms.\\ \\ 82-21 \> WINKLER F. \\ 82-21 \> An Algorithm for Constructing Detaching Bases in the Ring of\\ 82-21 \> Polynomials over a Field \\ 82-21 \> Proc. EUROCAL'83, LNCS, London \\ 82-21 \> Gr\"obner Bases. Computer Algebra Algorithms.\\ \\ 82-22 \> M\"OLLER H.M., BUCHBERGER B. \\ 82-22 \> The Construction of Multivariate Polynomials with Preassigned\\ 82-22 \> Zeros \\ 82-22 \> Proc. EUROCAM'82, LNCS 144, pp. 24-31 \\ 82-22 \> Gr\"obner Bases.\\ \\ 82-23 \> BUCHBERGER B. \\ 82-23 \> Miscellaneous Results on Gr\"obner-Bases for Polynomial Ideals II\\ 82-23 \> Technical Report + Univ. of Delaware, DCS, TR 83-1 \\ 82-23 \> Gr\"obner Bases.\\ \\ 82-24 \> ASPETSBERGER K., BUCHBERGER B., STREICHER T. \\ 82-24 \> Random Simultaneous Access of Two Processes to a Resource: \\ 82-24 \> Realization by L-Networks \\ 82-24 \> Internal Technical Report \\ 82-24 \> Parallel Computation.\\ \\ 82-25 \> BUCHBERGER B. \\ 82-25 \> Zu den Arbeitstechniken des Mathematikers: B) Allgemeine \\ 82-25 \> methodische und didaktische Techniken zur Vermittlung von\\ 82-25 \> mathematischen Inhalten (f\"ur Lehramtskandidaten und\\ 82-25 \> Technische Mathematiker) \\ 82-25 \> Arbeitspapiere f\"ur den Unterricht an AHS, Heft 12 \\ 82-25 \> Education.\\ \\ 82-26 \> BUCHBERGER B. \\ 82-26 \> A Note on the Complexity of Constructing Gr\"obner-Bases \\ 82-26 \> Proc. EUROCAL'83, LNCS, London \\ 82-26 \> Gr\"obner Bases.\\ \\ 82-27 \> WINKLER F. \\ 82-27 \> Computer Algebra I \\ 82-27 \> Vorlesungsskriptum \\ 82-27 \> Computer Algebra Algorithms.\\ \\ 83-1 \> KUTZLER B. \\ 83-1 \> Erfahrungen mit Micro-Prolog von LPA \\ 83-1 \> Lecture Note \\ 83-1 \> Logic Programming.\\ \\ 83-2 \> BUCHBERGER B. \\ 83-2 \> Beispiele von Diplomarbeitsthemen im Rahmen der Arbeitsgruppe \\ 83-2 \> CAMP-Linz \\ 83-2 \> Interner Bericht \\ 83-2 \> Organisation. Education.\\ \\ 83-3 \> BUCHBERGER B., LICHTENBERGER F., RUNCK P.O., SCHL\"OGLMANN W. \\ 83-3 \> Empfehlung f\"ur die EDV-Ausbildung der Mathematik-\\ 83-3 \> Lehramtskandidaten \\ 83-3 \> Proposal \\ 83-3 \> Education. \\ \\ 83-4 \> BUCHBERGER B. \\ 83-4 \> Anleitung zum wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten (Bereich CAMP) \\ 83-4 \> Vorlesungsskriptum \\ 83-4 \> Education. Organisation.\\ \\ 83-5 \> BUCHBERGER B. \\ 83-5 \> A Critical-Pair/Completion Algorithm for Finitely Generated\\ 83-5 \> Ideals in Rings \\ 83-5 \> In: Proc. Symposium "Rekursive Kombinatorik", M\"unster, May 23-28,\\ 83-5 \> LNCS, vol. 171, pp. 137-161 \\ 83-5 \> Gr\"obner Bases.\\ \\ 83-6 \> STREICHER T. \\ 83-6 \> Proving Inductive Properties of Abstract Data Types Without \\ 83-6 \> Induction \\ 83-6 \> Report \\ 83-6 \> Automatic Programming. Abstract Data Types.\\ \\ 83-7 \> CAMP \\ 83-7 \> Publications and Reports of the Working Group 1982 \\ 83-7 \> Documentation \\ 83-7 \> Organisation.\\ \\ 83-8 \> BACHMAIR L., BUCHBERGER B., LICHTENBERGER F., STREICHER T. \\ 83-8 \> Vortr\"age bei der Tagung "Berichte aus Informatikinstituten",\\ 83-8 \> Innsbruck, 1.-3. M\"arz 1983 \\ 83-8 \> Lecture Notes \\ 83-8 \> Organisation. Automated Theorem Proving. Abstract Data Types.\\ \\ 83-9 \> BUCHBERGER B. \\ 83-9 \> The Application of Algorithm Types. An Approach to Automatic\\ 83-9 \> Programming \\ 83-9 \> Internal Report \\ 83-9 \> Automatic Programming.\\ \\ 83-10 \> GOTTLOB G., LEITSCH A., ORTNER H. \\ 83-10 \> VTP - Ein Automatisches Beweisprogramm \\ 83-10 \> Wirtschaftsuniv. Wien, Institut f. Statistik \\ 83-10 \> Internal Report \\ 83-10 \> Automated Theorem Proving.\\ \\ 83-11 \> BUCHBERGER B., REICHL E. \\ 83-11 \> Vorschlag f\"ur einen Studienschwerpunkt K\"unstliche\\ 83-11 \> Intelligenz an der TNF der Universit\"at Linz \\ 83-11 \> Proposal \\ 83-11 \> Artificial Intelligence.\\ \\ 83-12 \> ASPETSBERGER K. \\ 83-12 \> Parallel Algorithm for the Minimum Cost Spending Tree Problem on\\ 83-12 \> L-Networks \\ 83-12 \> Technical Report \\ 83-12 \> Parallel Computation.\\ \\ 83-13 \> BUCHBERGER B. \\ 83-13 \> Components for Restructurable Multi-Micro-Processor Systems of\\ 83-13 \> Arbitrary Topology \\ 83-13 \> Proc. of MIMI 83, Lugano, pp. 67-71 \\ 83-13 \> Parallel Computation.\\ \\ 83-14 \> BUCHBERGER B., WINKLER F. \\ 83-14 \> A Criterion for Eliminiating Unnecessary Reductions in the\\ 83-14 \> Knuth-Bendix Algorithm \\ 83-14 \> Technical Report \\ 83-14 \> Critical Pair Completion.\\ \\ 83-15 \> BACHMAIR L. \\ 83-15 \> Einf\"uhrung in die Programmverifikation \\ 83-15 \> Vorlesungsskriptum \\ 83-15 \> Program Verification.\\ \\ 83-16 \> BACHMAIR L. \\ 83-16 \> Datenflu{\ss}analyse: Grundlagen und Anwendungen in der\\ 83-16 \> Softwaretechnik \\ 83-16 \> Technical Report \\ 83-16 \> Software Technology. \\ \\ 83-18 \> BACHMAIR L., FUNK G. \\ 83-18 \> Implementation of the Nelson-Oppen Method for Combining Decision \\ 83-18 \> Procedures: Implementation Guide (Second Version) \\ 83-18 \> Technical Report \\ 83-18 \> Automated Theorem Proving.\\ \\ 83-19 \> ROLLETSCHEK H. \\ 83-19 \> Proof that $ Z_Z $ is a Reduction Ring \\ 83-19 \> Technical Report \\ 83-19 \> Gr\"obner Bases.\\ \\ 83-20 \> KUTZLER B. \\ 83-20 \> The Loveland/Shostak Procedure - A Method to Simplify\\ 83-20 \> Interpreted Formulas \\ 83-20 \> Diplomarbeit \\ 83-20 \> Automated Theorem Proving.\\ \\ 83-21 \> BUCHBERGER B. \\ 83-21 \> A Critical-Pair/Completion Algorithm in Reduction Rings \\ 83-21 \> Technical Report \\ 83-21 \> Gr\"obner Bases.\\ \\ 83-22 \> WINKLER F., BUCHBERGER B. \\ 83-22 \> A Criterion for Eliminating Unnecessary Redctions in the\\ 83-22 \> Knuth-Bendix Algorithm \\ 83-22 \> In: Proc. Coll. on Algebra, Combinatorics and Logic in Computer \\ 83-22 \> Science, Gy\"or 1983, pp. 846-869 \\ 83-22 \> Critical Pair Completion.\\ \\ 83-23 \> RUDALICS M. \\ 83-23 \> An Intelligent Graphics Terminal's Intermediate Database \\ 83-23 \> Eurographics'83, North Holland \\ 83-23 \> Graphics.\\ \\ 83-24 \> BUCHBERGER B. \\ 83-24 \> Gr\"obner Bases: A Method in Symbolic Mathematics \\ 83-24 \> Invited paper for the 5th Int. Conf. on Simulation, Programming\\ 83-24 \> and Math. Methods for Solving Physical Problems, JINR, Dubna \\ 83-24 \> Gr\"obner Bases.\\ \\ 83-25 \> WINKLER F. \\ 83-25 \> On the Complexity of the Gr\"obner-Bases Algorithm over K[x,y,z] \\ 83-25 \> Technical Report \\ 83-25 \> Gr\"obner Bases.\\ \\ 83-26 \> WINKLER F. \\ 83-26 \> On the Complexity of the Gr\"obner-Bases Algorithm over K[x,y,z] \\ 83-26 \> Proc. EUROSAM 84, Cambridge, LNCS \\ 83-26 \> Gr\"obner Bases.\\ \\ 83-27 \> KRISHNAMURTHY E.V. \\ 83-27 \> Hensel's Methods in Linear Algebraic Computing I \\ 83-27 \> Technical Report \\ 83-27 \> Computer Algebra Algorithms.\\ \\ 83-28 \> KRISHNAMURTHY E.V. \\ 83-28 \> Hensel's Methods in Linear Algebraic Computing II \\ 83-28 \> Technical Report \\ 83-28 \> Computer Algebra Algorithms.\\ \\ 83-29 \> BUCHBERGER B. \\ 83-29 \> Gr\"obner Bases: An Algorithmic Method in Polynomial Ideal \\ 83-29 \> Theory \\ 83-29 \> As chapter 6 in: N.K. Bose ed.: "Recent Trends in\\ 83-29 \> Multidimensional Systems Theory", D. Reidel Publ. Company \\ 83-29 \> Gr\"obner Bases.\\ \\ 83-30 \> BUCHBERGER B., KRISHNAMURTHY E.V., WINKLER F. \\ 83-30 \> Gr\"obner Bases, Polynomial Remainder Sequences and Decoding of\\ 83-30 \> Multivariable Codes \\ 83-30 \> In: N.K. Bose ed.: "Recent Trends in Multidimensional Systems\\ 83-30 \> Theory", D. Reidel Publ. Company \\ 83-30 \> Gr\"obner Bases. Hensel Codes.\\ \\ 83-31 \> KRISHNAMURTHY E.V. \\ 83-31 \> Parallel Relaxation Algorithm for Sub-Structure Snatching Using\\ 83-31 \> Restructurable Multi-Microprocessor Systems \\ 83-31 \> Technical Report \\ 83-31 \> Parallel Computation.\\ \\ 83-32 \> KUTZLER B., LICHTENBERGER F. \\ 83-32 \> Grundkurs Programmierung \\ 83-32 \> Fernstudienskriptum \\ 83-32 \> Education. Programming.\\ \\ 83-33 \> BUCHBERGER B. \\ 83-33 \> A Survey of G\"obner Bases for Solving Problems in Connection\\ 83-33 \> with Systems of Multi-variable Polynomials \\ 83-33 \> In: N. Inada, T. Soma (eds.) Proc. Symb. and Algebr. Comp. by\\ 83-33 \> Computers, pp. 69-83, World Scientific Publ. (1985) \\ 83-33 \> Gr\"obner Bases.\\ \\ 84-1 \> WINKLER F. \\ 84-1 \> Eine ausf\"uhrliche Darstellung des Gosper-Algorithmus zur\\ 84-1 \> Berechnung von Partialsummen von Reihen \\ 84-1 \> Technical Report \\ 84-1 \> Computer Algebra Algorithms.\\ \\ 84-2 \> BUCHBERGER B. \\ 84-2 \> The Present State of the L-Networks Project \\ 84-2 \> Proc. MIMI 84. Bari, pp. 178-181 \\ 84-2 \> Parallel Computation.\\ \\ 84-3 \> BUCHBERGER B. \\ 84-3 \> Automatisches Programmieren \\ 84-3 \> chapter 8 in Retti et al (eds.): K\"unstliche Intelligenz\\ 84-3 \> Teubner-Verlag \\ 84-3 \> Automatic Programming.\\ \\ 84-4 \> BUCHBERGER B. \\ 84-4 \> Mathematik f\"ur Informatiker II\\ 84-4 \> (Probleml\"osestrategien und Algorithmentypen) \\ 84-4 \> Vorlesungsskriptum \\ 84-4 \> Mathematics for Computer Science.\\ \\ 84-5 \> GOTTLOB G., LEITSCH A. \\ 84-5 \> On the Efficiency of Subsumption Algorithms \\ 84-5 \> Technical Report \\ 84-5 \> Automated Theorem Proving.\\ \\ 84-6 \> ZASSENHAUS H. \\ 84-6 \> Symbol Manipulation and Symmetry Breaking \\ 84-6 \> Technical Report \\ 84-6 \> Computer Algebra Algorithms.\\ \\ 84-7 \> BIBEL W. \\ 84-7 \> Automatische Inferenz \\ 84-7 \> Chapter 7 in Retti et al (eds.): K\"unstliche Intelligenz, \\ 84-7 \> Teubner-Verlag \\ 84-7 \> Automated Theorem Proving.\\ \\ 84-8 \> LEITSCH A. \\ 84-8 \> On the Theorem of Rice in Subrecursive Classes \\ 84-8 \> Technical Reports \\ 84-8 \> Algorithm Theory.\\ \\ 84-9 \> BAAZ M., LEITSCH A. \\ 84-9 \> Eine Methode zur Reduktion des Synthese-Problems \\ 84-9 \> Technical Report \\ 84-9 \> Automatic Programming.\\ \\ 84-10 \> LICHTENBERGER F. \\ 84-10 \> Computer-Algebra: Die n\"achste Herausforderung an die Didaktik\\ 84-10 \> der Mathematik \\ 84-10 \> in: R. Schoper ed.: Proc. Tagung Hochschuldidaktik Mathematik,\\ 84-10 \> 4.-6.10.83, Kassel, BRD \\ 84-10 \> Education. Computer Algebra Applications.\\ \\ 84-11 \> LICHTENBERGER F. \\ 84-11 \> Algebraically Specified Abstract Data Types in PL/I \\ 84-11 \> In: M. H. Hamza ed.: Applied Mathematics, IASTED, Aeta Press \\ 84-11 \> Abstract Data Types.\\ \\ 84-12 \> ASPETSBERGER K. \\ 84-12 \> Some Examples of Parallel Algorithms for L-Networks \\ 84-12 \> In: Proc. MIMI 84, Bori, Haly, pp. 182-185 \\ 84-12 \> Parallel Computation.\\ \\ 84-13 \> WINKLER F. \\ 84-13 \> The Church-Rosser Property in Computer Algebra and Special\\ 84-13 \> Theorem Proving: An Investigation of Critical-Pair/Completion\\ 84-13 \> Algorithms \\ 84-13 \> Dissertation \\ 84-13 \> Gr\"obner Bases. Critical Pair Completion.\\ \\ 84-14 \> LICHTENBERGER F. \\ 84-14 \> Computer-Algebra am Arbeitsplatz des Ingeneurs und in der Schule\\ 84-14 \> der Zukunft \\ 84-14 \> In J. M\"uhlbacher ed.: Proc. of "Microelektronic f\"ur den\\ 84-14 \> Menschen", Linz \\ 84-14 \> Computer Algebra Application. Education. Politics.\\ \\ 84-15 \> BIBEL W., ASPETSBERGER K. \\ 84-15 \> A Bibliography on Parallel Inference Machines \\ 84-15 \> In: J. Symbolic Computation (1985), 1/1, pp. 115-118, Academic\\ 84-15 \> Press Inc., London \\ 84-15 \> Parallel Computation. Automated Theorem Proving.\\ \\ 84-17 \> LICHTENBERGER F. \\ 84-17 \> Self-Explanatory Symbolic Computation for Math Education \\ 84-17 \> Position Paper presented at ICME 5, Australien \\ 84-17 \> In SIGSAM-Bulletin, vol. 18, no. 4. \\ 84-17 \> Computer Algebra Application. Education. Politics.\\ \\ 84-18 \> ASPETSBERGER K., FUNK G. \\ 84-18 \> Experiments with muMATH in Austrian High Schools \\ 84-18 \> In SIGSAM-Bulletin, vol. 18, no. 4, pp. 4--7. \\ 84-18 \> Computer Algebra Applications. Education.\\ \\ 84-19 \> BIBEL W., BUCHBERGER B. \\ 84-19 \> Towards a Connection Machine for Logical Inference \\ 84-19 \> In "Future Generations Computer Systems", North Holland,\\ 84-19 \> pp. 177-188 \\ 84-19 \> Parallel Computation. Automated Theorem Proving.\\ \\ 84-20 \> MORA F. \\ 84-20 \> An Algorithmic Approach to Local Rings \\ 84-20 \> Technical Report \\ 84-20 \> Gr\"obner Bases.\\ \\ 84-21 \> M\"OLLER H.M., MORA F. \\ 84-21 \> Computational Aspects of Reduction Strategies to Construct\\ 84-21 \> Resolutions of Monomial Ideals \\ 84-21 \> Technical Report \\ 84-21 \> Gr\"obner Bases.\\ \\ 84-22 \> BUCHBERGER B., LICHTENBERGER F. \\ 84-22 \> Mathematik f. Informatiker: Ein algorithmenorientierter Ansatz\\ 84-22 \> an der Universit\"at Linz \\ 84-22 \> In: Tagungsband "Symposium Lehr- und Lernprozesse in der\\ 84-22 \> Ingenieurausbildung, Graz, Okt. 84 \\ 84-22 \> Mathematics for Computer Science.\\ \\ 84-23 \> LICHTENBERGER F. \\ 84-23 \> Computer-Algebra im Mathematikunterricht der Zukunft \\ 84-23 \> In Proc. 4. K\"arntner Symposium Didaktik der Mathematik,\\ 84-23 \> Klagenfurt \\ 84-23 \> Computer Algebra Applications. Education. \\ \\ 85-1 \> ASPETSBERGER K. \\ 85-1 \> Substitution Expressions: Extracting Solutions of Non-Horn \\ 85-1 \> Clause Proofs \\ 85-1 \> In B.F. Caviness ed.: Proc. EUROCAL'85, Linz, Austria, April 1-3,\\ 85-1 \> 1986, Springer Verlag, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol.\\ 85-1 \> 204, pp. 78-86 \\ 85-1 \> Automated Theorem Proving. Parallel Computation. Logic 85-1 \> Programming\\ \\ 85-2 \> BUCHBERGER B. \\ 85-2 \> CAMP-\"Uberblick \\ 85-2 \> Lecture Notes \\ 85-2 \> Symbolic Computation.\\ \\ 85-3 \> BUCHBERGER B. \\ 85-3 \> Mathematik f\"ur Informatiker II - Mathematische Modelle,\\ 85-3 \> Strukturen, Datentypen \\ 85-3 \> Lecture Notes \\ 85-3 \> Mathematics for Computer Science.\\ 85-3 \> \\ \\ 85-4 \> BUCHBERGER B., HINTENAUS P. \\ 85-4 \> The L-Language for the Parallel L-Machine - A Parallel\\ 85-4 \> Architecture for AI Applications \\ 85-4 \> In Trost/Retti eds.: Proc. \"OGAI-Tagung 1985, Wien, Austria,\\ 85-4 \> Sept. 24-27, Springer Verlag, Informatik Fachberichte, vol. 106,\\ 85-4 \> pp. 120-131 \\ 85-4 \> Parallel Computation.\\ \\ 85-5 \> PADAWITZ P. \\ 85-5 \> Abstrakte Datentypen \\ 85-5 \> Lecture Notes \\ 85-5 \> Abstract Data Types.\\ \\ 85-6 \> BUCHBERGER B. \\ 85-6 \> History and Basic Features of the Critical-Pair/Completion\\ 85-6 \> Approach \\ 85-6 \> In Proc. Rewriting Techniques and Applications 1985, Dijon,\\ 85-6 \> France, May 20-22, Springer Verlag, Lecture Notes in Computer\\ 85-6 \> Sience, vol. 202, pp. 1-45 \\ 85-6 \> Critical Pair Completion.\\ \\ 85-7 \> BAUMG\"ARTLER T. \\ 85-7 \> An MProlog Primer (VM/CMS Version) \\ 85-7 \> Technical Report \\ 85-7 \> Logic Programming.\\ \\ 85-8 \> ASPETSBERGER K., BAYERL S. \\ 85-8 \> Two Parallel Versions of the Connection Method for Propositional\\ 85-8 \> Logic on the L-Machine \\ 85-8 \> Proc. GWAI'85, Dassel/Solingen, FRG, Sept. 23-28, Springer\\ 85-8 \> Verlag, Informatik Fachbericht \\ 85-8 \> Parallel Computation. Automated Theorem Proving. \\ \\ 85-9 \> ASPETSBERGER K. \\ 85-9 \> Towards Parallel Machines for Artificial Intelligence:\\ 85-9 \> Realization of the Alice Architecture by the L-Components \\ 85-9 \> In Trost/Retti eds.: Proc. \"OGAI-Tagung 1985, Wien, Austria,\\ 85-9 \> Sept. 24-27, Springer Verlag, Informatik Fachberichte, vol. 106,\\ 85-9 \> pp 108-119 \\ 85-9 \> Parallel Computation. Artificial Intelligence.\\ \\ 85-10 \> RUDALICS M. \\ 85-10 \> Parallel Memory Management on a Multimecroprocessor System \\ 85-10 \> Proc. EUROMICRO'85 Symposium, Brussels, Belgium, Sept., North\\ 85-10 \> Holland, pp. 335-344 \\ 85-10 \> Parallel Computation. Software Technology.\\ \\ 85-11 \> LINEMAYR I., RUDALICS M. \\ 85-11 \> Parallele Speicherverwaltung f\"ur einen graphischen\\ 85-11 \> Arbeitsplatzrechner \\ 85-11 \> In Proc. GI/OCG/\"OGI Jahrestagung'85, Wien, Austria, Springer\\ 85-11 \> Verlag, Informatik Fachberichte, vol. 108, pp. 427-438 \\ 85-11 \> Parallel Computation. Software Technology. Graphics.\\ \\ 85-12 \> RUDALICS M. \\ 85-12 \> Multiprocessing Memory Management on a Graphic Workstation \\ 85-12 \> In Proc. Int. Symp. New Directions in Computing, Trondheim,\\ 85-12 \> Norway, Aug. 12-14, IEEE Computer Society Press, 368-377 \\ 85-12 \> Parallel Computation. Software Technology. Graphics.\\ \\ 85-13 \> LINEMAYR I., RUDALICS M. \\ 85-13 \> Storage Management Bibliography \\ 85-13 \> Technical Report \\ 85-13 \> Software Technology.\\ \\ 85-14 \> HENZINGER T. A., HOFBAUER H. \\ 85-14 \> Proof-Pad: An Interactive Proof Generating System Using Natural\\ 85-14 \> Language Deduction \\ 85-14 \> In Trost/Retti eds.: Proc. \"OGAI-Tagung 1985, Wien, Austria,\\ 85-14 \> Sept. 24-27, Springer Verlag, Informatik Fachberichte, vol. 106,\\ 85-14 \> pp. 173-184 \\ 85-14 \> Automated Theorem Proving.\\ \\ 85-15 \> RUDALICS M. \\ 85-15 \> A Modeller-Friendly Device Interface \\ 85-15 \> In Proc. 6th Int. Symp. Computer Aided Design, Zagreb,\\ 85-15 \> Yugoslavia, Oct. 1984, pp. 33-38 \\ 85-15 \> Software Technology.\\ \\ 85-16 \> NAUMANN B., RUDALICS M. \\ 85-16 \> Text Processing in a Small Scale Environment \\ 85-16 \> In Proc. 4th Int. Microcomputer Applications Conf., Hibiya,\\ 85-16 \> Japan, May 28-30, 1984, pp. 102-109 \\ 85-16 \> Software Technology.\\ \\ 85-17 \> KUTZLER B., STIFTER S. \\ 85-17 \> On the Application of Buchberger's Algorithm to Automated\\ 85-17 \> Geometry Theorem Proving \\ 85-17 \> In Journal of Symbolic Computation, vol. 2, pp. 389--397 \\ 85-17 \> Geo Theorem Proving.\\ \\ 85-18 \> DITTENBERGER K. \\ 85-18 \> Hensel Codes: An Efficient Method for Exact Numerical\\ 85-18 \> Computation \\ 85-18 \> Diploma Thesis \\ 85-18 \> Computer Algebra Algorithms.\\ \\ 85-19 \> DITTENBERGER K. \\ 85-19 \> Hensel Codes: Program Documentation \\ 85-19 \> Technical Report \\ 85-19 \> Computer Algebra Algorithms.\\ \\ 85-20 \> HENZINGER T. A. \\ 85-20 \> Bibliography on First-Order Non-Resolution Theorem Proving\\ 85-20 \> Techniques \\ 85-20 \> Technical Report \\ 85-20 \> Automated Theorem Proving.\\ \\ 85-21 \> HENZINGER T. A. \\ 85-21 \> Resolution: A Special Case of the Manna-Waldinger Relation\\ 85-21 \> Replacement Rule \\ 85-21 \> Technical Report \\ 85-21 \> Automated Theorem Proving.\\ \\ 85-22 \> BUCHBERGER B. \\ 85-22 \> EUROCAL'85 - Proceedings Vol. 1: Invited Lectures \\ 85-22 \> Springer Verlag, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 203 \\ 85-22 \> Symbolic Computation. Computer Algebra.\\ \\ 85-23 \> CAVINESS B. F. \\ 85-23 \> EUROCAL'85 - Proceedings Vol. 2: Research Contributions \\ 85-23 \> Springer Verlag, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 204 \\ 85-23 \> Symbolic Computation. Computer Algebra.\\ \\ 85-24 \> BUCHBERGER B. \\ 85-24 \> The L-Machine: An Attempt at Parallel Hardware for Symbolic\\ 85-24 \> Computation \\ 85-24 \> In J. Calmet ed.: Proc. 3rd Int. Conf. Algebraic Algorithms and\\ 85-24 \> Error-Correcting Codes, Grenoble, France, July 15-19, 1985,\\ 85-24 \> Springer Verlag, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 229,\\ 85-24 \> 333-347 \\ 85-24 \> Parallel Computation.\\ \\ 85-25 \> BUCHBERGER B., DITTENBERGER K. \\ 85-25 \> Exact Computation by Hensel Codes: Complete Procedures \\ 85-25 \> Conf. Computer Algebra and Its Applications in Theoretical\\ 85-25 \> Physics, Dubna, USSR, Sept. 17-20, Invited Paper \\ 85-25 \> Computer Algebra Algorithms.\\ \\ 85-26 \> FUNK G. \\ 85-26 \> Verifikation der Prozedur TA-NORMAL aus dem PATH-TRACE-COUNTER ---\\ 85-26 \> Eine Fallstudie \\ 85-26 \> Technical Report \\ 85-26 \> Program Verification\\ \\ 85-27 \> ASPETSBERGER K., KASS P., KURFESS F. \\ 85-27 \> Report on Several Possible Multiprocessor Machine Architectures \\ 85-27 \> Deliverable for the ESPRIT Project 415-F \\ 85-27 \> Parallel Computation.\\ \\ 85-28 \> STIFTER S. \\ 85-28 \> Computation of Gr\"obner Bases over the Integers and in General\\ 85-28 \> Reduction Rings \\ 85-28 \> Diploma Thesis \\ 85-28 \> Gr\"obner Bases. \\ \\ 85-29 \> KUTZLER B., STIFTER S. \\ 85-29 \> Automated Geometry Theorem Proving Using Buchberger's Algorithm \\ 85-29 \> In B. W. Char ed.: Proc. SYMSAC'86, Waterloo, Canada, July 21-23,\\ 85-29 \> 1986, ACM Publications, pp. 209-214 \\ 85-29 \> Geo Theorem Proving. Gr\"obner Bases.\\ \\ 85-30 \> ROIDER B. \\ 85-30 \> Withdrawing Keys from a Scatter Table \\ 85-30 \> Technical Reports \\ 85-30 \> Combinatorics. Software Technology. Data Structures.\\ \\ 86-1 \> KUTZLER B., STIFTER S. \\ 86-1 \> A Geometry Theorem Prover Based on Buchberger's Algorithm \\ 86-1 \> In: J.H. Siekmann ed. Proc. CADE-8, Oxford, England, July 27 -- \\ 86-1 \> Aug 1, 1986, LNCS, vol. 230, pp. 693--694, Springer Verlag \\ 86-1 \> VOEST-ALPINE AG Linz \\ 86-1 \> Geo Theorem Proving. Gr\"obner Bases.\\ \\ 86-2 \> HINTENAUS P. \\ 86-2 \> The L-Compiler and the L-Monitor. Two Tools for Programming the \\ 86-2 \> Parallel L-Machine \\ 86-2 \> Diploma Thesis \\ 86-2 \> SIEMENS AG M\"unchen \\ 86-2 \> Parallel Computation.\\ \\ 86-3 \> HADZIKADIZ M., LICHTENBERGER F., YUN D.Y.Y. \\ 86-3 \> An Application of Knowledge-Base Technology in Education: A Geometry\\ 86-3 \> Theorem Prover \\ 86-3 \> In: B.W. Char ed. Proc. SYMSAC'86, Waterloo, Canada, July 21--23,\\ 86-3 \> 1986, ACM Publications no. 505860, pp. 141--147 \\ 86-3 \> Southern Methodist Univ. \\ 86-3 \> Geo Theorem Proving. Education.\\ \\ 86-4 \> KASS P. \\ 86-4 \> The L-Assembler --- A Basic Software Tool for Programming the\\ 86-4 \> Parallel L-Machine \\ 86-4 \> Diploma Thesis \\ 86-4 \> SIEMENS AG M\"unchen \\ 86-4 \> Parallel Computation.\\ \\ 86-5 \> KUTZLER B., STIFTER S. \\ 86-5 \> New Approaches to Computerized Proofs of Geometry Theorems \\ 86-5 \> European Community (project COST 13) \\ 86-5 \> Geo Theorem Proving.\\ \\ 86-6 \> SAKATA S. \\ 86-6 \> Finding a Minimal Set of Linear Recurring Relations Capable of \\ 86-6 \> Generating a Given Finite Two-Dimensional Array \\ 86-6 \> Submitted to J. Symbolic Computation\\ 86-6 \> SIEMENS AG M\"unchen \\ 86-6 \> Gr\"obner Bases. Coding Theory.\\ \\ 86-7 \> BUCHBERGER B., KUTZLER B. \\ 86-7 \> Computer-Algebra fuer den Ingenieur \\ 86-7 \> In Buchberger et al: Rechnerorientierte Verfahren, Teubner Verlag, \\ 86-7 \> pp. 11-68\\ 86-7 \> IBM Vienna, IBM Yorktown Heights, SIEMENS AG M\"unchen \\ 86-7 \> Computer Algebra.\\ \\ 86-8 \> ROIDER B., STADLBAUER H. \\ 86-8 \> The Forward Kinematics of Robots in Computer-Aided Design \\ 86-8 \> Technical Report \\ 86-8 \> VOEST-ALPINE AG Linz \\ 86-8 \> Robot Programming.\\ \\ 86-9 \> STADLBAUER H. \\ 86-9 \> Decomposition of Univariate Polynomials --- Algorithms and \\ 86-9 \> Theoretical Results \\ 86-9 \> Diploma Thesis \\ 86-9 \> SIEMENS AG M\"unchen \\ 86-9 \> Computer Algebra Algorithms.\\ \\ 86-10 \> GAERTNER J. \\ 86-10 \> Summation in Finite Terms --- Presentation and Implementation of \\ 86-10 \> M. Karr's Algorithm \\ 86-10 \> Diploma Thesis (internal use only) \\ 86-10 \> SIEMENS AG M\"unchen \\ 86-10 \> Computer Analysis. Computer Algebra Algorithms.\\ \\ 86-11 \> STIFTER S. \\ 86-11 \> Intersection of Superellipsiods with Spheres and Planes \\ 86-11 \> Technical Report \\ 86-11 \> VOEST-ALPINE AG Linz \\ 86-11 \> Computational Geometry. Robot Programming.\\ \\ 86-12 \> KUTZLER B., STIFTER S. \\ 86-12 \> Collection of Computerized Proofs of Geometry Theorems \\ 86-12 \> Technical Reports \\ 86-12 \> VOEST-ALPINE AG Linz \\ 86-12 \> Geo Theorem Proving.\\ \\ 86-13 \> BAAZ M., LEITSCH. \\ 86-13 \> Strong Inference in Automated Theorem Proving \\ 86-13 \> Technical Report \\ 86-13 \> VOEST-ALPINE AG Linz \\ 86-13 \> Automated Theorem Proving.\\ \\ 86-14 \> RUDALICS M. \\ 86-14 \> Distributed Copying Garbage Collection \\ 86-14 \> In Proc. LISP and Functional Programming, Cambridge, USA, Aug. \\ 86-14 \> 4-6, 1986, ACM Publications (order no. 552860), pp. 364-372\\ 86-14 \> SIEMENS AG M\"unchen \\ 86-14 \> Software Technology. Functional Programming. Parallel Computation.\\ \\ 86-15 \> BAUMG\"ARTLER T. \\ 86-15 \> PROLOG for Geometric Construction \\ 86-15 \> Diploma Thesis \\ 86-15 \> VOEST-ALPINE AG Linz \\ 86-15 \> Geo Theorem Proving. Logic Programming.\\ \\ 86-16 \> HENZINGER T. A. \\ 86-16 \> Denotational Equivalence of Goal-Driven and Data-Driven \\ 86-16 \> Interpretation of Applicative Programs \\ 86-16 \> Diploma Thesis \\ 86-16 \> Univ. Delaware \\ 86-16 \> Semantics of Programming Languages.\\ \\ 86-17 \> LICHTENBERGER F. \\ 86-17 \> Programmverifikation und Programmsynthese \\ 86-17 \> In: Handbuch der Modernen Datenverarbeitung --- Formale Methoden\\ 86-17 \> in der Systementwicklung, Forkel-Verlag, Heft 130, Juli 1986, \\ 86-17 \> 23. Jahrgang, ISSN 0723-5208, pp. 117-127\\ 86-17 \> Automatic Programming.\\ \\ 86-18 \> WINKLER F. \\ 86-18 \> Solution of Equations I: Polynomial Ideals and Gr\"obner Bases\\ 86-18 \> Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Mathematics 125, 86-18 \> D.V. Chudnovsky, R.D. Jenks (eds.), 86-18 \> Marcel Dekker Inc., 1990. 86-18 \> Univ. Delaware \\ 86-18 \> Gr\"obner Bases.\\ \\ 86-19 \> LEITSCH A. \\ 86-19 \> H\"ohere Programmiersprachen f\"ur das Assemblierungsproblem bei\\ 86-19 \> Robotern \\ 86-19 \> Technical Report \\ 86-19 \> VOEST-ALPINE AG Linz \\ 86-19 \> Robot Programming.\\ \\ 86-20 \> IMHOFF R. \\ 86-20 \> Subsumptionsalgorithmen und ihre Effizienz \\ 86-20 \> Diploma Thesis \\ 86-20 \> Automated Programming.\\ \\ 86-21 \> BUCHBERGER B., ASPETSBERGER K., FUNK G., HINTENAUS P., KASS P.,\\ 86-21 \> KUSCHE K., LICHTENBERGER F. \\ 86-21 \> The New L-Machine: A Parallel Machine for Symbolic and Numeric\\ 86-21 \> Computation \\ 86-21 \> Proposal (internal use only) \\ 86-21 \> NIXDORF Computer AG Paderborn \\ 86-21 \> Parallel Computation.\\ \\ \normal{ \newrep \ypar{87-1 } WINKLER F. \ypar{87-1 } A p-adic Approach to the Computation of Gr\"obner Bases \kind{Technical Report } \spons{\"Osterreichische Forschungsgemeinschaft } \key{Gr\"obner Bases.} } \publ{ \newrep \ypar{87-2 } ROIDER B., STIFTER S. \ypar{87-2 } Collision of Convex Objects \kind{J. Davenport ed., Proc. EUROCAL'87, Leipzig, GDR, June 2--5, 1987, LNCS 378, Springer, pp. 258--259. } \spons{VOEST-ALPINE AG Linz } \key{Computational Geometry. Robot Programming.} } \publ{ \newrep \ypar{87-3 } STIFTER S., ROIDER S. \ypar{87-3 } Collision of Convex Objects in the Plane \kind{In: G. Pernul, A Min Tjoa eds. Proc. 10. Tagung - Berichte aus Informatik Forschungsinstitutionen, Vienna, Austria, Feb. 25--27, 1987, pp. 359--368, Oldenburg Verlag } \spons{VOEST-ALPINE AG Linz } \key{Computational Geometry. Robot Programming.} } \publ{ \newrep \ypar{87-4 } HEINZELREITER J., KUSCHE K., KUTZLER B., MAYR H. \ypar{87-4 } A Geometry Theorem Proving Package in SCRATCHPAD II \kind{In: G. Pernul, A Min Tjoa eds. Proc. 10. Tagung - Berichte aus Informatik Forschungsinstitutionen, Vienna, Austria, Feb. 25--27, 1987, pp. 349--358, Oldenburg Verlag } \spons{VOEST-ALPINE AG Linz } \key{Geo Theorem Proving.} } \publ{ \newrep \ypar{87-5 } HELD M. \ypar{87-5 } Extensions and Improvements of a Pocket Machining Algorithm by Means \ypar{87-5 } of Computational Geometry \kind{In: G. Pernul, A Min Tjoa eds. Proc. 10. Tagung - Berichte aus Informatik Forschungsinstitutionen, Vienna, Austria, Feb. 25--27, 1987, pp. 477--486, Oldenburg Verlag } \spons{VOEST-ALPINE AG Linz } \key{Computational Geometry. CAM. } } \publ{ \newrep \ypar{87-6 } MAYR H. \ypar{87-6 } Automatisches Generieren von Stanzwegen f\"ur beliebige Blechkonturen \kind{In: G. Pernul, A Min Tjoa eds. Proc. 10. Tagung - Berichte aus Informatik Forschungsinstitutionen, Vienna, Austria, Feb. 25--27, 1987, pp. 467--476, Oldenburg Verlag } \spons{VOEST-ALPINE AG Linz } \key{Computational Geometry. CAM.} } \publ{ \newrep \ypar{87-7 } BAUMG\"ARTLER T. \ypar{87-7 } PROLOG for Geometric Construction \kind{In: G. Pernul, A Min Tjoa eds. Proc. 10. Tagung - Berichte aus Informatik Forschungsinstitutionen, Vienna, Austria, Feb. 25--27, 1987, pp. 233--242, Oldenburg Verlag } \spons{VOEST-ALPINE AG Linz } \key{Geo Theorem Proving. Logic Programming.} } \normal{ \newrep \ypar{87-8 } STIFTER S. \ypar{87-8 } On the Programming of Robot Manipulators --- An Annotated Bibliography \spons{VOEST-ALPINE AG Linz } \key{Robot Programming.} } \normal{ \newrep \ypar{87-9 } WINKLER F. \ypar{87-9 } A Recursive Method for Computing a Gr\"obner Basis of a Module in $K[x_{1},\ldots,x_{n}]^{r}$ \kind{Technical Report } \spons{\"Osterreichische Forschungsgemeinschaft } \key{Gr\"obner Bases.} } \normal{ \more{ \newrep \ypar{87-10 } HIRSCHBERG W. \ypar{87-10 } Symbolische und Numerische Methoden der Dynamik (Mit Anwendungen auf Industrieroboter) \kind{Lecture Notes } \key{Robot Programming.} }} \normal{ \newrep \ypar{87-11 } WINKLER F. \ypar{87-11 } Turing-Maschinen: Grenzen der Berechenbarkeit \kind{Lecture Notes } \spons{\"Osterreichische Forschungsgemeinschaft } \key{Algorithm Theory.} } \publ{ \newrep \ypar{87-12 } BUCHBERGER B. \ypar{87-12 } The Parallelization of Critical-Pair/Completion Procedures on the \ypar{87-12 } L-Machine \kind{Proc. Japanese Symp. on Functional Programming (invited paper), Feb. 1987} \key{Parallel Computation. Critical Pair Completion.} } \publ{ \newrep \ypar{87-13 } BUCHBERGER B. \ypar{87-13 } What Can Gr\"obner Bases Do For Computational Geometry and Robotics? \kind{In: Proc. Workshop on Geometric Reasoning (invited paper), Oxford, England, June 1986 } \spons{VOEST-ALPINE AG Linz } \key{Gr\"obner Bases. Geo Reasoning.} } \publ{ \newrep \ypar{87-14 } KUTZLER B. \ypar{87-14 } Introduction to Buchberger's Gr\"obner Bases Method \kind{In: H. Crapo ed. Proc. Workshop on Computer-Aided Geometric Reasoning (invited tutorial), INRIA Sophia Antipolis, France, June 22--26, 1987 pp. 5--26 } \spons{VOEST-ALPINE AG Linz, European Community (Project COST 13) } \key{Gr\"obner Bases.} } \publ{ \newrep \ypar{87-15 } BUCHBERGER B. \ypar{87-15 } Application of Gr\"obner Bases in Non-Linear Computational Geometry \kind{Proc. Workshop on Scientific Software (invited lecture) IMA, Minneapolis, USA, March 23--26, 1987, pp. 59-88, IMA Volumes in Mathematics and its Applications 14, Springer Verlag } \spons{VOEST-ALPINE AG Linz, SIEMENS AG M\"unchen } \key{Gr\"obner Bases. Geo Reasoning.} } \internal{ \newrep \ypar{87-16 } KUTZLER B. \ypar{87-16 } Expert System Tools --- A Comparative Study \kind{Technical Report (internal use only) } \spons{SPORT AG } \key{Expert Systems.} } \publ{ \newrep \ypar{87-17 } STIFTER S. \ypar{87-17 } A Generalization of Reduction Rings \kind{In: Journal of Symbolic Computation, vol. 4(1987), pp. 351--364 } \spons{VOEST-ALPINE AG Linz } \key{Gr\"obner Bases.} } \internal{ \newrep \ypar{87-18 } HINTENAUS P. \ypar{87-18 } The Inverse Kinematics System (Installation Guide, User's Manual, \ypar{87-18 } Program Documentation) \kind{Technical Report (internal use only) } \spons{VOEST-ALPINE AG Linz } \key{Robot Programming. Computer Algebra Applications.} } \special{ \newrep \ypar{87-19 } F\"orderkreis RISC-LINZ \key{Politics. Organisation.} } \internal{ \newrep \ypar{87-20 } BUCHBERGER B. \ypar{87-20 } RISC: Interne Regelung f\"ur Projekte, Anstellungen, etc. \kind{Technical Report (internal use only) } \key{Organisation.} } \internal{ \newrep \ypar{87-21 } BAUMG\"ARTLER T. \ypar{87-21 } Bericht zur Vorstudie Expertensysteme in der SPORT AG \kind{Report (internal use only) } \spons{SPORT AG } \key{Expert Systems.} } \normal{ \newrep \ypar{87-22 } KALKBRENER M., STIFTER S. \ypar{87-22 } Some Examples for Using Quantifier Elimination for the Collision Problem \kind{Technical Report } \spons{VOEST-ALPINE AG Linz } \key{Robot Programming.} } \normal{ \more{ \newrep \ypar{87-23 } HELD M. \ypar{87-23 } Fully Automated Pocket Machinig by Means of Computational Geometry \kind{Diploma Thesis } \spons{VOEST-ALPINE AG Linz CAM} }} \normal{ \newrep \ypar{87-24 } MCCALLUM S. \ypar{87-24 } On Determination of the Topology of a Real Algebraic Curve Near a Point \kind{Technical Report } \spons{VOEST-ALPINE AG Linz } \key{Computer Algebra Algorithms. Robot Programming.} } \normal{ \newrep \ypar{87-25 } MCCALLUM S. \ypar{87-25 } Solving Polynomial Strict Inequalities Using Cylindrical Algebraic Decomposition \kind{Technical Report } \spons{VOEST-ALPINE AG Linz } \key{Computer Algebra Algorithms. Robot Programming.} } \internal{ \newrep \ypar{87-26 } WINKLER F. \ypar{87-26 } Algorithmen und Software f\"ur die Algebraische Geometrie \kind{Proposal Project P6763, FFWF (internal use only) } \spons{\"Osterreichische Forschungsgemeinschaft } \key{Computer Algebra. Geo Reasoning.} } \publ{ \newrep \ypar{87-27 } PAULE P. \ypar{87-27 } A Remark on the Lemma of Ingleton and Pfiff and the Construction of \ypar{87-27 } Bijections \kind{In: Bayreuther Mathematische Schriften, Heft 25, pp. 123--127, 1987 Univ. Bayreuth } \key{Combinatorics.} } \internal{ \newrep \ypar{87-28 } STADLBAUER H. \ypar{87-28 } The Extension of a Robot Programming System for Providing \ypar{87-28 } Multitasking \kind{Technical Report (internal use only) } \spons{VOEST-ALPINE AG Linz } \key{Robot Programming. Parallel Computation.} } \internal{ \more{ \newrep \ypar{87-29 } KASS P., STEINACKER I. \ypar{87-29 } UIMS Benutzerhandbuch \kind{Technical Report (internal use only) } \spons{VOEST-ALPINE AG Linz } }} \normal{ \newrep \ypar{87-30 } KALKBRENER M. \ypar{87-30 } Application of Gr\"obner Bases: Solution of Algebraic Equations and Decomposition of Radicals \kind{Diploma Thesis } \key{Gr\"obner Bases.} } \internal{ \newrep \ypar{87-31 } BAUMGARTNER G., LICHTENBERGER F. \ypar{87-31 } Trusted Software in the Frame of the EUREKA-Project OASIS \kind{Proposal project OASIS, EUREKA (internal use only)} \spons{VOEST-ALPINE AG Linz, EUREKA project OASIS } \key{Program Verification.} } \normal{ \newrep \ypar{87-32 } MAYR H. \ypar{87-32 } An Efficient Moving Algorithm for Nesting Metal Sheets \kind{ $2^{nd}$ International Conference on Computer Aided Drafting, Design and manufacturing Technology (CADDM'89), Oct. 23-28, 1989, Hangzhou, China.} \spons{ Austrian Bundesministerium zur F\"orderung des Wissenschaftl. Forschung, Project no. 609.506/1-26/88, and AIS Ges.m.b.H.} \key{Computational Geometry. CAM. Robotics.} } \publ{ \newrep \ypar{87-33 } LANGEMYR L., MCCALLUM S. \ypar{87-33 } The Computation of Polynomial Greatest Common Divisors Over an \ypar{87-33 } Algebraic Number Field \kind{Submitted to J. Symbolic Computation } \spons{VOEST-ALPINE AG Linz } \key{Computer Algebra Algorithms.} } \normal{ \newrep \ypar{87-34 } DITTENBERGER K. \ypar{87-34 } How to Enclose Boxes, Cylinders, Cones, and Pyramides Using Superellipsoids \kind{Technical Report } \spons{VOEST-ALPINE AG Linz } \key{Computational Geometry. Robot Programming.} } \publ{ \newrep \ypar{87-35 } WINKLER F. \ypar{87-35 } Computer Algebra \kind{In: Encyclopedia of Physical Sciences and Technology vol. 3, pp. 328--356, Academic Press } \spons{Univ. Delaware } \key{Computer Algebra.} } \normal{ \newrep \ypar{87-36 } BLUROCK E. S. \ypar{87-36 } Automatic Synthetic Planning Project - System Philosophy and Developments \kind{Technical Report } \spons{CHEMIE LINZ AG } \key{Chemistry. Expert Systems.} } \publ{ \newrep \ypar{87-37 } ASPETSBERGER K., KUTZLER B. \ypar{87-37 } Symbolic Computation --- A New Chance For Education \kind{Proc. European Conference on Computers in Education, ECCE'88, Lausanne, Switzerland, July 24--29, 1988 } \spons{European Community (Project COST-13)} \key{87-37 } Symbolic Computation. Education.} } \internal{ \newrep \ypar{87-38 } BUCHBERGER B. \ypar{87-38 } User's Manual for GROEBNER, a Gr\"obner Bases Package in the \ypar{87-38 } muMATH System \kind{Manual } \spons{Soft Warehouse, Inc., Hawaii } \key{ Gr\"obner Bases.} } \internal{ \newrep \ypar{87-39 } BAUMGARTNER G. \ypar{87-39 } Floating-Slash Arithmetic: An Implementation in Common Lisp \kind{Technical Report (internal use only) }} } \normal{ \newrep \ypar{87-40 } WINKLER F. \ypar{87-40 } A Geometrical Decision Algorithm Based on the Gr\"obner Bases Algorithm \kind{Technical Report } \spons{\"Osterreichische Forschungsgemeinschaft } \key{Gr\"obner Bases. Geo Theorem Proving.} } \internal{ \newrep \ypar{87-41 } BUCHBERGER B., ASPETSBERGER K., FUNK G., KUSCHE K. \ypar{87-41 } Design and Implementation of a New Universal High-Level Parallel \ypar{87-41 } Language for Symbolic Computation \kind{Proposal (internal use only) } \key{Parallel Computation.} } \publ{ \newrep \ypar{87-42 } BUCHBERGER B., COLLINS G. E., KUTZLER B. \ypar{87-42 } Algebraic Methods for Geometric Reasoning \kind{In: Annual Reviews in Computer Science, vol. 3, pp. 85--119, 1988 } \spons{VOEST-ALPINE AG Linz } \key{Geo Reasoning.} } \more{ \newrep \ypar{87-43 } MAYR H. \ypar{87-43 } FAAST - Fully Automatic Area Stamping \kind{Diploma Thesis } \spons{VOEST-ALPINE AG Linz } \key{Computational Geometry. CAM.} } \publ{ \newrep \ypar{87-44 } PAULE P. \ypar{87-44 } A Note on Bailey's Lemma \kind{In: J. Combinatorial Theory, vol. 44, no. 1, pp. 164-167} \spons{Univ. Bayreuth } \key{Combinatorics.} } \special{ \newrep \ypar{87-45 } BUCHBERGER B. \ypar{87-45 } RISC-LINZ \kind{Description } \key{Politics. Organisation.} } \internal{ \newrep \ypar{87-46 } BUCHBERGER B. \ypar{87-46 } Sketch of Two Possible Research Projects \kind{Report {\tt (internal use only)}.} \key{Parallel Computation. Geo Reasoning.} } \normal{ \newrep \ypar{87-47 } BAAZ M. \ypar{87-47 } Quantifier Elimination for Heterogeneous Quantifiers \kind{Technical Report } \spons{VOEST ALPINE AG } \key{Automated Theorem Proving. Computer Algebra Algorithms. } } \publ{ \newrep \ypar{87-48 } KUSCHE K., KUTZLER B., MAYR H. \ypar{87-48 } Implementation of a Geometry Theorem Proving Package in SCRATCHPAD II \kind{Proc. Int. Symp. Symbolic and Algebraic Computation EUROCAL'87, Leipzig, GDR, June 2--5, 1987, J. Davenport ed., Springer, LNCS 378.} \spons{VOEST ALPINE AG, European Community (Project COST 13) } \key{Geo Theorem Proving.} } \normal{ \newrep \ypar{88-01 } MAYR H. \ypar{} Geometry Theorem Proving Package in SCRATCHPAD II: A Primer \kind{Technical Report} \key{Geo Theorem Proving} {\abstr 88-1. } } \internal{ \newrep \ypar{88-02 } BUCHBERGER B. \ypar{} Interne Struktur von RISC-LINZ \key{Organization} %{\abstr 88-2. } } \internal{ \more{ \newrep \ypar{88-03 } PAULE P. \ypar{} Mathematik f\"ur Informatiker III (WS 1987/88) \kind{Lecture Notes } \key{Mathematics for Computer Science} %{\abstr 88-3. } }} \publ{ \newrep \ypar{88-04 } HELD M. \ypar{} Computational Geometry for Pocket Machining \kind{Proc. Int. Conf. Engineering Graphics and Descriptive Geometry, TU Vienna, Austria, Jul 11--16, 1988 } \spons{VOEST-ALPINE AG, \"Osterr. BM f. Wissenschaft und Forschung} {\abstr 88-4. } } \normal{ \newrep \ypar{88-05 } ASPETSBERGER K., KUTZLER B. \ypar{} Using a Computer Algebra System in an Austrian High School \kind{Technical Report } {\abstr 88-5. } } \internal{ \newrep \ypar{88-06 } HELD M. \ypar{88-6 } Fully Automated Pocket Machining: Documentation of the Pocketing \ypar{88-6 } Package POCKET \kind{Program Documentation } \spons{VOEST ALPINE AG } {\abstr 88-6. } } \internal{ \newrep \ypar{88-07 } BAUMGARTNER G. \ypar{88-7 } NANO-VCG --- A Verification Condition Generator for the Pascal \ypar{88-7 } Subset NANO-Pascal \kind{Technical Report } \spons{SIEMENS AG Munich } {\abstr 88-7. } } \internal{ \newrep \ypar{88-08 } MORITZ T. \ypar{88-8 } Endbericht der Vorstudie --- Projetk mit Informatik GesmbH \kind{Report } \spons{Informatik GmbH Linz } %{\abstr 88-8. } } \internal{ \newrep \ypar{88-09 } BAUMG\"ARTLER T., BINDER A., ENGL H. \ypar{88-9 } Bericht zur Vorstudie Schipresseneinstellung \kind{Report } \spons{SPORT AG Ried } %{\abstr 88-9. } } \normal{ \more{ \newrep \ypar{88-10 } WINKLER F., KUTZLER B., LICHTENBERGER F. \ypar{88-10 } Computer-Algebra Systeme \kind{Lecture Notes} \key{RISC Akademie} {\abstr 88-10. } }} \normal{ \newrep \ypar{88-11 } KUTZLER B., BAUMG\"ARTLER T., BAUMG\"ARTLER E. \ypar{88-11 } Logisches Programmieren --- PROLOG \kind{Lecture Notes} \key{RISC Akademie} {\abstr 88-11. } } \normal{ \more{ \newrep \ypar{88-12 } STIFTER S. \ypar{88-12 } A Medley of Solutions to the Robot Collision Problem in Two and \ypar{88-12 } Three Dimensions. \kind{PhD Thesis} \spons{VOEST ALPINE AG, \"Osterr. BM f. Wissenschaft und Forschung} \key{Robot Programming} {\abstr 88-12. } }} \normal{ \newrep \ypar{88-13 } STIFTER S. \ypar{88-13 } Intersection of Superellipsoids \kind{Technical Report} \spons{VOEST ALPINE AG, \"Osterr. BM f. Wissenschaft und Forschung} \key{Robot Programming} {\abstr 88-13. } } \normal{ \more{ \newrep \ypar{88-14 } BAUMGARTNER G. \ypar{88-14 } Generating Verification Systems from Language Definitions \kind{Diplom Thesis} \spons{VOEST ALPINE AG, SIEMENS AG Munich} \key{Program Verification} {\abstr 88-14. } }} \publ{ \newrep \ypar{88-15 } STIFTER S. \ypar{88-15 } A Generalization of the Roider Method to Solve the Robot Collision \ypar{88-15 } Problem in 3D \kind{Proc. Int. Symp. Symbolic and Algebraic Computation (ISSAC'88), Rome, Italy, July 4--8, 1988, Springer LNCS 358, pp. 332-343.} \spons{VOEST ALPINE AG, \"Osterr. BM f. Wissenschaft und Forschung} \key{Robot Programming} {\abstr 88-15. } } \normal{ \newrep \ypar{88-16 } KALKBRENER M. \ypar{88-16 } Algorithms for Constructing Characteristic Sets \kind{Technical Report} \key{Computer Algebra} {\abstr 88-16. } } \normal{ \newrep \ypar{88-17 } STIFTER, S. \ypar{88-17 } Application of Gr\"obner Bases in Cryptography \kind{Technical Report} \key{Groebner Bases} {\abstr 88-17. } } \normal{ \newrep \ypar{88-18 } STIFTER, S. \ypar{88-18 } Gr\"obner Bases of Modules over Reduction Rings \kind{Technical Report } \key{Groebner Bases} {\abstr 88-18. } } \normal{ \newrep \ypar{88-19 } SAKATA, S. \ypar{88-19 } Degree of 2D Discrete Linear Shift-Invariant System and Reduction \ypar{88-19 } of 2D Rational Transfer Function \kind{Technical Report} \key{Computer Algebra} %{\abstr 88-19. } } \normal{ \newrep \no{88-20} \author{Herwig MAYR} \title{A Comparative Survey of Offline Robot Simulation Systems} \kind{Technical Report} \kinda{} \spons{AIS Ges.m.b.H.} \key{robotics} %{\abstr 88-20.} } \normal{ \newrep \ypar{88-22 } SINGER, M., STIFTER, S., WANG, D.M. \ypar{88-22 } An Algorithm to Test Whether $m$ Discs in 2D, $m$ Balls in 3D \ypar{88-22 } Intersect \kind{Technical Report} \spons{AIS GmbH} \key{Robot Programming} {\abstr 88-22. } } \publ{ \newrep \ypar{88-23 } SAKATA, S. \ypar{88-23 } Extension of the Berlekamp-Massey Algorithm to $n$ Dimensions \kind{IEEE Int. Symp. on Information Theory, Kobe, Japan, June 1988.} \key{Computer Algebra} %{\abstr 88-23. } } \publ{ \newrep \ypar{88-24 } KUSCHE, K. \ypar{88-24 } LL --- An Overview \kind{Proc. PARS Workshop, Bad Honnef} \key{Parallel Computation} {\abstr 88-24. } } \normal{ \more{ \newrep \ypar{88-25 } KUSCHE, K. \ypar{88-25 } LL User Manual \kind{Diploma Thesis} \key{Parallel Computation} {\abstr 88-25. } }} \normal{ \newrep \ypar{88-26 } MICHELIC-BIRGMAYR, R. \ypar{88-26 } Examples on Primary Decomposition of Polynomial Ideals \kind{Technical Report} \key{Groebner Bases, Computer Algebra Algorithms} {\abstr 88-26. } } \normal{ \newrep \ypar{88-27 } KALKBRENER, M. \ypar{88-27 } Applications of Characteristic Sets in a Polynomial Ring in Two \ypar{88-27 } Indeterminates \kind{Technical Report} \key{Computer Algebra Algorithms} {\abstr 88-27. } } \normal{ \newrep \ypar{88-28 } YAP, C. \ypar{88-28 } A Course in Computational Geometry \kind{Lecture Notes} \key{Computational Geometry} %{\abstr 88-28. } } \normal{ \more{ \newrep \ypar{88-29 } CHEMNITZ, M. \ypar{88-29 } Expertensysteme --- Eine praxisorientierte Einf\"uhrung \kind{Lecture Notes} \key{RISC Akademie, Expert systems} %{\abstr 88-29. } }} \internal{ \more{ \newrep \ypar{88-30 } BAUMGARTNER, G., LICHTENBERGER, F. \ypar{88-30 } EUREKA Project OASIS: Proposal for Research Activities in \ypar{88-30 } Symbolic Computation and Parallelization \kind{Proposal} \spons{VOEST ALPINE AG, EUREKA Project OASIS} \key{Symbolic Computation, Parallel Computation } %{\abstr 88-30. } }} \normal{ \newrep \ypar{88-31 } GRIGOR'EV, D.Y., SINGER, M.F. \ypar{88-31 } Enumeration of Generalized Series Solutions of Ordinary Differential \ypar{88-31 } Equations via the Newton Polygon Method \kind{Technical Report} \key{Groebner Bases} %{\abstr 88-31. } } \normal{ \newrep \ypar{88-32 } GRIGOR'EV, D.Y., SINGER, M.F. \ypar{88-32 } Generalized Series Solutions of Ordinary Differential Equations \kind{Technical Report} \key{Groebner Bases} %{\abstr 88-32. } } \publ{ \newrep \ypar{88-33 } SINGER, M.F. \ypar{88-33 } Liouvillian First Integrals of Differential Equations \kind{Proc. Int. Symp. Symbolic and Algebraic Computation (ISSAC'88), Rome, Italy, July 4--8, 1988, ed. P. Gianni} \key{Computer Analysis} %{\abstr 88-33. } } \normal{ \newrep \ypar{88-34 } BUCHBERGER, B. \ypar{88-34 } A Note on Proofs for the Main Theorem in Gr\"obner Bases Theory \kind{Technical Report} \key{Groebner Bases} {\abstr 88-34. } } \publ{ \newrep \ypar{88-35 } WINKLER, F. \ypar{88-35 } A Geometrical Decision Algorithm Based on the Gr\"obner Bases \ypar{88-35 } Algorithm \kind{Proc. Int. Symp. Symbolic and Algebraic Computation (ISSAC'88), Rome, Italy, July 4--8, 1988, ed. P. Gianni, LNCS 358, 1989} \spons{\"Osterr. Forschungsgemeinschaft} \key{Geo Theorem Proving, Groebner Bases} {\abstr 88-35. } } \publ{ \newrep \ypar{88-36 } STIFTER, S., KUTZLER, B. \ypar{88-36 } Using Symbolic Methods in Robotics: Inverse Kinematics and \ypar{88-36 } Collision Problems \kind{Proc. IMACS Symp. System Modelling and Simulation (SMS'88), Cetraro, Italy, Sept. 18--21, 1988, eds. S. Tzafestas, A. Eisinberg, L. Carotenuto, North Holland, pp. 229--234.} \spons{AIS GmbH} \key{Robot Programming } {\abstr 88-36. } } \publ{ \newrep \ypar{88-37 } ROTA, G.C., STURMFELS, B. \ypar{88-37 } Introduction to Invariant Theory in Superalgebras \kind{``Invariant Theory and Tableaux'', ed. D. Stanton, IMA Volumes in Mathematics and its Applications, Springer} \key{Computer Algebra, Combinatorics, Computational Geometry} %{\abstr 88-37. } } \publ{ \newrep \ypar{88-38 } STURMFELS, B., WHITE, N. \ypar{88-38 } Gr\"obner Bases and Invariant Theory \kind{Advances in Mathematics} \key{Groebner Bases} {\abstr 88-38. } } \normal{ \newrep \ypar{88-39 } BAUMG\"ARTLER, T. \ypar{88-39 } Logic Programming and Parallelism \kind{Technical Report } \spons{Siemens AG} \key{Logic Programming, Parallel Computation} {\abstr 88-39. } } \internal{ \newrep \ypar{88-40 } GRATZL G., HINTENAUS P. \ypar{88-40 } A Guide to the Computing Facilities at RISC-LINZ. \kind{Internal Report} \key{Organisation} %{\abstr 88-40. } } \normal{ \newrep \ypar{88-41 } BUCHBERGER, B. \ypar{88-41 } Forschungsstrategien: USA --- Japan --- \"Osterreich \kind{Lecture Notes} \key{Politics} %{\abstr 88-41. } } \publs{ \newrep \ypar{88-42 } GRIGOR'EV, D.Y., KARPINSKI, M., SINGER, M.F. \ypar{88-42 } Fast Parallel Algorithms for Sparse Multivariate Polynomial \ypar{88-42 } Interpolation over Finite Fields \kind{Technical Report} \key{Parallel Computation, Computer Algebra} %{\abstr 88-42. } } \publs{ \newrep \ypar{88-43 } GRIGOR'EV, D.Y., KARPINSKI, M. \ypar{88-43 } A Deterministic Algorithm for Rational Function Interpolation \kind{Technical Report} \key{Computer Algebra} %{\abstr 88-43. } } \publs{ \newrep \ypar{88-44 } SINGER, M.F. \ypar{88-44 } Liouvillian Solutions of Linear Differential Equations with \ypar{88-44 } Liouvillian Coefficients \kind{Technical Report} \key{Computer Analysis} %{\abstr 88-44. } } \publs{ \newrep \ypar{88-45 } SINGER, M.F. \ypar{88-45 } An Outline of Differential Galois Theory \kind{Technical Report} \key{Computer Analysis} %{\abstr 88-45. } } \publs{ \newrep \ypar{88-46 } WANG, D.M. \ypar{88-46 } Mechanical Manipulation for a Class of Differential Systems \kind{Technical Report} \key{Computer Analysis} %{\abstr 88-46. } } \publs{ \newrep \ypar{88-47 } WANG, D.M. \ypar{88-47 } A Class of Cubic Differential Systems with 6-tuple Focus \ypar \kind{Technical Report} \key{Computer Analysis} %{\abstr 88-47. } } \publs{ \newrep \ypar{88-48 } JIN, X.F., WANG, D.M. \ypar{88-48 } On Kukle's Conditions for the Existence of a Center \kind{Technical Report} \key{Computer Analysis} %{\abstr 88-48. } } \publs{ \newrep \ypar{88-49 } WANG, D.M. \ypar{88-49 } The Application of Characteristic Sets and Gr\"obner Bases to \ypar{88-49 } Problems Concerning Liapunov Constants \kind{Technical Report} \key{Groebner Bases, Computer Analysis} %{\abstr 88-49. } } \publs{ \newrep \ypar{88-50 } WANG, D.M. \ypar{88-50 } The Stability Criteria for a Class of 2-dimensional Neural Networks \kind{Technical Report} \spons{Siemens AG} \key{Computer Analysis} %{\abstr 88-50. } } \normal{ \newrep \ypar{88-51 } STURMFELS, B., WHITE, N. \ypar{88-51 } Computing Combinatorial Decompositions of Rings \kind{Technical Report} \key{Combinatorics} {\abstr 88-51. } } \normal{ \newrep \ypar{88-52 } STURMFELS, B., WHITE, N. \ypar{88-52 } Stanley Decompositions of the Bracket Ring \kind{Technical Report} \key{Combinatorics, Invariant Theory} {\abstr 88-52. } } \normal{ \newrep \ypar{88-53 } WINKLER, F. \ypar{88-53 } Computer Algebra III (Spezialgebiete der Computer-Algebra) \kind{Lecture Notes} \key{Computer Algebra} {\abstr 88-53. } } \publ{ \newrep \ypar{88-54 } WINKLER, F. \ypar{88-54 } A $p$-adic Approach to the Computation of Gr\"obner Bases \kind{J. Symbolic Computation,special issue on Gr\"obner bases} \spons{\"Osterr. Forschungsgemeinschaft} \key{Groebner bases} {\abstr 88-54. } } \publ{ \newrep \ypar{88-55 } MAYR, H., HELD, M., \"OLLINGER, H. \ypar{88-55 } SMART --- A Universal System for the Simulation of Machining and \ypar{88-55 } Robot Tasks \kind{Proc. 3rd IFIP Conf. on Computer Applications in Production and Engineering (CAPE'89), Tokyo, Japan, Oct. 2-5, 1989, F. Kimura (ed.), pp. 809-816, North Holland 1989.} \spons{Austrian BWF, project no. 609.506/1-26/88 and AIS Company, Linz, Austria.} \key{Robot programming, CAM} {\abstr 88-55. } } \publs{ \newrep \ypar{88-56 } YAP, C.K. \ypar{88-56 } A New Lower Bound Construction for the Word Problem for Commutative \ypar{88-56 } Thue Systems \kind{Technical Report} \key{Computer Algebra} %{\abstr 88-56. } } \publ{ \newrep \ypar{88-57 } PAULE, P. \ypar{88-57 } The Concept of Bailey Chains \kind{Seminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire, 18e Session, Obsteig, Austria Sept. 27--30, 1987, ed. G. Baron, P. Kirschenhofer, Publ. I.R.M.A. Strasbourg, 1988, 358/S-18, pp. 53--76} \key{Combinatorics} {\abstr 88-57. } } \publ{ \newrep \ypar{88-58 } WINKLER, F. \ypar{88-58 } Algorithms in Polynomial Ideal Theory and Geometry \kind{$2^{nd}$ Austrian-Hungarian Informatics Conference ``Beyond Number Crunching'', Retzhof, Austria, Sept. 14--16, 1988, invited lecture} \spons{\"Osterr. Forschungsgemeinschaft, FFWF (Projekt P6763)} \key{Computer Algebra} {\abstr 88-58. } } \internal{ \newrep \ypar{88-59 } KALKBRENER, M. \ypar{88-59 } Ein Vergleich von muLISP und Common-LISP\r \kind{Technical Report} \key{Functional Programming} %{\abstr 88-59. } } \internal{ \newrep \ypar{88-60 } STIFTER, S. \ypar{88-60 } How to Use the RISC-Library \kind{Internal Report} \key{Organisation} %{\abstr 88-60. } } \normal{ \newrep \ypar{88-61 } STURMFELS B. \ypar{88-61 } Gr\"obner Bases of Determinantal Ideals. \kind{Technical Report} \key{Groebner Bases} {\abstr 88-61. } } \normal{ \newrep \ypar{88-62 } BUCHBERGER B. \ypar{88-62 } Computer Algebra \kind{Lecture Notes for the DMV Seminar D\"usseldorf, Sept 25--Oct 2, 1988. } \key{Computer Algebra. } {\abstr 88-62. } } \normal{ \newrep \ypar{88-63 } HIRT P., SIXT J., STIFTER S. \ypar{88-63 } A Collision Detection Package for the Robot Simulation System SMART \kind{Technical Report} \spons{AIS GmbH, BMWF} \key{Robot Programming, Computational Geometry} {\abstr 88-63. } } \publ{ \newrep \ypar{88-64 } STIFTER S. \ypar{88-64 } An Axiomatic Approach to Voronoi-Diagrams in 3D. \kind{Journal of Computers and System Sciences, vol. 43, no. 2, Oct. 1991, pp. 361-379.} \spons{AIS GmbH, BMWF} \key{Robot Programming, Computational Geometry} {\abstr 88-64. } } \normal{ \newrep \ypar{88-65 } STIFTER S. \ypar{88-65 } How to Fix an Ellipse by Three Pins. \kind{Technical Report} \spons{AIS GmbH, BMWF} \key{Robot Programming, Computational Geometry} {\abstr 88-65. } } \publ{ \newrep \ypar{88-66 } KOVACEC A. \ypar{88-66 } On Relatively Prime Gr\"obner Bases. \kind{Technical Report (submitted for publication)} \key{Groebner Bases } %{\abstr 88-66. } } \publ{ \newrep \ypar{88-67 } STURMFELS B. \ypar{88-67 } Totally Positive Matrices and Cylcic Polytopes. \kind{In: Linear Algebra and its Applications, vol. 107, pp. 275--281} \key{Linear Algebra} {\abstr 88-67. } } \publ{ \newrep \ypar{88-68 } STURMFELS B. \ypar{88-68 } Tridiagonalization of Complex Matrices and a Problem of Longstaff. \kind{In: Linear Algebra and its Applications, vol. 109, pp. 165--166} \key{Linear Algebra} {\abstr 88-68. } } \normal{ \newrep \ypar{88-69 } GOODMAN J.E., POLLACK R., STURMFELS B. \ypar{88-69 } Coordinate Representation of Order Types Requires Exponential Storage \kind{Proceedings, ACM Symp. on the Theory of Computing, Seattle, 1989.} \key{Complexity Theory} \spons{NSF, PSC-CUNY, Institute for Mathematics and its Applications, Minneapolis} {\abstr 88-69. } } \special{ \newrep \ypar{88-70 } STIFTER S. \ypar{88-70 } A Note on ``Construction of Gr\"obner Bases in Special Rings''. \kind{Technical Report} \key{Groebner Bases} {\abstr 88-70. } } \normal{ \newrep \ypar{88-71 } STIFTER S. \ypar{88-71 } Application of Voronoi-Diagrams to Solve the Findpath Problem in 3D. \kind{Technical Report (submitted for publication)} \spons{AIS GmbH, BMWF} \key{Robot Programming} {\abstr 88-71. } } \normal{ \newrep \ypar{88-72 } STIFTER S. \ypar{88-72 } An Algorithm to Enclose Objects in a Robot Working Cell by \ypar{88-72 } Superellipsoids. \kind{Technical Report} \spons{AIS GmbH, BMWF} \key{Robot Programming} {\abstr 88-72. } } \publ{ \newrep \ypar{88-73 } KUTZLER B. \ypar{88-73 } muMATH -- Symbolisch-algebraisches Rechnen auf Micros. \kind{In: PIK (Praxis der Informationsverarbeitung und Kommunikation), vol. 11, no. 3, pp. 185--189. } \key{Computer Algebra} %{\abstr 88-73. } } \normal{ \more{ \newrep \ypar{88-74 } KUTZLER B. \ypar{88-74 } Algebraic Approaches to Automated Geometry Theorem Proving. \kind{PhD Thesis. } \spons{European Community (Project COST 13), FFWF (Project P6763)} \key{Geo Theorem Proving} {\abstr 88-74. } }} \internal{ \newrep \ypar{88-75 } MORITZ T. \ypar{88-75 } Abschlu\ss bericht zur Vorstudie im Pilotprojekt mit VOEST-ALPINE \ypar{88-75 } Industrieanlagenbau GmbH ``Prototyp Mannersdorf'' \kind{Internal Report} \spons{VOEST-ALPINE Industrieanlagenbau GmbH} \key{Expert Systems} %{\abstr 88-75. } } \normal{ \newrep \ypar{88-76 } SENDRA J.R. \ypar{88-76 } An Extended Polynomial G.C.D. Algorithm Using Hankel Matrices \kind{Technical Report} \key{Computer Algebra} %{\abstr 88-76. } } \normal{ \newrep \ypar{88-77 } SENDRA J.R. \ypar{88-77 } A Fast Algorithm for Computing Hankel Determinantes \kind{Technical Report} \key{Computer Algebra} %{\abstr 88-77. } } \publ{ \newrep \ypar{88-78 } WINKLER F. \ypar{88-78 } Equational Theorem Proving and Rewrite Rule Systems \kind{Invited Lecture, 5. \"Osterr. AI-Tagung, March 28-31, 1989, Innsbruck} \spons{FFWF (Projekt P6763)} \key{Automated Theorem Proving, Computer Algebra} {\abstr 88-78. } } \normal{ \newrep \ypar{88-79 } STIFTER S. \ypar{88-79 } Gr\"obner Bases of Subrings and of Modules over Reduction Rings \kind{Technical Report} \key{Groebner Bases} {\abstr 88-79. } } \normal{ \newrep \ypar{88-80 } RUDENKO V.M. \ypar{88-80 } Reduce a Nonlinear System of Differential Equations to Reference \ypar{88-80 } Coordinates \kind{Technical Report} \key{Robot Programming} %{\abstr 88-80. } } \normal{ \newrep \ypar{88-81 } KLIMOV D.M., RUDENKO V.M., ZHURAVLEV V.F. \ypar{88-81 } Application of Computer Algebra to the One-Frequency Method of \ypar{88-81 } Averaging \kind{Technical Report} \key{Robot Programming} %{\abstr 88-81. } } \normal{ \newrep \ypar{88-82 } KLIMOV D.M., LEONOV V.V., RUDENKO V.M. \ypar{88-82 } The Study of Motion for a Gyroscope with Gimbal Suspension Obtaining \ypar{88-82 } the Highest Approximations for a Drift of Magnus \kind{Technical Report} \key{Robot Programming} %{\abstr 88-82. } } \normal{ \newrep \ypar{88-83 } ISHLINSKY A.J., RUDENKO V.M. \ypar{88-83 } The Study of Instability for the Three Dimensional Inertial Systems \ypar{88-83 } of Navigation \kind{Technical Report} \key{Robot Programming} %{\abstr 88-83. } } \normal{ \newrep \ypar{88-84 } HIRT P., SIXT J. \ypar{88-84 } Implementation of the Roider-Method and Application to \ypar{88-84 } Superellipsoids \kind{Technical Report} \key{Robot Programming} {\abstr 88-84. } } \internal{ \newrep \ypar{88-85 } HINTENAUS P., STIFTER S. \ypar{88-85 } Installation of SMART on a VAX-Workstation at RISC \kind{Internal Report} \spons{AIS GmbH} \key{Robot Programming} %{\abstr 88-85. } } \normal{ \more{ \newrep \ypar{88-86 } WALL B. \ypar{88-86 } Computation of Syzygies Solution of Linear Systems over a \ypar{88-86 } Multivariate Polynomial Ring \kind{Diploma Thesis} \key{Groebner Bases} {\abstr 88-86. } }} \normal{ \more{ \newrep \ypar{88-87 } RUDALICS M. \ypar{88-87 } Multiprocessor List Memory Management \kind{Dissertation, PhD Thesis} \key{Parallel Computation} %{\abstr 88-87. } }} \normal{ \more{ \newrep \ypar{88-88 } WINKLER F. \ypar{88-88 } Computer Algebra I (Algebraische Grundalgorithmen) \kind{Lecture Notes} \key{Computer Algebra Algorithms} %{\abstr 88-88. } }} \normal{ \newrep \ypar{88-89 } KOVACEC A. \ypar{88-89 } Groebner Bases of Ideals Spanned by Symmetric Functions \kind{Technical Report} \spons{Forschungsf\"orderungsfonds, P6763} \key{Groebner Bases} %{\abstr 88-89. } } \normal{ \newrep \ypar{88-90 } KOVACEC A. \ypar{88-90 } On Relatively Prime Groebner Bases \kind{Technical Report} \spons{Forschungsf\"orderungsfonds, P6763} \key{Groebner Bases} %{\abstr 88-90. } } \normal{ \newrep \ypar{88-91 } KOVACEC A. \ypar{88-91 } Buchberger's Theory of Groebner Bases \kind{Technical Report} \spons{Forschungsf\"orderungsfonds, P6763} \key{Groebner Bases} %{\abstr 88-91. } } \normal{ \newrep \ypar{88-92 } KOVACEC A. \ypar{88-92 } A Class of Symmetric Inequalities \kind{Technical Report} \spons{Forschungsf\"orderungsfonds, P6763} \key{Combinatorics} %{\abstr 88-92. } } \normal{ \newrep \ypar{88-93 } KOVACEC A. \ypar{88-93 } On Straight Line Path Planning for Robots \kind{Technical Report} \spons{Forschungsf\"orderungsfonds, P6763} \key{Robot Programming} %{\abstr 88-93. } } \internal{ \newrep \ypar{88-94} MORITZ, Th. \ypar{88-94} Die Entwicklung Wissensbasierter Systeme anhand zweier Fallstudien \kind{Diploma thesis, Internal Use Only} \key{Artificial Intelligence} } \normal{ \newrep \ypar{88-95} HELD, M. \ypar{88-95} A short introduction to aspects of parallel computational geometry \kind{Technical Report} \key{Parallel Computation, Computational Geometry} } \internal{ \newrep \ypar{88-94} MORITZ, Th. \ypar{88-94} Die Entwicklung Wissensbasierter Systeme anhand zweier Fallstudien \kind{Diploma thesis, Internal Use Only} \key{Artificial Intelligence} } \publ{ \newrep \ypar{89-01} ASPETSBERGER K., KUTZLER B. \ypar{} Using a Computer Algebra System at an Austrian High School \kind{Proc. 6th Int. Conf. Technology and Education, Orlando, USA, March 21-23, 1989.} \key{Computer Algebra} {\abstr 89-01. } } \normal{ \newrep \ypar{89-02} STURMFELS B., WHITELEY W. \ypar{} On the Synthetic Factorization of Projectively Invariant Polynomials \kind{Technical Report} \key{Computer Algebra} {\abstr 89-02. } } \normal{ \newrep \ypar{89-03} PAULE P. \ypar{} A Lagrange Inversion Proof of a Conjecture of J.D. Louck \kind{Technical Report} \key{Combinatorics} {\abstr 89-03. } } \normal{ \newrep \ypar{89-04} PAULE P. \ypar{} Mellin's Series from One Variable Lagrange-Inversion \kind{Technical Report} \key{Combinatorics} {\abstr 89-04. } } \publ{ \newrep \ypar{89-05} STURMFELS, B. \ypar{} Computing Final Polynomials and Final Syzygies Using Buchberger's Gr\"obner Bases Method \kind{Resultate der Mathematik} \key{Gr\"obner Bases, Computer Algebra} \spons{Austrian Science Foundation Project no. P6763, and Institute for Mathematics and its Applications, Minneapolis.} {\abstr 89-05. } } \normal{ \newrep \no{89-06} \author{BLUROCK, E.} \title{Chemical Synthesis Planning: An Artificial Intelligence Approach; (Preliminary Version)} \kind{Technical Report} \key{Chemistry} \spons{Forschungsfond zur F\"orderung der gewerblichen Wirtschaft, Project 6/514, CIFEG.} {\abstr 89-06.} } \normal{ \newrep \no{89-07} \author{BUCHBERGER, B.} \title{Should Students Learn Integration Rules?} \kind{SIGSAM Bulletin, vol. 24, no. 1, 1991, pp. 10-17.} \spons{} \key{Education} {\abstr 89-07.} } \special{ \newrep \no{89-08} \author{BUCHBERGER, B.} \title{Zukunft ohne Technik? Manuskript einer Vorlesung im Rahmen der Ringvorlesungen der Linzer Hochschulen 1988/89 zum Thema ``Verantwortung''} \kind{} \spons{} \key{Politics} {\abstr 89-08.} } \normal{ \newrep \no{89-09} \author{STURMFELS, B.} \title{Computational Algebraic Geometry of Projective Configurations} \kind{Technical Report} \spons{Austrian Science Foundation Project No. P6763, and the Institute for Mathematics and its Applications, Minneapolis.} \key{Computational Geometry, Computer Algebra} {\abstr 89-09.} } \internal{ \newrep \no{89-10} \author{HINTENAUS, B.} \title{Vorf\"uhren der L-Maschine} \kind{Internal Report} \spons{} \key{Parallel Computation} %{\abstr 89-10.} } \normal{ \newrep \no{89-11} \author{Rothstein, M.} \title{On the Degree of the Integral of an Elementary Function} \kind{Technical Report} \spons{BWF Austria} \key{Computer Analysis} {\abstr 89-11.} } \normal{ \newrep \no{89-12} \author{Rothstein, M.} \title{On the Computation of Multivariate Squarefree Factorizations} \kind{Technical Report} \spons{BWF Austria} \key{Computer Algebra} {\abstr 89-12.} } \publ{ \newrep \no{89-13} \author{BLUROCK, E.S.} \title{Hierarchical Planning in Automatic Synthetic Chemistry} \kind{Software-Entwicklung in der Chemie 2, J. Gasteiger (ed.), Springer 1988} \spons{Forschungsfond zur F\"orderung der gewerblichen Wirtschaft, Project 6/514, CIFEG.} \key{Chemistry} {\abstr 89-13.} } \normal{ \newrep \no{89-14} \author{STIFTER, S.} \title{Voronoi Diagrams for Sets Bounded by Spheres and Planes} \kind{Technical Report} \spons{Austrian BWF project no. 609.506/1-26/88.} \key{Robotics} {\abstr 89-14.} } \publ{ \newrep \no{89-15} \author{WINKLER, F.} \title{Knuth-Bendix Procedure and Buchberger Algorithm -- A Synthesis} \kind{Workshop Termersetzung: Grundlagen und Anwendungen, Kaiserslautern, March 1989} \spons{Austrian Fonds zur F\"orderung des wissenschaftlichen Forschung, project no. P6763.} \key{Gr\"obner Bases} {\abstr 89-15.} } \normal{ \newrep \no{89-16} \author{STURMFELS, B.} \title{Dynamic Versions of the Buchberger Algorithm} \kind{Technical Report} \spons{Austrian Fonds zur F\"orderung des wissenschaftlichen Forschung, project no. P6763.} \key{Gr\"obner Bases} {\abstr 89-16.} } \publ{ \newrep \no{89-17} \author{KUTZLER, B.} \title{Careful Algebraic Translation} of Geometry Theorems \kind{Proc. ISSAC'89, Portland, Oregon, USA, July 17-19, 1989.} \spons{Austrian Fonds zur F\"orderung der Wissenschaftlichen Forschung, project no. 6763.} \key{Geo Theorem Proving} {\abstr 89-17.} } \normal{ \newrep \no{89-18} \author{STIFTER, S.} \title{The Reduction Ring Property is Hereditary} \kind{Technical Report} \spons{} \key{Gr\"obner Bases} {\abstr 89-18.} } \publ{ \newrep \no{89-19} \author{BLUROCK, E.S., STRELOW, T.} \title{EDV in der Chemie, Computerunterst\"utzte Syntheseplanung am RISC-Linz} \kind{\"O. ChemZ, 1/1989} \spons{Forschungsfond zur F\"orderung der gewerblichen Wirtschaft, Project 6/514, CIFEG.} \key{Chemistry} %{\abstr 89-19.} } \publ{ \newrep \no{89-20} \author{GRIGOR'EV, D.YU., SINGER, M.F.} \title{Solving Ordinarily Differential Equations in Terms of Series with Real Exponents} \kind{submitted for publication,%to Trans. of the AMS} replaces RISC-series no.\ 88-31, 88-32} \key{Computer Analysis} %{\abstr 89-20.} } \internal{ \newrep \no{89-21} \author{HELD, M.} \title{Analyse und Vorschlag zur Entwicklung eines Allgemeinen NC-Codes (NCA) als Schnittstelle zwischen CLDATA / NC-Code und IRDATA} \kind{Internal Report} \spons{AIS Ges.m.b.H., Linz, Austria} \key{CAD/CAM} %{\abstr 89-21.} } \publ{ \newrep \no{89-22} \author{BLUROCK, N., STRELOW, T.} \title{Automatic Chemical Synthesis Planning} \kind{Proc. Computer Applications in Chemical Industrie, Erlangen, 1989} \spons{Austrian Forschungsfond f\"ur die gewerbliche Wirtschaft, Project no. 6/514, and CIFEG, Austria} \key{Chemistry} {\abstr 89-22.} } \internal{ \newrep \no{89-23} \author{MAYR, H., HELD, M.} \title{Theory and Applications of CAD} \kind{Lecture Notes} \spons{ Austrian BWF, Project no. 609.506/1-26/88, and AIS Ges.m.b.H.} \key{Lecture Notes} %{\abstr 89-23.} } \internal{ \newrep \no{89-24} \author{MAYR, H.} \title{Modelling, Programming, and Simulation of Robots} \kind{Lecture Notes} \spons{ Austrian BWF, Project no. 609.506/1-26/88, and AIS Ges.m.b.H.} \key{Lecture Notes} %{\abstr 89-24.} } \internal{ \newrep \no{89-25} \author{BAUMGARTNER, G.} \title{Automatisches Programmieren II (Computerunterst\"utzte Programmsynthese)} \kind{Lecture Notes, Internal Use Only} \spons{} \key{Lecture Notes} %{\abstr 89-25.} } \normal{ \more{ \newrep \no{89-26} \author{FUNK, G.} \title{A Verification System for Total Correctness of the Parallel L-Language} \kind{Ph.D. Thesis} \spons{} \key{Parallel Computation} {\abstr 89-26.} }} \normal{ \newrep \no{89-27} \author{HINTENAUS, P.} \title{Decomposing and Parameterizing the Solution Set of an Algebraic System} \kind{Ph.D. Thesis} \spons{Austrian FFWF, project no. P6763} \key{Computer Algebra} {\abstr 89-27.} } \normal{ \newrep \no{89-28} \author{KUSCHE, K.} \title{Paralleles Rechnen} \kind{Lecture Notes} \spons{ Austrian Forschungsf\"orderungsfonds, project no. P-06931-PH} \key{Parallel Computation} {\abstr 89-28.} } \normal{ \newrep \no{89-29} \author{PREGLER, P.} \title{Charakterisierung der multivariaten Resultante durch Tr\"agheitsformen} \kind{Technical Report} \spons{} \key{Computer Algebra} %{\abstr 89-29.} } \normal{ \newrep \no{89-30} \author{KOVACEC, A.} \title{On Systems of Overlapping Sets and Symmetric Polynomial Inequalities} \kind{} \spons{} \key{Computer Algebra} {\abstr 89-30.} } \internal{ \newrep \no{89-31} \author{ROTHSTEIN, M.} \title{Notes on Computer Algebra in the Analysis} \kind{Lecture Notes} \spons{} \key{Computer Analysis} %{\abstr 89-31.} } \publ{ \newrep \no{89-32} \author{KUTZLER, B.} \title{Deciding a Class of Euclidean Geometry Theorems with Buchberger's Algorithm} \kind{Proc. Conf. on Computer Aided Proofs in Analysis, March 22-25, 1989, Cincinnati, USA, IMA Series, Springer, pp. 175--189, K.R. Meyer, D.S. Schmidt (eds.). Also: Revue d'Intelligence Artificielle, vol. 4, no. 3, 1990, pp. 81-98, R. Caferra (ed.) \spons{Austrian FWF, project no. 6763 and BWF, project no. 609.506/1-26/88} %{\abstr 89-32.} } \normal{ \newrep \no{89-33} \author{WANG, D.} \title{A Program for Computing the Liapunov Functions and Liapunov Constants in Scratchpad II} \kind{} \spons{} \key{Computer Analysis} {\abstr 89-33.} } \publ{ \newrep \no{89-34} \author{KANDRI-RODY, A., KAPUR, D., WINKLER, F.} \title{Knuth-Bendix Procedure and Buchberger Algorithm -- A Synthesis} \kind{Proc.\ ISSAC'89, Portland } \spons{ Austrian Forschungsf\"orderungsfonds, project no. P6763} \key{Gr\"obner Bases} {\abstr 89-34.} } \publ{ \newrep \no{89-35} \author{IDA, T., MATSUNO, T., NAKAMURA, A.} \title{Implementing Lisp and Prolog on a Common Abstract Machine: A Practical Approach to Combining Functional and Logic Programming} \kind{Proc. IFIP Workshop on Concepts and Chracteristics of Declarative Sytems, Budapest 1988. } \spons{} \key{Functional Programming, Logic Programming} {\abstr 89-35.} } \special{ \newrep \no{89-36} \author{MAYR, H.} \title{A Guide for Linking LISP Routines into the FORTRAN-77 Environment of SMART} \kind{Technical Report} \spons{ Austrian BWF, Project no. 609.506/1-26/88, and AIS Ges.m.b.H.} \key{Programming} {\abstr 89-36.} } \normal{ \newrep \no{89-37} \author{MERELO, J.J.} \title{Pascal Implementation of a Symbolic Computation System} \kind{Technical Report} \spons{} \key{Programming} {\abstr 89-37.} } \normal{ \newrep \no{89-38} \author{STRELOW, T.} \title{Computer Assisted Organic Synthesis} \kind{Presented at Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok, Aug.\ 21, 1989.} \spons{Austrian Forschungsfond f\"ur die gewerbliche Wirtschaft, Project no. 6/514, and CIFEG, Austria} \key{Chemistry} {\abstr 89-38.} } \publ{ \newrep \no{89-39} \author{WINKLER, F.} \title{Automated Theorem Proving in Nonlinear Geometry} \kind{In: Issues in Nonlinear Geometry and Robotics, JAI Press.} \spons{ \"Osterreichische Forschungsgemeinschaft, and Austrian Forschungsf\"orderungsfonds, project no. P6763} \key{Geo Theorem Proving} {\abstr 89-39.} } \publ{ \newrep \no{89-40} \author{STIFTER, S.} \title{The Roider Method: A Method for Static and Dynamic Collision Detection} \kind{Advances in Computing Research, vol. 6, Issues in Robotics, Ch. Hoffmann (ed.), JAI Press, 1992, pp. 31--52} \spons{ Austrian BWF, Project no. 609.506/1-26/88} } \key{Robot Programming} {\abstr 89-40.} \normal \newrep \no{89-41} \author{SENDRA, J.R., WINKLER, F.} \title{A Symbolic Algorithm for the Rational Parametrization of Algebraic Plane Curves} \kind{Technical Report} \spons{Austrian Forschungsf\"orderungsfonds, project no. P6763} \key{Computer Algebra} {\abstr 89-41.} } \normal{ \newrep \no{89-42} \author{SIEGL, K.} \title{Roider Method: Implementation of Dynamic Collision Detection} \kind{Technical Report} \spons{} \key{Computer Algebra Algorithms, Robotics} {\abstr 89-42.} } \normal{ \newrep \no{89-43} \author{SCHREINER, W.} \title{Report on the EVE Programmming Language} \kind{Technical Report} \spons{ Austrian Forschungsf\"orderungsfonds, project no. P-06931-PH} \key{Parallel Computation} {\abstr 89-43.} } \normal{ \newrep \no{89-44} \author{IDA, T.} \title{Overview of MC/LISP System} \kind{Technical Report, Submitted to Special Issues on Lisp Systems in Japan, Journal of Information Processing} \spons{ JSPS scientist exchange program} \key{Functional Programming} {\abstr 89-44.} } \normal{ \newrep \no{89-45} \author{MICHELIC-BIRGMAYER, R.} \title{Algorithmic Problems: Primary Decomposition and Beyond} \kind{Ph.D. thesis} \spons{} \key{Computer Algebra} {\abstr 89-45.} } \internal{ \newrep \no{89-46} \author{BUCHBERGER, B.} \title{Subproject: Parallel Symbolic Computation} \kind{Proposal f\"ur FSP Parallel Computation} \kinda{} \spons{} \key{Parallel Computation} {\abstr 89-46.} } \publ{ \newrep \no{89-47} \author{MAYR, H., STIFTER, S.} \title{Off-line Generation of Error-free Robot/NC Code Using Simulation and Automatic Programming Techniques} \kind{Proceedings of the International Conference on CAD/CAM and AMT in Israel, Binyanei Ha'ooma, Jerusalem, Dec. 11-14, 1989, R. Weill (ed.), pp. 127-136, North Holland 1990.} \spons{ Austrian BWF, Project no. 609.506/1-26/88 and AIS Ges.m.b.H.} \key{CAD/CAM, Robotics} {\abstr 89-47.} } \publ{ \newrep \no{89-48} \author{STIFTER, S.} \title{Mathematische Verfahren f\"ur Kollisionsprobleme bei Robotern} \kind{Jahrbuch \"Uberblicke Mathematik, S.D. Chatterji, U. Kulisch, D. Laugwitz, R. Liedl, W. Purkert (eds.), Vieweg Verlag, 1991, pp. 61--76.} \kinda{} \spons{} \key{Robotics} {\abstr 89-48.} } \internal{ \newrep \no{89-49} \author{CUNNINGHAM, J. GABBAY, D., JONES, A., NORRUM, R., LETZ, R., OHLBACH, H.J., FARINAS DEL CERRO, L., CAFERRA, R., DEMOLOMBE, R., KUTZLER, B.} \title{Mechanizing Deduction in the Logics of Practical Reasoning} \kind{Technical Annex for Esprit Basic Res. Action 3125} \kinda{} \spons{} \key{Automated Theorem Proving} %{\abstr 89-49.} } \normal{ \newrep \no{89-50} \author{WANG, D.} \title{A Method for Determining the Finite Basis of an Ideal from its Characteristic Set with Application to Irreducible Decomposition of Algebraic Varieties} \kind{Technical Report, submitted} \kinda{} \spons{ Siemens AG, Munich} \key{Computer Algebra} {\abstr 89-50.} } \normal{ \newrep \no{89-51} \author{WANG, D.} \title{The Generalization of Characteristic Sets Algorithm} \kind{Technical Report, submitted} \kinda{} \spons{ Siemens AG, Munich} \key{Computer Algebra} {\abstr 89-51.} } \normal{ \newrep \no{89-52} \author{LIU, L., LU, Z., WANG, D.} \title{Mechanical Manipulation for LaSalle's Invariant Sets of Lotka-Volterra Systems} \kind{Technical Report, submitted} \kinda{} \spons{ Siemens AG, Munich} \key{Computer Algebra} {\abstr 89-52.} } \internal{ \newrep \no{89-53} \author{Th. MORITZ, K. STOHL, J. WEIGL} \title{Endbericht der Suchfeldanalyse im Bereich des Stahlwerkes LD 3} \kind{Internal Report} \spons{ VOEST-Alpine Industrieanlagenbau GmbH Linz, und Stadt Linz} \key{Expert Systems} %{\abstr 89-53.} } \normal{ \newrep \no{90-01} \author{Michael KALKBRENER} \title{Primitive Polynomial Remainder Sequences} \kind{} \spons{Austrian BWF, Project no. 613.523/3-27a/89} \key{Computer Algebra} {\abstr 90-01.} \internal{ \newrep \no{90-02} \author{Peter PAULE} \title{Computer Algebra Algorithmen f\"ur q-Reihen und kombinatorische Identit\"aten} \kind{Proposal, Projekt P7220, Fonds zur F\"orderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung} \spons{} \key{Computer Algebra, Combinatorics} %{\abstr 90-02.} } \normal{ \newrep \no{90-03} \author{Udo FEISCHL} \title{An Algorithmic Tool Kit for the 2D-Representation of Chemical Structures} \kind{Diploma Thesis} \spons{ Austrian Forschungsfond f\"ur die gewerbliche Wirtschaft, Project no. 6/514, and CIFEG, Austria } \key{Chemistry, Graphics} {\abstr 90-03.} } \publ{ \newrep \no{90-04} \author{Sabine STIFTER, Sylvia NEUWIRTH} \title{GET: A Workbench for Tunnel Geometries} \kind{Proceedings IASTED International Symposium Applied Informatics, Innsbruck, Austria, Feb.\ 20-23, 1990, M.H. Hamza (ed.), Acta Press, pp. 280--283.} \spons{ Mayreder Consult, Linz, ITF proj. no. 7/40/1614 II/SA, Austrian BWF proj. no. 613.523/3-27a/89. } \key{Graphics} {\abstr 90-04.} } \normal{ \newrep \no{90-05} \author{Karel STOKKERMANS} \title{Concise Overview of Problems in Stereophenomenology} \kind{Technical Report} \spons{ Esprit Basic Research Actions, Project MEDLAR.} \key{Automated Theorem Proving} {\abstr 90-05.} } \normal \newrep \no{90-06} \author{Sabine STIFTER} \title{Gripping Semi-Algebraic Objects by Robot Hands} \kind{Technical Report} \spons{} \key{Computer Algebra, Robotics} {\abstr 90-06.} } \normal{ \newrep \no{90-07} \author{Gerald BAUMGARTNER, Ryan STANSIFER} \title{A Proposal to Study Type Systems for Computer Algebra} \kind{Technical Report} \spons{Austrian Forschungsf\"orderungsfonds, project no. P6763} \key{Computer Algebra, Systems} %{\abstr 90-07.} } \normal{ \newrep \no{90-08} \author{Sabine STIFTER} \title{Voronoi Diagrams of General Sets in 2D, Especially Semi-Algebraic Sets} \kind{Technical Report} \spons{} \key{Computational Geometry, Computer Algebra} {\abstr 90-08.} } \publ{ \newrep \no{90-09} \author{Ehrich KALTOFEN, Heinrich ROLLETSCHEK} \title{Computing Greatest Common Divisors and Factorizations in Quadratic Number Fields} \kind{Mathematics of Computation, vol. 53/188, pp. 697--720.} \spons{} \key{Computer Algebra} {\abstr 90-09.} } \internal{ \newrep \no{90-10} \author{K. STOHL} \title{Schmelzenreihung im Stahlwerk LD 3 der VOEST-Alpine Stahl Linz} \kind{Internal Report} \spons{ VOEST-Alpine Industrieanlagenbau GmbH Linz, und Stadt Linz} \key{Expert Systems} %{\abstr 90-10.} } \internal{ \newrep \no{90-11} \author{Th. MORITZ, K. STOHL, J. WEIGL, I. LIEDLBAUER} \title{Endbericht der Vorstudie ``Schmelzenreihung'' im Stahlwerk LD3} \kind{Internal Report} \spons{ VOEST-Alpine Industrieanlagenbau GmbH Linz, und Stadt Linz} \key{Expert Systems} %{\abstr 90-09.} } \normal{ \newrep \no{90-12} \author{Thomas MORITZ, Thomas WEIGERT} \title{Modellierung und Kontrolle von Regel-Wissen mit Nexpert Object} \kind{Technical Report} spons{ VOEST-Alpine Industrieanlagenbau GmbH Linz, und Stadt Linz} \key{Expert Systems} {\abstr 90-12.} } \normal{ \newrep \no{90-13} \author{Herwig MAYR} \title{High-Efficient Collision Checking for Robots/NC Using Linear Programming Techniques} \kind{To appear: Operations Research 1990} \spons{AIS Ges.m.b.H.} \key{Operations Research, Robot Programming} {\abstr 90-13.} } \normal{ \newrep \no{90-14} \author{Herwig MAYR, Johann HEINZELREITER} \title{The Layer Tree: An Efficient Solid Modeling Scheme for Workpieces and Tools} \kind{Technical Report} \spons{AIS Ges.m.b.H.} \key{Robot Programming, Geometric Modeling} {\abstr 90-14.} } \normal{ \newrep \no{90-15} \author{Sabine STIFTER} \title{Software Systems for Robot Simulation} \kind{Technical Report, Presented at: Proc. IUTAM Symposium on Dynamic Problems of Rigid-Elastic Systems and Structures, May 23-27, 1990, Moscow, UdSSR} \spons{} \key{Robot Programming} {\abstr 90-15.} } \publ{ \newrep \no{90-16} \author{Wolfgang P\"OLZLEITNER, Sabine STIFTER} \title{Active Sensing Using Associative Processes and 3D Geometric Modeling} \kind{Proc. \"OAGM Tagung, Image Acquisation and Real-Time Visualization, May 3-4, Salzburg, Austria, pp. 139--151} \spons{} \key{Geometric Modeling} \abstr 90-16. } \normal{ \newrep \no{90-17} \author{Kurt SIEGL} \title{A Parallel Version of Buchberger's Algorithm in STRAND88} \kind{Technical Report} \spons{ Austrian Forschungsf\"orderungsfonds, project no. P-06931-PH, Austrian BWF proj. no. 613.523/3-27a/89.} \key{Gr\"obner Bases, Parallel Computation} {\abstr 90-17.} } \publ{ \newrep \no{90-18} \author{M. KALKBRENER, W. HERFORT, J. SEKE, W.M.O. HITTMAIR} \title{Application of Primitive Polynomial Remainder Sequences to a Problem of Quantum Optics} \kind{Sitzungsbericht der \"O. Akademie der Wissenschaften} \spons{ Austrian Forschungsf\"orderungsfonds, project no. P6763, Jubil\"aumsfonds der \"O. Nationalbank, grant no. 3688. } \key{Computer Algebra} {\abstr 90-18.} } \publ{ \newrep \no{90-19} \author{Heinrich ROLLETSCHEK} \title{Shortest Division Chains in Imaginary Quadratic Number Fields} \kind{Journ. of Symbolic Computation, vol.9, pp. 321-354, 1990} \spons{\"Osterreichische Forschungsgemeinschaft grant no. 09/0004 } \key{Number Theory} {\abstr 90-19.} } \publ{ \newrep \no{90-20} \author{Sabine STIFTER} \title{The Role of Symbolic Computation in Factory Automation} \kind{Proc. of $23^{rd}$ ISATA Int. Symp. on Automotive Technology and Automation, Dec. 3-7, 1990, Vienna, Austria, vol. II, pp. 187--194.} \spons{} \key{Robotics} {\abstr 90-20.} } \normal{ \newrep \no{90-21} \author{Michael KALKBRENER} \title{Solving Systems of Bivariate Algebraic Equations by Using Primitive Polynomial Remainder Sequences} \kind{Extended version of paper presented at ISSAC'90, Japan} \spons{ Austrian Forschungsf\"orderungsfonds, project no. P6763} \key{Computer Algebra} {\abstr 90-21.} } \internal{ \newrep \no{90-22} \author{Sylvia NEUWIRTH} \title{Benutzerhandbuch f\"ur Simulation der Tunnelfahrt und Konstruktion der T\"ubbinge} \kind{Internal Report} \spons{ Mayreder Consult, Linz, Austria, ITF proj. no. 7/40/1614 II/SA, (Eureka projekt EU360).} \key{Robotics} %{\abstr 90-22.} } \normal{ \newrep \no{90-23} \author{Johann HEINZELREITER, Herwig MAYR} \title{Solid Modeling of Dynamic Objects Using Spatial Enumeration Techniques, A Survey} \kind{Technical Report} \spons{ AIS Ges.m.b.H.} \key{Robotics, computational Geometry, CAM} %{\abstr 90-23.} } \publ{ \newrep \no{90-24} \author{Franz WINKLER} \title{Representation of Algebraic Curves} \kind{Presented at the IV International Conference on Computer Algebra in Physical Research, Dubna, USSR, May 22-26, 1990.} \spons{Austrian Forschungsf\"orderungsfonds, project no. P6763} \key{Algebraic geometry} {\abstr 90-24.} } \publ{ \newrep \no{90-25} \author{Kazuhiro YOKOYAMA, Masayuki NORO, Taku TAKESHIMA} \title{On Determining the Solvability of Polynomials} \kind{Proceedings ISSAC'90, Tokyo, Japan, Aug. 20--24, 1990} \spons{} \key{Computer Algebra} {\abstr 90-25.} } \publ{ \newrep \no{90-26} \author{Kazuhiro YOKOYAMA, Masayuki NORO, Taku TAKESHIMA} \title{On Factoring Multi-variate Polynomials over Algebraically Closed Fields} \kind{Proceedings ISSAC'90, Tokyo, Japan, Aug. 20--24, 1990, (Extended Abstract)} \spons{} \key{Computer Algebra} {\abstr 90-26.} } \normal{ \newrep \no{90-27} \author{Michael KALKBRENER} \title{Implicitization by Using Gr\"obner Bases} \kind{Technical Report} \spons{ Austrian Forschungsf\"orderungsfonds, project no. P6763, Austrian Ministery of Science, proj. no. 613.523/3-27a/89 (``Gr\"obner Bases''). } \key{Computer Algebra, Gr\"obner Bases} {\abstr 90-27.} } \publ{ \newrep \no{90-28} \author{Herwig MAYR} \title{Verifying Robotics/NC Tasks by Real-Time Dynamic Collision Checking} \kind{Proc. $23^{rd}$ ISATA Int. Symp. on Automotive Technology and Automation, Advanced Automotive Manufacturing, Dec. 3-7, 1990, Vienna, Austria, vol. 1, J.I. soliman (ed.), pp. 451--458.} \spons{ AIS Ges.m.b.H. } \key{Robotics} {\abstr 90-28.} } \normal{ \newrep \no{90-29} \author{Sabine STIFTER} \title{Visualization of Algebraic Surfaces Using Spatial Enumeration} \kind{Technical Report} \spons{} \key{Computer Algebra, CAD} {\abstr 90-29.} } \publ{ \newrep \no{90-30} \author{Markus MAYR, Sylvia NEUWIRTH, Sabine STIFTER} \title{A Simulation and Planning Package for Tunnel Construction} \kind{Proc. $23^{rd}$ ISATA Int. Symp. on Automotive Technology and Automation, Dec. 3-7, 1990, Vienna, Austria, vol. II, pp. 156--163.} \spons{ Mayreder Consult, Linz, Austria, ITF proj. no. 7/40/1614 II/SA, (Eureka projekt EU360). } \key{Robotics, CAD} {\abstr 90-30.} } \normal{ \newrep \no{90-31} \author{Miguel A. BORGES T.} \title{Applications of Gr\"obner Bases in Commutative Group Theory} \kind{Technical Report} \spons{ %Austrian Forschungsf\"orderungsfonds, project no. P-06931-PH, Austrian BWF proj. no. 613.523/3-27a/89. } \key{Gr\"obner Bases} {\abstr 90-31.} } \normal{ \newrep \no{90-32} \author{Sabine STIFTER} \title{Conversions of Intersection Tests to Collision Tests} \kind{Technical Report} \spons{} \key{Computational Geometry} {\abstr 90-32.} } \publ{ \newrep \no{90-33} \author{Edward S. BLUROCK} \title{Computer Aided Organic Synthesis: Development and Implementation of a Complete Synthetic Strategy} \kind{Tetrahedron Computer Methodology, vol. 2, no. 4, 1989, pp. 207-222.} \spons{ Austrian Forschungsfond f\"ur die gewerbliche Wirtschaft, Project no. 6/514, Chemie Linz AG, and Firm UNIWARE. } \key{Chemistry} {\abstr 90-33.} } \publ{ \newrep \no{90-34} \author{Edward BLUROCK, Thomas STRELOW} \title{Towards Synthesis Planning Aids Through Databank Analysis} \kind{Software Development in Chemistry, vol. 4, 1990} \spons{} \key{Chemistry, Expert Systems} {\abstr 90-34.} } \publ{ \newrep \no{90-35} \author{Johann HEINZELREITER, Herwig MAYR} \title{Machining Simulation and Verification by Efficient Dynamic Modeling} \kind{Proc. of $23^{rd}$ ISATA Int. Symp. on Automotive Technology and Automation, Dec. 3-7, 1990, Vienna, Austria, vol. 1, J.I. Soliman (ed.), vol. 1, pp. 489--496.} \spons{AIS Ges.m.b.H.} \key{Geometric modeling, robotics} {\abstr 90-35.} } \publ{ \newrep \no{90-36} \author{Sabine STIFTER} \title{Algebraic Methods in Softautomation} \kind{J. Systems Analysis, Modelling and Simulation, special issue on Modelling and Simulation in Computer Science, vol. 4/5, pp. 391--400.} \spons{} \key{Computer algebra, robotics} {\abstr 90-36.} } \normal{ \newrep \no{90-37} \author{Dongming WANG} \title{Differentiation and Integration of Indefinite Summations with Respect to Indexed Variables} \kind{Technical Report} \spons{ Siemens AG Munich} \key{Computer algebra} {\abstr 90-37.} } \publ{ \newrep \no{90-38} \author{Bernd SCH\"URMANN, Dongming WANG} \title{Stable Neurodynamics and Symbolic Computation \kind{Proc. Int. Neural Network Conf. (INNC 90), Paris, France, July 9-13, 1990.} \spons{Siemens AG Munich} \key{neural networks} {\abstr 90-38.} } \normal{ \newrep \no{90-39} \author{Martin RUDALICS} \title{Implementation of Distributed Reference Counts} \kind{Technical Report} \spons{} \key{} {\abstr 90-39.} } \normal{ \newrep \no{90-40} \author{Martin RUDALICS} \title{Correctness of Distributed Garbage collection Algorithms} \kind{Technical Report} \spons{} \key{} {\abstr 90-40.} } \normal{ \newrep \no{90-41} \author{} \title{Abstracts of the $2^{nd}$ Int. Workshop on Advances in Robot Kinematics} \kind{held Sept. 10-12, 1990, Linz, Austria} \spons{} \key{Robotics} %{\abstr 90-41.} } \more{ \normal{ \newrep \no{90-42} \author{Wolfgang SCHREINER} \title{ADAM \& EVE An Abstract Dataflow Machine and Its Programming Language} \kind{Diploma Thesis} \spons{ Austrian Forschungsf\"orderungsfonds, project no. P-06931-PH, } \key{Parallel computation} {\abstr 90-42.} }} \normal{ \newrep \no{90-43} \author{Gerhard FUNK} \title{Formal Semantics and Verification System of the Dynamic Parallel L-Language} \kind{Technical Report} \spons{ Austrian Forschungsf\"orderungsfonds, project no. P-06931-PH, } \key{Parallel computation} {\abstr 90-43.} } \normal{ \newrep \no{90-44} \author{Bruno BUCHBERGER} \title{ Fermat's Ideal Can Be Generated by the First Three Fermat Polynomials} \kind{Technical Report} \spons{} \key{Gr\"obner bases} {\abstr 90-44.} } \normal{ \newrep \no{90-45} \author{Juan R. SENDRA, Franz WINKLER} \title{Computer Algebra Methods in the Parametrization of Curves} \kind{Technical Report} \spons{ Austrian Forschungsf\"orderungsfonds, project no. P6763, } \key{Computer Algebra} {\abstr 90-45.} } \publ{ \newrep \no{90-46} \author{Edward S. BLUROCK} \title{Automatic Extraction of Reaction Information from Databases using Classification and Learning Techniques} \kind{Proc. of the Montreux 1990 Int. Chemical Information Conference, Montreux, Switzerland, Sept. 24-26, 1990, pp. 25--35.} \spons{ } \key{Chemical synthesis planning} {\abstr 90-46.} } \publ{ \newrep \no{90-47} \author{Bernd STURMFELS} \title{Gr\"obner Bases and Stanley Decomposition of Determinantal Ideals} \kind{Mathematische Zeitschrift, vol. 205, pp. 137--144, 1990.} \spons{ Austrian Forschungsf\"orderungsfonds, project no. P6763} \key{Computer algebra, groebner bases} %{\abstr 90-47.} } \normal{ \newrep \no{90-48} \author{Peter PAULE} \title{Solution to Amer. Math. Monthly Problem E3376} \kind{Technical Report} \spons{ Austrian Forschungsf\"orderungsfonds, project no. P6763, Austrian Forschungsf\"orderungsfonds, project no. P7220 } \key{Computer algebra, combinatorics} %{\abstr 90-48.} } \normal{ \newrep \no{90-49} \author{Peter PAULE} \title{Parallel Algorithms in Computer Algebra Zeilberger's Holonomic Systems Approach} \kind{Technical Report} \spons{ Austrian Forschungsf\"orderungsfonds, project no. P6763, Austrian Forschungsf\"orderungsfonds, project no. P7220 } \key{Computer algebra, combinatorics} %{\abstr 90-49.} } \publ{ \newprep \no{90-50} \author{Bruno BUCHBERGER} \title{Symbolic Computation: Pure Computer Mathematics} \kind{Invited paper at the $8^{th}$ US Army Conference on ``Applied Mathematics'', Cornell, June 1990.} \spons{ Austrian Ministery of Science, proj. no. 613.523/3-27a/89 (``Gr\"obner Bases''). } \key{Computer Algebra} {\abstr 90-50.} } \normal{ \newrep \no{90-51} \author{Istvan Nemes} \title{On a Problem of Buchberger} \kind{Technical Report} \spons{ Austrian Ministery of Science, proj. no. 613.523/3-27a/89 (``Gr\"obner Bases''). } \key{Computer Algebra} {\abstr 90-51.} } \normal{ \newrep \no{90-52} \author{Franz WINKLER} \title{Introduction to Computer Algebra} \kind{Lecture Notes of the Summer School on Computer Algebra, held at RISC-Linz, July 1990} \spons{} \key{Computer Algebra} %{\abstr 90-52.} } \publ{ \newrep \no{90-53} \author{Wolfgang SCHREINER} \title{ADAM -- An Abstract Dataflow Machine and Its Transputer Implementation} \kind{Proceedings of the $2^{nd}$ European Distributed Memory Computing Conference EDMCC2, Techn. Univ. Munich, Germany, April 22-24, 1991, Springer LNCS 487, pp. 392--401.} \spons{ Austrian Forschungsf\"orderungsfonds, project no. P-06931-PH, } \key{Parallel Computation} {\abstr 90-53.} } \normal{ \more{ \newrep \no{90-54} \author{Kurt SIEGL} \title{Gr\"obner Bases Computation in STRAND: A Case Study for Concurrent Symbolic Computation in Logic Programming Languages} \kind{Diploma thesis} \spons{ Austrian Forschungsf\"orderungsfonds, project no. P-06931-PH, Austrian Ministery of Science, proj. no. 613.523/3-27a/89 (``Gr\"obner Bases''). } \key{Parallel Computation, Groebner bases} {\abstr 90-54.} }} \publ{ \newrep \no{90-55} \author{J. Rafael SENDRA, Franz WINKLER} \title{Symbolic Parametrization of Curves} \kind{Journal of Symbolic Computation, vol. 12, no. 6, pp. 607--631.} \spons{ Austrian Forschungsf\"orderungsfonds, project no. P6763, } \key{Computer Algebra} {\abstr 90-55.} } \normal{ \newrep \no{90-56} \author{Wolfgang WINDSTEIGER} \title{An Implementation of Rational Functions in PCL} \kind{Technical Report} \spons{ Austrian Ministery of Science, proj. no. 613.523/3-27a/89 (``Gr\"obner Bases''). } \key{Groebner bases} {\abstr 90-56.} } \normal{ \newrep \no{90-57} \author{Wolfgang WINDSTEIGER} \title{An Approach to Object-Oriented Programming in C} \kind{Technical Report} \spons{ Austrian Ministery of Science, proj. no. 613.523/3-27a/89 (``Gr\"obner Bases''). } \key{Computer Algebra, Gr\"obner Bases, software development} %{\abstr 90-57.} } \normal{ \newrep \no{90-58} \author{Bruno BUCHBERGER} \title{An Implementation of Gr\"obner Bases in Mathematica} \kind{Technical Report} \spons{ Austrian Ministery of Science, proj. no. 613.523/3-27a/89 (``Gr\"obner Bases''). } \key{Computer Algebra, Gr\"obner Bases} {\abstr 90-58.} } \normal{ \newrep \no{90-59} \author{Michael KALKBRENER} \title{Birational Projections of Irreducible Varieties} \kind{Technical Report} \spons{ Austrian Forschungsf\"orderungsfonds, project no. P6763, Austrian Ministery of Science, proj. no. 613.523/3-27a/89 (``Gr\"obner Bases''). Esprit Basic Research Actions 3125 Project MEDLAR. } \key{Computer Algebra, Groebner Bases} {\abstr 90-59.} } \normal{ \newrep \no{90-60} \author{Jochen PFALZGRAF} \title{Reasoning on a M\"obius Strip} \kind{MEDLAR Newsletter, no. 1, Sept.--Nov. 1990, Imperial College, London} \spons{ Esprit Basic Research Actions 3125 Project MEDLAR. %{\abstr 90-60.} } \internal{ \newrep \no{90-61} \author{R. EGGETSBERGER, H. KOBLER, C. RAMB\"OCK, G. WAGNER} \title{Eine Kurzeinf\"uhrung in CAYLEY} \kind{Kopien von Seminarvortr\"agen \"uber ``Algebraische Abz\"ahltheorie'', Veranstaltungsleiter: P. Paule} \spons{ } \key{Combinatorics} %{\abstr 90-61.} } \internal{ \newrep \no{90-62} \author{Peter PAULE} \title{Mathematica Overview} \kind{RISC-Summer School Talk, Kopien der Folien} \spons{ } \key{Software systems} %{\abstr 90-62.} } \pulb{ \newrep \no{90-63} \author{Thomas WEIGERT, Jing-Pha TSAI, Xuhua LIU} \title{Fuzzy Operator Logic and Fuzzy Resolution} \kind{J. of Automated Reasoning, to appear.} \spons{ } \key{Automated theorem proving} %{\abstr 90-63.} } \publ{ \newrep \no{90-64} \author{Jeffrey TSAI, Thomas WEIGERT, H.C. JANG} \title{A Hybrid Knowledge Representation as a Basis of Requirement Specification and Reasoning} \kind{Proc. 2nd IEEE Int. Conf. on Tools for Aritificial Intelligence, 1990} \spons{ } \key{Artificial Intelligence} %{\abstr 90-64.} } \publ{ \newrep \no{90-65} \author{Thomas WEIGERT} \title{Resolution-Based Reasoning for Fuzzy Logic} \kind{Proc. Expert Systems in Engineering, Springer 1990} \spons{ } \key{Artificial Intelligence} %{\abstr 90-65.} } \internal{ \newrep \no{90-66} \author{Peter PAULE} \title{An Algorithmic Construction of Combinatorial Bijections as an Application of a Lemma of Ingleton and Piff} \kind{Technical Report} \spons{ Austrian Forschungsf\"orderungsfonds, project no. P7220 } \internal{ \newrep \no{90-67} \author{Thomas MORITZ} \title{Consistency and Completeness of Knowledge-based Systems: L\"osungsalternativen} \spons{ VOEST-ALPINE Industrieanlagenbau GmbH. Linz } \key{expert systems} } \internal{ \newrep \no{90-68} \author{Thomas MORITZ} \title{Consistency and Completeness of Knowledge-based Systems: Sammlung von Checking-System-Merkmalen} \spons{ VOEST-ALPINE Industrieanlagenbau GmbH. Linz } \key{expert systems} } \normal{ \newrep \no{90-69} \author{Richard GEBAUER} \title{Plotting Algebraic Curves} \spons{ } \key{computer algebra} %{\abstr 92-56.} \repdate{} } \normal{ \newrep \no{91-01} \author{Josef SCHICHO, Juan Rafael SENDRA} \title{On the Choice of Pencils in the Parametrization of Curves} \kind{Technical Report} \spons{ Austrian Forschungsf\"orderungsfonds, project no. P6763, Esprit Basic Research Actions 3125 Project MEDLAR. } \key{Computer Algebra} {\abstr 91-01.} } \normal{ \newrep \no{91-02} \author{George E. ANDREWS, Peter PAULE} \title{Some Questions Concerning Computer-Generated Proofs of Double-Sum Identity} \kind{Technical Report} \spons{ Austrian Forschungsf\"orderungsfonds, project no. P6763, and P7220, partially by National Science Foundation Grant DMS 87002695-03. } \key{Computer Algebra, combinatorics} %{\abstr 91-02.} } \publ{ \newrep \no{91-03} \author{Herwig MAYR, Johann HEINZELREITER} \title{A Solid Modeler for Dynamic Objects Using the Dexel Representation} \kind{Proc. Int. Conf. on Engineering Design, August 27-29, 1991, Zurich, Switzerland, vol. 2, V. Hubka (ed.), pp. 1082-1085.} \spons{ AIS Ges.m.b.H. and ITF Austria. } \key{geometric modeling, CAD/CAM} {\abstr 91-03.} } % 91-04 does not exist! \normal{ \newrep \no{91-05} \author{Hoon HONG} \title{Collision Problems by an Improved CAD-based Quantifier Elimination Algorithm} \kind{Technical Report} \spons{ Austrian Ministery of Science, proj. no. 613.523/3-27a/89 (``Gr\"obner Bases''). } \key{Computer Algebra, Quantifier Elimination} {\abstr 91-05.} } \normal{ \newrep \no{91-06} \author{Bruno BUCHBERGER, Hoon HONG} \title{Speeding-up Quantifier Elimination by Gr\"obner Bases} \kind{Technical Report} \spons{ Austrian Ministery of Science, proj. no. 613.523/3-27a/89 (``Gr\"obner Bases''). } \key{} {\abstr 91-06.} } \publ{ \newrep \no{91-07} \author{Heinrich ROLLETSCHEK} \title{Computer Algebra} \kind{\"Ubersichtsartikel,Kleine Enzyklop\"adie Mathematik, Bibliograph. Inst. Leipzig, to appear.} \spons{} \key{Computer Algebra} %{\abstr 91-07.} } \publ{ \newrep \no{91-08} \author{Herwig MAYR} \title{The Current Situation in Graphic Manufacturing Simulation and Robot Simulation A Survey} \kind{$24^{th}$ Int. Symposium on Automotive Technology and Automation (ISATA), Florence, Italy, May 20-24, 1991, vol. Mechatronics, pp. 569-576.} \spons{ AIS Ges.m.b.H. and ITF Austria. } \key{Robotics, CAM} {\abstr 91-08.} } \publ{ \newrep \no{91-09} \author{Sabine STIFTER} \title{Collision Detection in the Robot Simulation System SMART} \kind{International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, vol. 7, 1992, pp. 277--284.} \spons{ } \key{Robotics, Computational Geometry} {\abstr 91-09.} } \publ{ \newrep \no{91-10} \author{Sabine STIFTER} \title{Simulation and Verification of NC Machining Using Symbolic Computation Techniques} \kind{IMACS'91 Congress on Computation and Applied Mathematics, (Solicited Paper), July 22-26, Dublin, Ireland. } \spons{ } \key{CAM} {\abstr 91-10.} } \publ{ \newrep \no{91-11} \author{Bruno BUCHBERGER} \title{Gr\"obner Bases in Mathematica: Enthusiasm and Frustation} \kind{Proceedings IFIP TC2/WG2.5 Working conf. on Programming Environments for High-Level Scientific Problem Solving, Karlsruhe, Germany, Sept. 23-27 1991, P.W. Gaffney, E.N. Houstis (eds.).} \spons{ Austrian Ministery of Science, proj. no. 613.523/3-27a/89 (``Gr\"obner Bases''). } \key{computer algebra, mathematica} {\abstr 91-11.} } \normal{ \newrep \no{91-12} \author{W.L. ROQUE, R.P. dos SANTOS} \title{Automated Qualitative Reasoning with Dimensional Analysis} \kind{Technical Report} \spons{} \key{} {\abstr 91-12.} } \normal{ \newrep \no{91-13} \author{Jochen PFALZGRAF} \title{On Logical Fiberings and Polycontextural Systems} \kind{Technical Report} \spons{ BWF project number 160.006/2-26/89 in the frame of the Esprit Basic Research Actions 3125 Project MEDLAR.} \key{logic, parallelism} %{\abstr 91-13.} } \normal{ \newrep \no{91-14} \author{Peter PAULE, Volker STREHL} \title{A Remark on an Instance of Gosper's Algorithm} \kind{Technical Report} \spons{ Austrian Forschungsf\"orderungsfonds, project no. P6763, and no. P7220. } \key{computer algebra, combinatorics} %{\abstr 91-14.} } \publ{ \newrep \no{91-15} \author{Herwig MAYR, Johann HEINZELREITER} \title{Modeling and Simulation of the Robotics/NC Machining Process Using a Spatial Enumeration Representation} \kind{Proc. Fifth Int. Conference on Advanced Robotics, ICAR'91, June 20-22, 1991, Pisa, Italy, pp. 1594-1597.} \spons{ Austrian BWF, Project no. 609.506/1-26/88, AIS Ges.m.b.H. and ITF Austria. } \key{CAM} %{\abstr 91-15.} } \internal{ \newrep \no{91-16} \author{E. BLUROCK} \title{Einflu\ss faktoren-Bestimmung zur Ri\ss pr\"ufung bei Brammen} \kind{Abschlu\ss bericht zum Vorprojekt, Internal Report} \spons{ VOEST-Alpine Stahl GmbH. } \key{expert systems} %{\abstr 91-16.} } \publ{ \newrep \no{91-17} \author{R. GEBAUER, M. KALKBRENER, B. WALL, F. WINKLER} \title{CASA: A Computer Algebra Package for Constructive Algebraic Geometry} \kind{Proceedings ISSAC'91, Bonn, July 1991, St. M. Watt (ed.)} \spons{ Austrian Forschungsf\"orderungsfonds, project no. P6763 } \key{computer algebra} %{\abstr 91-17.} } \normal{ \newrep \no{91-18} \author{Herwig MAYR, Johann HEINZELREITER} \title{Kinematic Schemes of NC Machines Within SAVE} \kind{Technical Report} \spons{ AIS Ges.m.b.H. and ITF Austria. } \key{robotics, CAM} %{\abstr 91-18.} } \publ{ \newrep \no{91-19} \author{J. Heinzelreiter, M. Kalkbrener, H. Mayr, J. Pfalzgraf, S. Stifter, B. Wall} \title{Symbolic Computation Tools for Technological Modeling} \kind{Proc. IFAC/IFIP/IMACS-Symposium on Robot Control (SYROCO'91), Sept. 16-18, 1991, Vienna, Austria, I. Troch, K. Desoyer, P. Kopacek (eds.), pp. 435-440.} \spons{ AIS Ges.m.b.H. and ITF Austria, Austrian Forschungsf\"orderungsfonds, project no. P6763 } \key{robotics, computer algebra} %{\abstr 91-19.} } \publ{ \newrep \no{91-20} \author{Sabine STIFTER} \title{Visualization of Algebraic Solids and Surfaces} \kind{ACM/SIGGRAPH Symposium on Solid Modeling Fundamentals \& CAD/CAM Applications, June 1991, Texas, USA.} \spons{ } \key{robotics, computer algebra} %{\abstr 91-20.} } \normal{ \newrep \no{91-21} \author{W.L. ROQUE} \title{Learning Qualitative Physics Reasoning from Regime Analysis} \kind{Technical Report} \spons{ CNPq - Brazil. } \key{reasoning} %{\abstr 91-21.} } \publ{ \newrep \no{91-22} \author{Herwig MAYR} \title{NC Machines Meet Robots -- Towards a Common Robotics/NC Standard} \kind{Proc. 4th IFIP Conf. on Computer Applications in Production and Engineering (CAPE'91), Bordeaux, France, Sept. 1991, G. Doumeingts, J. Browne, M. Tomljanovich (eds.), pp. 555-562.} \spons{ AIS Ges.m.b.H. and ITF Austria, } \key{robotics} %{\abstr 91-22.} } \normal{ \newrep \no{91-23} \author{Dongming WANG} \title{A Toolkit for Manipulating Indefinite Summations Application to Neural Networks} \kind{Technical Report. A short version appears as an application report in Proc.\ ISSAC'91, Bonn, GDR, July 1991.} \spons{ Siemens AG Munich } \key{computer algebra, neural networks} %{\abstr 91-23.} } \publ{ \newrep \no{91-24} \author{Jochen PFALZGRAF} \title{Logical Fiberings and Polycontextural Systems} \kind{Proceedings of FAIR'91, Jarrand, Kehmen (eds.), Springer, LNCS 535. Short Version of RISC-Report 91-13.} \spons{ BWF project number 160.006/2-26/89 in the frame of the Esprit Basic Research Actions 3125 Project MEDLAR. } \key{logics, parallelism} %{\abstr 91-24.} } \normal{ \newrep \no{91-25} \author{Dongming WANG} \title{An Implementation of the Characteristic Set Method in Maple} \kind{Technical Report} \spons{ BWF project number 160.006/2-26/89 in the frame of the Esprit Basic Research Actions 3125 Project MEDLAR. } \key{computer algebra, geometry theorem proving} %{\abstr 91-25.} } \normal{ \newrep \no{91-26} \author{Olga CAPROTTI} \title{A Formal Characterization of Indexed Mathematical Objects for the Manipulation of Sums and Series} \kind{Technical Report Also: Report of Dip. di Informatica e Sistemistica, Univ.\ Roma} \spons{ ``Progetto Finalizzato Sistemi Informatici e Calcolo Parallelo'' of CNR } \key{computer algebra} %{\abstr 91-26.} } \internal{ \newrep \no{91-27} \author{E. BLUROCK} \title{ANALYSE: An Implementation of the ID3 Algorithm} \kind{Internal Report} \spons{ } \key{artificial intelligence} %{\abstr 91-27.} } \normal{ \newrep \more{ \no{91-28} \author{Michael KALKBRENER} \title{Three Contributions to Elimination Theory} \kind{Ph.D. thesis} \spons{ Austrian Forschungsf\"orderungsfonds, project no. P6763 and BWF project no. 613.523/3-27a/89 (``Gr\"obner Bases''). } \key{computer algebra} %{\abstr 91-28.} }} \publ{ \newrep \no{91-29} \author{Michael KALKBRENER} \title{Implicitization of Rational Parametric Curves and Surfaces} \kind{Proc.\ AAECC'8, Tokio, Japan, August 1990, Springer LNCS 508.} \spons{ Austrian Forschungsf\"orderungsfonds, project no. P6763 } \key{computer algebra} %{\abstr 91-29.} } \publ{ \newrep \no{91-30} \author{Dongming WANG} \title{On the Parallelization of Characteristic-Set-Based Algorithms} \kind{Proc.\ 1st Int.\ conf.\ ACPC, Salzburg, Austria, 1991, to appear.} \spons{ BWF project number 160.006/2-26/89 in the frame of the Esprit Basic Research Actions 3125 Project MEDLAR, and project ``Parallel Computation on Workstation Networks''. } \key{computer algebra, parallel computation} %{\abstr 91-30.} } \normal{ \newrep \no{91-31} \author{Petr LISON\v EK} \title{The Performance of Gosper's Algorithm on Rational Function Inputs} \kind{Technical Report} \spons{ Austrian Ministery of Science and Research, Austrian Forschungsf\"orderungsfonds, project no. P7220. } \key{combinatorics} %{\abstr 91-31.} } \publ{ \newrep \no{91-32} \author{Herwig MAYR, Hermann \"OLLINGER} \title{SMART: Simulation of Manufacturing and Robot Tasks} \kind{In: D.W. Wloka (ed.), Robotersimulation, Springer, 1991, pp. 153--186.} \spons{ Austrian Ministery for Research and Science project no.\ 609.506/1-26/88, Austrian Ministery of Public Economy and Traffic, EPR-fonds no.\ 1611/12-ME/85, and Land Ober\"osterreich and city of Linz. } \key{robotics} %{\abstr 91-32.} } \normal{ \newrep \more{ \no{91-33} \author{Michael KALKBRENER} \title{Elimination Theory} \kind{Lecture Notes} \spons{ Austrian Forschungsf\"orderungsfonds, project no. P6763 and BWF project no. 613.523/3-27a/89 (``Gr\"obner Bases''). } \key{computer algebra, Gr\"obner bases} %{\abstr 91-33.} }} \normal{ \newrep \no{91-34} \author{Bernhard WALL} \title{CASA: Computer Algebra Software for Constructive Algebraic Geometry in MAPLE. A Primer} \kind{Technical Report} \spons{ Austrian Forschungsf\"orderungsfonds, project no. P6763 } \key{computer algebra} %{\abstr 91-34.} } \internal{ \no{91-35} \author{Franz WINKLER} \title{Abschlu\ss bericht Projekt P6763: Algorithmen und Software f\"ur die Algebraische Geometrie (ASAG)} \kind{Internal Report} \spons{ Austrian Forschungsf\"orderungsfonds, project no. P6763 } \key{computer algebra} } \normal{ \newrep \no{91-36} \author{Anders Bj\ae rt S\o rensen} \title{Weighted Reed-Muller Codes} \kind{Technical Report} \spons{ Danish Natural Science Research Council and The Danish Research Academy. } \key{computer algebra} {\abstr 91-36.} } \normal{ \newrep \no{91-37} \author{Anders Bj\ae rt S\o rensen} \title{A Note on Algorithms Deciding Rationality and Absolutely Irreducibility Based on the Number of Rational Solutions} \kind{Technical Report} \spons{ Danish Natural Science Research Council and The Danish Research Academy. } \key{computer algebra} {\abstr 91-37.} } \publ{ \newrep \no{91-38} \author{Dongming WANG, Bernd SCH\"URMANN} \title{Computer Aided Investigations of Artificial Neural Systems} \kind{Proceedings Int. Joint Conference on Neural Networks, IJCNN'91, Singapore, November 18-21, 1991. To appear.} \spons{ Siemens AG Munich and Austrian Ministery of Science (Project "Parallel Computation on Workstation Networks"). } \key{computer algebra, neural networks, parallel computation} {\abstr 91-38.} } \normal{ \newrep \no{91-39} \author{Endre KISS} \title{A Proof of a Rabinowitz Theorem and Its Connection to the Brianchon Theorem} \kind{Technical Report} \spons{ } \key{computational geometry} } \normal{ \newrep \no{91-40} \author{Endre KISS} \title{A Parallel z-Tree for Computing the Visibility Structure of Segments in the Plane} \kind{Technical Report} \spons{ } \key{computational geometry} } \normal{ \newrep \no{91-41} \author{Hoon HONG} \title{Comparison of Several Decision Algorithms for the Existential Theory of the Reals} \kind{Technical Report} \spons{ } \key{computer algebra} {\abstr 91-41.} } \normal{ \newrep \no{91-42} \author{Herwig MAYR} \title{The Concept of NC Machine Geometries within SAVE} \kind{Technical Report} \spons{AIS GmbH and ITF Austria} \key{robotics} {\abstr 91-42.} } \publ{ \newrep \no{91-43} \author{Herwig MAYR} \title{Different Alternatives to Formulate the Robotics Collision Problem as an LP Model} \kind{IFIP Conference on System Modelling and Optimization, Zurich, Switzerland, Sept. 1991.To appear.} \spons{ AIS Ges.m.b.H. and ITF Austria, Austrian Ministery of Science and Research, } \key{computational geometry, robotics} {\abstr 91-43.} } \internal{ \newrep \no{91-44} \author{Sabine STIFTER} \title{A Parametric Representation of the Ring Elements Taking Bevelled Edges into Account} \kind{Internal Report} \spons{ a grant of the city of Linz. } \key{computational geometry} %{\abstr 91-44.} } \normal{ \newrep \no{91-45} \author{Fatima DARGAM, Jochen PFALZGRAF, Karel STOKKERMANS, Volker STAHL} \title{Towards a Toolkit for Benchmark Scenarios in Robot Multi-tasking} \kind{Technical Report} \spons{ BWF project number 160.006/2-26/89 in the frame of the Esprit Basic Research Actions 3125 Project MEDLAR. and CNP$_q$, Brazil} \key{robotics} } \normal{ \newrep \no{91-46} \author{Bernhard WALL} \title{Puiseux Expansion. An Annotated Bibliograhy} \kind{Technical Report} \spons{} \key{computer algebra} {\abstr 91-46.} } \publ{ \newrep \no{91-47} \author{Sabine STIFTER} \title{Computation and Analysis of Inverse Kinematics by Means of Gr\"obner Bases} \kind{Int. Journal Laboratory Robotics and Automation, Special Issue on Robot Kinematics, J. Lenarcic (ed.), vol. 4, 1992, pp. 115--125.} \spons{ Austrian Ministery of Science, proj. no. 613.523/3-27a/89 (``Gr\"obner Bases''). } \key{computer algebra, robotics} {\abstr 91-47.} } \publ{ \newrep \no{91-48} \author{Sabine STIFTER} \title{Gr\"obner Bases of Modules over Reduction Rings} \kind{Journal of Algebra, vol. 159, no. 1, 1993, pp. 54 -- 63.} \spons{ } \key{computer algebra} {\abstr 91-48.} } \normal{ \newrep \no{91-49} \author{Wolfgang SCHREINER} \title{A High-Level Target Language for the Compilation of Dataflow Programs} \kind{Technical Report} \spons{Austrian Forschungsf\"orderungsfonds project S5302-PHY (Parallel Symbolic computation} \key{parallel Computation} {\abstr 91-49.} } \normal{ \newrep \no{91-50} \author{Wolfgang SCHREINER} \title{A Model for the Compilation of Dataflow Languages on Conventional Parallel Architectures} \kind{Technical Report} \spons{Austrian Forschungsf\"orderungsfonds project S5302-PHY (Parallel Symbolic computation} \key{parallel Computation} {\abstr 91-50.} } \publ{ \newrep \no{91-51} \author{ Dongming WANG} \title{Reasoning About Geometric Problems Using Algebraic Methods} \kind{Proc. MEDLAR 24-Month Review Workshop, Grenoble, France, December 1991.} \spons{ BWF project number 160.006/2-26/89 in the frame of the Esprit Basic Research Actions 3125 Project MEDLAR, } \key{computer algebra} {\abstr 91-51.} } \normal{ \newrep \no{91-52} \author{ Dongming WANG} \title{On Wu's Method for Solving Systems of Algebraic Equations} \kind{Presented at AAECC-9, New Orleans, USA, Oct. 1991.} \spons{ BWF project number 160.006/2-26/89 in the frame of the Esprit Basic Research Actions 3125 Project MEDLAR, } \key{computer algebra} {\abstr 91-52.} } \publ{ \newrep \no{91-53} \author{Istvan NEMES } \title{On the Solution of the Diophantine Equation $G_n=P(x)$ with Sieve Algorithm} \kind{Computational Number Theory, 1991.} \spons{ } \key{computer algebra} {\abstr 91-53.} } \publ{ \newrep \no{91-54} \author{Heinrich ROLLETSCHEK} \title{A Variant of the Notation of Semicreative Set} \kind{Mathematical Logic Quaterly, vol. 39, 1993, pp. 33-46.} \spons{Austrian FWF, project no. 7220. } \key{algorithm theory} {\abstr 91-54.} } \normal{ \newrep \no{91-55} \author{Hoon HONG} \title{Parallelization of Quantifier Elimination on Workstation Network} \kind{Technical Report} \spons{ Digital Equipment Cooperation contract no. EERP-AU021 and Austrian Forschungsf\"orderungsfonds, project no. S5302-PHY (Parallel Symbolic } \key{parallel computation} {\abstr 91-55.} } \publ{ \newrep \no{91-56} \author{Dongming WANG, Bernd SCH\"URMANN} \title{Computer Algebra and Neurodynamics} \kind{Proc. Arbeitsgespraech Physik und Informatik -- Informatik und Physik, Munich, Nov. 21-22, 1991.} \spons{ Siemens AG Munich, Dept. ZFE IS INF 2 } \key{computer algebra, neural networks} {\abstr 91-56.} } \publ{ \newrep \no{91-57} \author{Sabine STIFTER} \title{Predictions about Collision Free Paths from Intersection Tests} \kind{Computational Geometry -- Methods, Algorithms and Applications, Int. Workshop CG'91, Bern, Switzerland, March 1991, Springer LNCS 553, pp. 309--320.} \spons{ } \key{robotics} %{\abstr 91-57.} } \normal{ \newrep \no{91-58} \author{Karel STOKKERMANS} \title{A Categorical Approach to Critical-Pair/Completion Procedures} \kind{Literature Survey and Workplan for Ph.D. Thesis} \spons{ BWF project number 160.006/2-26/89 in the frame of the Esprit Basic Research Actions 3125 Project MEDLAR. } \key{computer algebra} %{\abstr 91-58.} } \normal{ \newrep \no{91-59} \author{Klaus KUSCHE} \title{Parallel Symbolic Computation: Pointers to the Literature} \kind{Technical Report} \spons{ } \key{parallel computation} {\abstr 91-59.} } \publ{ \newrep \no{91-60} \author{Sabine STIFTER} \title{Algebraic Methods for Computing Inverse Kinematics} \kind{Conclusions of Erasmus Intensive Program on "Mathematical Methods in Robotics", June 24-28, Antwerp, Belgium. To appear.} \spons{ } \key{computer algebra, robotics} %{\abstr 91-60.} } \normal{ \newrep \more{ \no{91-61} \author{Herwig MAYR} \title{Real-Time Dynamic Collision Checking Integrated into Graphic Manufacturing Simulation} \kind{Ph.D. Thesis} \spons{ Austrian BWF, Project no. 609.506/1-26/88, AIS Ges.m.b.H. and ITF Austria, } \key{robotics, CAD/CAM} %{\abstr 91-61.} }} \normal{ \newrep \no{91-62} \author{Richard GEBAUER} \title{Implementation and Analysis of Parametrization Algorithms} \kind{Diploma thesis} \spons{ Austrian Science Foundation (FWF), projects no. P6763 } \key{computer algebra} %{\abstr 92-56.} \repdate{}%September 15, 1992} } \normal{ \newrep \no{92-01} \author{Hoon HONG} \title{Inter-reduction of Two Polynomials is Unique} \kind{Technical Report} \spons{ BWF project no. 613.523/3-27a/89 (``Gr\"obner Bases''). } \key{Groebner bases} {\abstr 92-01.} } \normal{ \newrep \no{92-02} \author{Hoon HONG} \title{Simple Solution Formula Construction in Cylindrical Algebraic Decomposition based Quantifier Elimination} \kind{Technical Report} \spons{ } \key{quantifier elimination} {\abstr 92-02.} } \normal{ \newrep \no{92-03} \author{Sabine STIFTER} \title{Abstract Voronoi Diagrams: A Characterization via Contour Elements} \kind{Technical Report} \spons{} {\abstr 92-03.} } \published{ \newrep \no{92-04} \author{Dongming WANG, Bernd SCH\"URMANN} \title{Computer Aided Analysis and Derivation} \kind{IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering. To appear} \spons{Siemens AG Munich, Dept. ZFE IS INF 2} {\abstr 92-04.} } \published{ \newrep \no{92-05} \author{Mark J. ENCARNACION} \title{A Note on Linear Regression Functions} \publ{Communications in Statistics: Theory and Method, vol. 21/3.} \spons{ } \key{linear regression, Lineare Regression} %{\abstr 92-05.} } \normal{ \newrep \no{92-06} \author{Hans Wolfgang LOIDL} \title{Circular Programs on Compound Data Structures} \spons{ } \key{} {\abstr 92-06.} } \normal{ \newrep \no{92-07} \author{Klaus KUSCHE} \title{Practical Experiments with Various Garbage Collection Methods} \spons{ } \key{garbage collection, Speicherverwaltung} {\abstr 92-07.} } \normal{ \newrep \no{92-08} \author{Hoon HONG} \title{Non-linear Constraints Solving over Real Numbers in Constraint Logic Programming (Introducing RISC-CLP)} \spons{ } \key{constraint logic programming, computer algebra} {\abstr 92-08.} } \normal{ \newrep \no{92-09} \author{Herwig MAYR} \title{Dynamic Robot Collision Checking Using a Parallel Computer Network} \spons{ Digital Equipment Cooperation contract no. EERP-AU021 and Austrian Forschungsf\"orderungsfonds, project no. S5302-PHY (Parallel Symbolic Computation). } \key{parallel programming, robotics} {\abstr 92-09.} } \normal{ \newrep \no{92-10} \author{Kurt SIEGL} \title{Programming Techniques for ||MAPLE||} \spons{ Austrian Forschungsf\"orderungsfonds, project no. S5302-PHY (Parallel Symbolic Computation). } {\abstr 92-10.} } \normal{ \newrep \no{92-11} \author{Kurt SIEGL} \title{Parallel Gr\"obner Basis Computation in ||MAPLE||} \spons{ Austrian Forschungsf\"orderungsfonds, project no. S5302-PHY (Parallel Symbolic Computation). } \key{parallel programming, logic programming, computer algebra, Gr\"obner bases} {\abstr 92-11.} } \normal{ \newrep \no{92-12} \author{Gerhard FUNK} \title{Dynamic-CCS} \spons{ Austrian Forschungsf\"orderungsfonds, project no. P6931-PHY } \key{parallel programming} {\abstr 92-12.} } \normal{ \newrep \no{92-13} \author{Edward S. BLUROCK} \title{Analyse 3.0. Reference Manual} \spons{ } \key{} {\abstr 92-13.} } \normal{ \newrep \no{92-14} \author{Bruno BUCHBERGER, Scott McCALLUM} \title{Geometric Modeling Based on Logic and Algebra} \publ{Technical Report TR-CS-89-01, The Australian National University, Department of Computer Science} \spons{ } \key{geometric modeling, logic, computer algebra} {\abstr 92-14.} } \normal{ \newrep \no{92-15} \author{Jianshun LIU} \title{The Computation of Smallest Enclosing Spheres and Boxes of Solid Objects} \thesis{Diploma Thesis} \spons{ } \key{geometric modeling} {\abstr 92-15.} % \repdate{February, 1992} } \normal{ \newrep \no{92-16} \author{Hoon HONG} \title{Heuristic Search Strategies for Cylindrical Algebraic Decomposition} \spons{ } \key{computer algebra} {\abstr 92-16.} } \normal{ \newrep \no{92-17} \author{Takao ICHIKO, Kenji TAKEUCHI, Nobuhito NANGO} \title{On a Conceptual Design Aid from Software Engineering Aspect} \spons{ } \key{expert systems} {\abstr 92-17.} } \published{ \newrep \no{92-18} \author{Edward S.\ BLUROCK} \title{Computer-Aided Synthesis Design at RISC-Linz: Automatic Extraction and Use of Reaction Classes} \publ{Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Science, vol. 30, 1990, pp. 505--510} \spons{ } \key{chemical application} {\abstr 92-18.} } \internal{ \thesis{Diploma Thesis} \newrep \no{92-19} \author{Syliva NEUWIRTH} \title{Design of Tunnel Geometries for the ALS-System} \spons{ Mayreder Consult, Linz, Austria, ITF proj. no. 7/40/1614 II/SA, (Eureka projekt EU360). } \key{robotics, CAD} %{\abstr 92-19.} } \normal{ \thesis{Diploma Thesis} \newrep \no{92-20} \author{Wolfgang WINDSTEIGER} \title{Gr\"obner Bases: A Characterization by Syzygy Completeness and an Implementation} \spons{ BWF project no. 613.523/3-27a/89 (``Gr\"obner Bases''). } \key{groebner bases} %{\abstr 92-20.} } \published{ \newrep \no{92-21} \author{Dongming WANG} \title{Some Improvements on Wu's Method for Solving Systems of Algebraic Equations} \publ{Proc.\ Int. Workshop on Math. Mechanization, Beijing, China, July 16-18, 1992. To appear.} \spons{ BWF project number 160.006/2-26/89 in the frame of the Esprit Basic Research Actions 3125 Project MEDLAR. } \key{geometry theorem proving, computer algebra} {\abstr 92-21.} } \normal{ \newrep \no{92-22} \author{Edward BLUROCK} \title{Analyse 3.0 Implementation, Extensions and Use of the ID3 Algorithm} \spons{ } \key{artificial intelligence} {\abstr 92-22.} } \published{ \newrep \no{92-23} \author{Wei SHEN, Bernhard WALL, Dongming WANG} \title{Manipulating Uncertain Mathematical Objects: The Case of Indefinite Sums and Products} \publ{Proc.\ DISCO'92, April 13-15, 1992, Bath, England. To appear.} \spons{ Siemens AG Munich, Dept. ZFE IS INF 2 } \key{computer algebar} {\abstr 92-23.} } \normal{ \newrep \no{92-24} \author{Martin RUDALICS} \title{Distributed Termination Enforcement} \spons{ Austrian Forschungsf\"orderungsfonds, project no. S5302-PHY (Parallel Symbolic Computation). } \key{parallel symbolic computation} {\abstr 92-24.} } \published{ \newrep \no{92-25} \author{Sabine STIFTER} \title{Modeling of Objects that May Change their Shapes} \publ{Proceedings of the $4^{th}$ International Symposium on Systems Analysis and Simulation, Berlin, Germany, August 1992; Elsevier Publishers, A. Sydow (ed.), pp. 445-450. } \spons{ } \key{computational geometry} %{\abstr 92-25.} } \published{ \newrep \no{92-26} \author{Dongming WANG} \title{A Strategy for Speeding-up the Computation of Characteristic Sets} \publ{Proceedings of the $17^{th}$ International Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science, Prague, CSFR, August 1992. To appear as Springer LNCS.} \spons{ BWF project number 160.006/2-26/89 in the frame of the Esprit Basic Research Actions 3125 Project MEDLAR. } \key{computer algebra} %{\abstr 92-26.} } \nopubl{ \internal \newrep \no{92-27} \author{Jochen PFALZGRAF, Karel STOKKERMANS} \title{Scenario Construction Continued and Extended with a View to Test and Enhancement of Reasoning Methods} \spons{ BWF project number 160.006/2-26/89 in the frame of the Esprit Basic Research Actions 3125 Project MEDLAR. } \key{computer algebra, logics, reasoning} %{\abstr 92-27.} } \normal{ \newrep \no{92-28} \author{Joel V. BRAWLEY Jr., Petr LISONEK} \title{Counting Equivalence Classes of Hadamard Pattern Sets by Group Action Methods} \spons{ Austrian Ministery of Science and Research, Austrian Forschungsf\"orderungsfonds, project no. P7220. } \key{computer algebra, logics, reasoning} {\abstr 92-28.} } \normal{ \newrep \no{92-29} \author{Bruno BUCHBERGER, Tudor JEBELEAN} \title{Parallel Rational Arithmetic for Computer Algebra Systems: Motivating Experiments} \publ{A preliminary version was presented at the ACPC (Austrian Center for Parallel Computation) workshop in Weinberg, Austria, April 1992.} \spons{ In the frame of POSSO Project (Polynomial Systems Solving -- Esprit III Basic Research Action 6846) tasks T1.5, T2.16, T2.17, and the Gr\"obner Bases Project of the Austrian Bundesministerium f\"ur Wissenschaft und Forschung. } \key{computer algebra, logics, reasoning} {\abstr 92-29.} } \normal{ \newrep \thesis{Diploma Thesis} \no{92-30} \author{Hans Wolfgang LOIDL} \title{A Parallelizing Compiler for the Functional Programming Language EVE} \spons{ Austrian Forschungsf\"orderungsfonds, project no. P6931-PHY } \key{parallelism} %{\abstr 92-30.} } \published{ \newrep \no{92-31} \author{Sabine STIFTER, Stefan TAFERNER} \title{The Impact of Geometric Modeling on Robot Vision} \publ{Proceedings of the $16^{th}$ \"OAGM-Meeting on Pattern Recognition, May 1992, Vienna, Austria. Oldenbourg Verlag, H. Bischof, W.G. Kropatsch (eds.), pp. 214--222.} \spons{ Austrian Forschungsf\"orderungsfonds, project no. P8786-PHY } \key{robotics, vision} {\abstr 92-31.} } \normal{ \newrep \no{92-32} \author{Hoon HONG, Wolfgang SCHREINER, Andreas NEUBACHER, Kurt SIEGL, Hans-Wolfgang LOIDL, Tudor JEBELEAN, Peter ZETTLER} \title{PAC LIB User Manual} \spons{ Austrian Forschungsf\"orderungsfonds, project no. S5302-PHY (Parallel Symbolic Computation). } \key{parallel computation, computer algebra} {\abstr 92-32.} } \normal{ \newrep \no{92-33} \author{Wolfgang SCHREINER} \title{The Design of the PACLIB Kernel} \spons{ Austrian Forschungsf\"orderungsfonds, project no.S5302-PHY (Parallel Symbolic Computation), } \key{parallel computation} {\abstr 92-33.} } \normal{ \newrep \no{92-35} \author{Tudor JEBELEAN} \title{An Algorithm for Exact Division} \spons{ in the frame of the POSSO project (Polynomial Systems Solving), Esprit III Basic Research Action 6846, task T1.5. } \key{parallel computation, computer algebra} {\abstr 92-35.} } \normal{ \newrep \thesis{Diploma Thesis} \no{92-36} \author{Peter ZETTLER} \title{RISC Linda -- A Dialect of Linda} \spons{ Austrian Forschungsf\"orderungsfonds, project no.S5302-PHY (Parallel Symbolic Computation), Austrian Ministery of Science, project no. 613.523/3-27a/89 (Gr\"obner Bases), Digital Equipment Cooperation, contract no. EERP-AU021. } \key{parallelism} %{\abstr 92-36.} } \normal{ \newrep \no{92-37} \author{Hoon HONG} \title{Quantifier Elimination for Formulas Constrained by Quadratic Equation} \spons{ in the frame of the ACCLAIM project, Esprit III Basic Research Action 7195. } \key{quantifier elimination} {\abstr 92-37.} } \normal{ \newrep \no{92-38} \author{Bruno BUCHBERGER, Tudor JEBELEAN} \title{Systolic Algorithms in Computer Algebra State of the Project} \spons{ Austrian Forschungsf\"orderungsfonds, project no. P6931-PHY Austrian Ministery of Science, project no. 613.523/3-27a/89 (Gr\"obner Bases), and project on Parallel Computation } \key{computer algebra, parallel computation} {\abstr 92-38.} } \normal{ \newrep \no{92-39} \author{Stephan DREISEITL} \title{The Backpropagation Algorithm An Annotated Bibliography} \spons{ } \key{neural networks} {\abstr 92-39.} } \normal{ \newrep \no{92-40} \author{Bernhard WALL} \title{On Implementations of Puiseux Series Expansion in a Computer Algebra System} \spons{ IBM Vienna (Dr. J. R\"ossl) and the Austrian Science Foundation (FWF) project no.\ P7220. } \key{computer algebra} {\abstr 92-40.} } \normal{ \newrep \no{92-41} \author{Sabine STIFTER} \title{Path Planning for Non-Synchronized Motions} \spons{ Mayreder Consult, Linz, Austria, and by the Austrian ITF (Fonds for Innovation and Technology), grant no.\ 7/40/1614 II/Sa in the frame of the Eureka project EU360. } \key{computational geometry, robotics} {\abstr 92-41.} }%\repdate{June 25, 1992} \normal{ \thesis{Diploma Thesis} \newrep \no{92-42} \author{Gerfried EINB\"OCK} \title{Ray-Tracing of Uniform Bicubic B-Spline and Bezier Spline Surfaces by Adaptive Subdivision into Triangles} \spons{ } \key{computer graphics} %{\abstr 92-42.} }%\repdate{July 9, 1992} \published{ \newrep \no{92-43} \author{Bruno BUCHBERGER} \title{Vortrag im Informatik Kolloquium der Universit\"at Darmstadt Mai 1992} \spons{ Austrian Ministery of Science, project no. 613.523/3-27a/89 (Gr\"obner Bases), } \publ{} \key{} %{\abstr 92-43.} }%\repdate{July 27, 1992} \internal{ \newrep \no{92-44} \author{Tudor JEBELEAN, Thomas MORITZ} \title{RISPEL RISC's Specification Language Reference Manual} \spons{ VOEST-ALPINE Industrieanlagenbau GmbH. Linz } \key{expert systems} %{\abstr 92-44.} }%\repdate{July 1, 1992} \internal{ \newrep \no{92-45} \author{Thomas MORITZ} \title{RISPEL RISC's Specification Language und Prototyp Verifikationssystem RICHECK Software Systems Manual} \spons{ VOEST-ALPINE Industrieanlagenbau GmbH. Linz } \key{expert systems} %{\abstr 92-45.} }%\repdate{July 1, 1992} \internal{ \newrep \no{92-46} \author{Thomas MORITZ} \title{RISPEL RISC's Specification Language Prototyp Verifikationssystem RICHECK User Manual} \spons{ VOEST-ALPINE Industrieanlagenbau GmbH. Linz } \key{expert systems} %{\abstr 92-46.} }%\repdate{July 1, 1992} \internal{ \newrep \no{92-47} \author{Thomas MORITZ} \title{RISPEL RISC's Specification Language Prototyp Verifikationssystem RICHECK Reference Manual} \spons{ VOEST-ALPINE Industrieanlagenbau GmbH. Linz } \key{expert systems} %{\abstr 92-44.} }%\repdate{July 1, 1992} \internal{ \newrep \no{92-47} \author{Thomas MORITZ} \title{RISPEL RISC's Specification Language Prototyp Verifikationssystem RICHECK Reference Manual} \spons{ VOEST Alpine Linz } \key{expert systems} %{\abstr 92-47.} }%\repdate{July 1, 1992} \normal{ \thesis{Diploma Thesis} \newrep \no{92-48} \author{Herbert VIELHABER} \title{A Graphical User Interface for a Computer Algebra System} \spons{ Austrian Forschungsf\"orderungsfonds, project no. S5302-PHY (Parallel Symbolic Computation), } \key{computer algebra, computer graphics} {\abstr 92-48.} }%\repdate{July 28, 1992} \normal{ \newrep \no{92-49} \author{Bernhard WALL} \title{Computing in Algebraic Extensions Represented by Gr\"obner Bases} \spons{ Austrian Science Foundation project no. P8573-PHY. The work was partly done during a stay as a Short-Term Visiting Researcher at IIAS, Fujitsu Laboratories, Japan. } \key{computer algebra, Gr\"obner bases} {\abstr 92-49.} }%\repdate{July 30, 1992} \special{ \newrep \no{92-50} \author{Olga CAPROTTI, Wolfgang WINDSTEIGER (eds.)} \title{Proceedings of the Celebration of the $50^{th}$ Birthday of the Boss Bruno Buchberger} \publ{October 22, 1992, Hagenberg, Austria, BBBB'50} \spons{ } \key{} %{\abstr 92-62.} }%\repdate{October 22, 1992} \normal{ \newrep \no{92-51} \author{Hoon HONG} \title{Half Resultant} \spons{in the frame of the ACCLAIM project, Esprit III BRA 7195. } \key{computer algebra} {\abstr 92-51.} }%\repdate{August 14, 1992} \normal \newrep \no{92-52} \author{Hoon HONG} \title{Slope Resultant} \spons{in the frame of the ACCLAIM project, Esprit III BRA 7195. } \key{computer algebra} {\abstr 92-52.} }%\repdate{August 14, 1992} \normal \newrep \no{92-53} \author{Hoon HONG} \title{Quantifier Elimination for Formulas Constrained by Quadratic Equation (Improved Algorithm)} \spons{in the frame of the ACCLAIM project, Esprit III BRA 7195. } \key{computer algebra} {\abstr 92-53.} }%\repdate{August 14, 1992} \published{ \newrep \no{92-54} \author{Karel STOKKERMANS} \title{A Categorical Formulation for Critical-Pair/Completion Procedures} \publ{Proceedings of the $3^{rd}$ Int.\ Workshop on Conditional Term Rewriting Systems CTRS'92, Pont-a-Moisson, France, July 1992, M. Rusinowitch, J.-L. Remy (eds.), Springer LNCS. To appear.} \spons{ Austrian Ministery of Science and Research (BWF), Esprit BRA 3125 MEDLAR. } \key{computer algebra} {\abstr 92-54.} }%\repdate{August 14, 1992} \published{ \newrep \no{92-55} \author{Dongming WANG} \title{Irreducible Decomposition of Algebraic Varieties via Characteristic Sets and Gr\"obner Bases} \publ{Computer Aided Geometric Design. To appear.} \spons{ Austrian Ministery of Science, project no.\ 160.006/2-26/89, in the frame of Esprit Basic Research Actions 3125 project MEDLAR. } \key{computer algebra, Gr\"obner bases} {\abstr 92-55.} }%\repdate{August 31, 1992} \normal{ \newrep \no{92-56} \author{Edward S. BLUROCK} \title{Automatic Learning of Chemical Concepts: Atomic and Bond Semi-Empirical Parameters as a Molecular Description for Physical Property Determination} \spons{ UNI SOFTWARE PLUS } \key{learning} {\abstr 92-56.} }%\repdate{September 2, 1992} \normal{ \newrep \no{92-57} \author{Edward S. BLUROCK} \title{Automatic Learning of Chemical Concepts: Research Octane Number and Molecular Substructures} \spons{ } \key{learning} {\abstr 92-57.} }%\repdate{September 7, 1992} \normal{ \newrep \no{92-58} \author{Hoon HONG, Dongming WANG, Franz WINKLER (eds.)} \title{AAGR'92: Algebraic Approaches to Geometric Reasoning (Abstracts)} \publ{Workshop AAGR'92, August 17-19, 1992, Castle of Weinberg, Austria.} \spons{ } \key{computer algebra, geometry theorem proving} %{\abstr 92-56.} }%\repdate{September 11, 1992} \internal{ \newrep \no{92-59} \author{Peter PAULE} \title{Solution of a Seminaire Homework Example ($28^th$ SLC)} \publ{Talk presented at the 28th Seminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire, March 15-18, 1992, Domaine Saint-Jaques, France. Paper to be submitted for publication.} \spons{ Austrian Science Foundation (FWF) project no.\ P7220, Austrian Ministery of Science, project no. 613.523/3-27a/89 (Gr\"obner Bases). } \key{computer algebra, combinatorics} %{\abstr 92-59.} }%\repdate{September 15, 1992} \internal{ \newrep \no{92-60} \author{Dongming WANG} \title{Project Report on Symbolic Computation for Neural Networks} \spons{Siemens AG Munich.} \key{computer algebra, neural networks} %{\abstr 92-56.} }%\repdate{September 28, 1992} \normal{ \newrep \no{92-61} \author{Edward S. BLUROCK} \title{Molecule and Reaction Similarity As a Result of Inductive Learning} \spons{ } \key{chemistry, expert systems} {\abstr 92-61.} }%\repdate{October 5, 1992} \normal{ \newrep \no{92-62} \author{Volker STAHL} \title{Solving a System of Linear Equations with Modular Arithmetic on a MIMD Computer} \spons{ Austrian Forschungsf\"orderungsfonds, project no.S5302-PHY (Parallel Symbolic Computation). } \key{parallel computation, computer algebra} {\abstr 92-62.} }%\repdate{October 6, 1992} \normal{ \newrep \no{92-63} \author{Bruno BUCHBERGER, Juan ELIAS} \title{Using Gr\"obner Bases for Detecting Polynomial Identities: A Case Study on Fermat's Ideal} \spons{Austrian Ministery of Science, project no. 613.523/3-27a/89 (Gr\"obner Bases).} \key{Gr\"obner bases} %{\abstr 92-63.} }%\repdate{July 31, 1992} \more{ \normal{ \newrep \no{92-64} \author{Wolfgang GEHRKE} \title{Detailed Catalogue of Canonical Term Rewriting Systems Generated Automatically} \spons{ } \key{computer algebra} {\abstr 92-64.} }}%\repdate{November 1, 1992} \normal{ \newrep \no{92-65} \author{Heinrich ROLLETSCHEK, Josef SCHICHO} \title{On the Equation $p^2+q^3=x$} \spons{ Austrian Ministery of Science, project no.\ 160.006/2-26/89, in the frame of Esprit Basic Research Actions 3125 project MEDLAR. } \key{number theory, computer algebra} {\abstr 92-65.} }%\repdate{November 3, 1992} \normal{ \thesis{Diploma Thesis} \newrep \no{92-66} \author{Andreas NEUBACHER} \title{An Introduction to the Symbolic Integration of Elementary Functions} \spons{ } \key{computer analysis} {\abstr 92-66.} }%\repdate{November 20, 1992} \normal{ \newrep \no{92-67} \author{Petr LISON\v EK} \title{On a Conjecture of Graffiti} \spons{ Austrian Science Foundation (FWF) project no.\ P7220, Austrian Ministery of Science and Research } \key{combinatorics, graph theory} {\abstr 92-67.} }%\repdate{November 20, 1992} \normal{ \newrep \no{92-68} \author{Tudor JEBELEAN} \title{Systolic Multiplication on MasPar} \spons{ POSSO project (Polynomial System Solving), Esprit III Basic Research Action 6846. Austrian Ministery of Science, project no. 613.523/3-27a/89 (Gr\"obner Bases), Austrian Forschungsf\"orderungsfonds, project no.S5302-PHY (Parallel Symbolic Computation). } \key{parallel computation, computer algebra} {\abstr 92-68.} } %\repdate{November 27, 1992} \normal{ \newrep \no{92-69} \author{Tudor JEBELEAN} \title{Improving the Multiprecision Euclidean Algorithm} \spons{ Austrian Ministery of Science, project no. 613.523/3-27a/89 (Gr\"obner Bases), and doctoral sholarship. POSSO project (Polynomial System Solving), Esprit III Basic Research Action 6846. } \key{computer algebra} {\abstr 92-69.} }% \repdate{December 16, 1992} \normal{ \newrep \no{92-70} \author{Tudor JEBELEAN} \title{Comparing Several GCD Algorithms} \spons{ Austrian Forschungsf\"orderungsfonds, project no.S5302-PHY (Parallel Symbolic Computation). Austrian Ministery of Science, project no. 613.523/3-27a/89 (Gr\"obner Bases), and doctoral sholarship. POSSO project (Polynomial System Solving), Esprit III Basic Research Action 6846. } \key{computer algebra} {\abstr 92-70.} }% \repdate{December 16, 1992} \normal{ \newrep \no{92-71} \author{Tudor JEBELEAN} \title{Systolic Algorithms for Exact Division} \spons{ Austrian Forschungsf\"orderungsfonds, project no.S5302-PHY (Parallel Symbolic Computation). Austrian Ministery of Science, project no. 613.523/3-27a/89 (Gr\"obner Bases), and doctoral sholarship. POSSO project (Polynomial System Solving), Esprit III Basic Research Action 6846. } \key{computer algebra, parallel computation} {\abstr 92-71.} } %\repdate{December 21, 1992} \normal{ \newrep \no{92-72} \author{Tudor JEBELEAN} \title{On the Possibility of Implementing Fine Grain Systolic Algorithms on Certain Parallel Architectures} \spons{ Austrian Forschungsf\"orderungsfonds, project no.S5302-PHY (Parallel Symbolic Computation). Austrian Ministery of Science, project no. 613.523/3-27a/89 (Gr\"obner Bases), and doctoral sholarship. POSSO project (Polynomial System Solving), Esprit III Basic Research Action 6846. } \key{computer algebra, parallel computation} {\abstr 92-72.} } %\repdate{December 21, 1992} \published{ \newrep \no{92-73} \author{Wolfgang SCHREINER, Hoon HONG} \title{A New Library for Parallel Algebraic Computation} \publ{6th SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing, March 22-24, 1993, Norfolk, Virginia. To appear.} \spons{ Austrian Forschungsf\"orderungsfonds, project no.S5302-PHY (Parallel Symbolic Computation). } \key{computer algebra, parallel computation} {\abstr 92-73.} } %\repdate{December 21, 1992} \normal{ \newrep \no{92-74} \author{Bruno BUCHBERGER} \title{Bourbakism und Algorithmische Mathematik} \spons{ } \key{computer algebra} {\abstr 92-74.} } %\repdate{October 21, 1992} \normal{ \newrep \no{92-75} \author{Sabine STIFTER} \title{Shortest Paths for Non-Synchronized Motions: Parallel Versions} \spons{ Final report of the project ``Paragraph/Path Finding'', supported by the Austrian Ministery of Science and Research, project no. 613.551/2-26/92.} } \key{parallel computation, robotics} %{\abstr 92-75.} } %\repdate{January 12, 1993} \no{93-01} \author{Tudor Jebelean} \title{A Generalization of the Binary GCD Algorithm} \spons{ Austrian Forschungsf\"orderungsfonds, project no.S5302-PHY (Parallel Symbolic Computation). Austrian Ministery of Science, project no. 613.523/3-27a/89 (Gr\"obner Bases), and doctoral sholarship. POSSO project (Polynomial System Solving), Esprit III Basic Research Action 6846. } \key{parallel computation, computer algebra} {\abstr 93-01.} } %\repdate{January 18, 1993} \normal{ \newrep \no{93-02} \author{Peter PAULE} \title{Greatest-Factorial Factorization and Symbolic Summation I} \spons{ Austrian Science Foundation (FWF) project no.\ P7220 } \key{computer algebra, combinatorics} {\abstr 93-02.} } %\repdate{January 19, 1993} \published{ \newrep \no{93-03} \author{Wolfgang SCHREINER, Hoon HONG} \title{PACLIB -- A System for Parallel Algebraic Computation on Shared Memory Multiprocessors} \publ{Parallel Systems Fair at the 7th International Parallel Processing Symposium, April 13-16, 1993, Newport Beach, California} \spons{ Austrian Forschungsf\"orderungsfonds, project no.S5302-PHY (Parallel Symbolic Computation). } \key{computer algebra, parallel computation} {\abstr 93-03.} } %\repdate{January 19, 1993} \normal{ \newrep \no{93-04} \author{Petr LISON\v EK, Peter PAULE, Volker STREHL} \title{Improvement of the Degree Setting in Gosper's Algorithm} \spons{ Austrian Science Foundation (FWF) project no.\ P7220 } \key{computer algebra, combinatorics} {\abstr 93-04.} } %\repdate{January 25, 1993} \published{ \newrep \no{93-05} \author{Hoon HONG, Wolfgang SCHREINER} \title{Programming in PACLIB} \publ{SIGSAM Bulletin, vol.\ 26, no.\ 4, Nov. 1992, pp.\ 1--6.} \spons{ Austrian Forschungsf\"orderungsfonds, project no.S5302-PHY (Parallel Symbolic Computation). } \key{computer algebra, parallel computation} {\abstr 93-05.} } %\repdate{February 1, 1993} \published{ \newrep \no{93-06} \author{Kurt SIEGL} \title{$\|$MAPLE$\|$: A System for Parallel Computer Algebra for Transputers} \publ{In: Szabolcs Ferenczi (ed.), Proc. of 1st Austrian-Hungarian Workshop on Transputer Applications, number KFKI-1992-34/M,N, Sopron, Hungary, Oct. 8--10, 1992. Hugarian Transputer User Group and Austrian Center for Parallel Computation.} \spons{ Austrian Forschungsf\"orderungsfonds, project no.S5302-PHY (Parallel Symbolic Computation). } \key{computer algebra, parallel computation} {\abstr 93-06.} } %\repdate{February 10, 1993} \published{ \newrep \no{93-07} \author{Kurt SIEGL} \title{$\|$MAPLE$\|$: A System for Parallel Symbolic Computation} \publ{In: Parallel Systems Fair at the 7th International Parallel Processing Symposium, Newport Beach, CA, April 13--16, 1993.} \spons{ Austrian Forschungsf\"orderungsfonds, project no.S5302-PHY (Parallel Symbolic Computation). } \key{computer algebra, parallel computation} {\abstr 93-07.} } %\repdate{February 10, 1993} \published{ \newrep \no{93-08} \author{Kurt SIEGL} \title{Parallelizing Algorithms for Symbolic Computation Using $\|$MAPLE$\|$} \publ{In: 4th ACM SIGPLAN Symp. on Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming, San Diego, CA, May 19--21, 1993.} \spons{ Austrian Forschungsf\"orderungsfonds, project no.S5302-PHY (Parallel Symbolic Computation). } \key{computer algebra, parallel computation} {\abstr 93-08.} } %\repdate{February 10, 1993} \published{ \newrep \no{93-09} \author{Hans Wolfgang LOIDL} \title{A Parallelizing Compiler for the Functional Programming Language EVE} \publ{1st Austrian-Hungarian Workshop on Transputer Applications, Sopron, Hungary, Oct. 8--10, 1992.} \spons{ Austrian Forschungsf\"orderungsfonds, project no.S5302-PHY (Parallel Symbolic Computation). } \key{computer algebra, parallel computation} {\abstr 93-09.} } %\repdate{February 10, 1993} \published{ \newrep \no{93-10} \author{Sabine STIFTER} \title{Modeling of Objects That May Change Their Shapes: Accuracy Consideration for Dexel Models} \publ{Journal System Analysis -- Modeling -- Simulation, vol. 12, pp. 21--31.} \spons{ } \key{geometric modeling, robotics} {\abstr 93-10.} } %\repdate{February 15, 1993} \published{ \newrep \no{93-11} \author{Sabine STIFTER} \title{A Simulation and Demonstration Package for Tunnel Construction} \publ{Journal of Civil Engineering. To appear.} \spons{ Mayreder Consult, Linz, Austria, and by the Austrian ITF (Fonds for Innovation and Technology), grant no.\ 7/40/1614 II/Sa in the frame of the Eureka project EU360. } \key{geometric modeling, robotics} {\abstr 93-11.} } %\repdate{March 1, 1993} \published{ \newrep \no{93-12} \author{Sabine STIFTER} \title{Geometry Theorem Proving in Vector Spaces by Means of Gr\"obner Bases} \publ{Proceedings ISSAC'93, Kiev, Ukraine, June 1993, ACM Press. To appear.} \spons{ } \key{Gr\"obner bases, geometry theorem proving} {\abstr 93-12.} } %\repdate{March 5, 1993} \normal{ \newrep \no{93-13} \author{Wolfgang SCHREINER} \title{The Correctness of the PACLIB Kernel\\A Case Study in Parallel Program Verification by Temporal Logic} \publ{} \spons{ Austrian Forschungsf\"orderungsfonds, project no.S5302-PHY (Parallel Symbolic Computation). } \key{computer algebra, parallel computation} {\abstr 93-13.} } %\repdate{March 15, 1993} \published{ \newrep \no{93-14} \author{Sabine STIFTER} \title{Simulation of NC Machining Based on the Dexel Model\\A Critical Analysis} \publ{International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. To appear.} \spons{ } \key{robotics, geometric modeling} {\abstr 93-14.} } %\repdate{March 25, 1993} \published{ \newrep \no{93-15} \author{Dongming WANG} \title{An Elimination Method Based on Seidenberg's Theory and Its Applications} \publ{In: Computational Algebraic Geometry, F.Eyssette, A. Galligo (eds.), Birkh\"auser Publ. Comp., 1993, pp. 301-328.} \spons{ Austrian National Science Foundation in the frame of Esprit Basic Research project MEDLAR. } \key{computer algebra, algebraic geometry} {\abstr 93-15.} } %\repdate{March 25, 1993} \normal{ \newrep \no{93-16} \author{Rudolf EISENST\"OCK} \title{Visualization of Algebraic Surfaces Using the Dexel Model} \thesis{Diploma Thesis} \spons{ Austrian Forschungsf\"orderungsfonds, project no. P8786-PHY. } \key{computer algebra, computer graphics} {\abstr 93-16.} } %\repdate{March 25, 1993} \normal{ \newrep \no{93-17} \author{Bruno BLIEM} \title{A Visualization Interface for a Geometric Workbench} %\publ{} \thesis{Diploma Thesis} \spons{ \key{computational geometry, computer graphics} {\abstr 93-17.} } % \repdate{March 25, 1993} \normal{ \newrep \no{93-18} \author{Petr LISON\v EK} \title{Quasi-Polynomials: A Case Study in Experimental Combinatorics} \spons{ Austrian Science Foundation (FWF) project no.\ P7220, Austrian Ministery of Science and Research } \key{combinatorics} {\abstr 93-18.} } %\repdate{March 30, 1993} \normal{ \newrep \no{93-19} \author{Bruno BUCHBERGER, George E. COLLINS, Mark J. ENCARNACION, Hoon HONG, Jeremy R. JOHNSON, Werner KRANDICK, R\"udiger LOOS, Ana M. MANDACHE, Andreas NEUBACHER, Herbert VIELHABER} \title{SACLIB 1.1 User's Guide} \spons{ } \key{computer algebra, systems} {\abstr 93-19.} } % \repdate{May 5, 1993} \normal{ \newrep \no{93-20} \author{Jeremy R. JOHNSON, Werner KRANDICK} \title{A Multiprecision Floating Point and Interval Arithmetic Package for Symbolic Computation} \spons{ Austrian Science Foundation (FWF) projects no. P8572-PHY and M022-PHY. } \key{computer algebra} {\abstr 93-20.} } % \repdate{January 26, 1994} \published{ \newrep \no{93-21} \author{Hoon HONG} \title{Efficient Method for Analyzing Topology of Plane Real Algebraic Curves} \publ{IMACS SC-93, Lille, France. To appear.}} \spons{ POSSO project (Polynomial System Solving), Esprit III Basic Research Action 6846, supported by the Austrian Science Foundation. } \key{algebraic geometry} {\abstr 93-21.} } % \repdate{April 26, 1993} \normal{ \newrep \no{93-22} \author{Hoon HONG, J. Rafael SENDRA} \title{Computation of Variant Resultants} \spons{ in the frame of the ACCLAIM project, Esprit III Basic Research Action 7195, supported by the Austrian Science Foundation project P9374. The second author is partially supported by DGICYT A.I. Spain-Austria HU-007. } \key{algebraic geometry} {\abstr 93-22.} } % \repdate{April 26, 1993} \normal{ \newrep \no{93-23} \author{J. Rafael SENDRA, Franz WINKLER} \title{Determining Simple Points on Rational Algebraic Curves} \spons{ DGICYT A.I. Spain Austria HU-007 and \"OAD Int. Akt. 16, and by Austrian Science Foundation (FWF), projects no. P8573-PHY. } \key{computer algebra} {\abstr 93-23.} } % \repdate{May 17, 1993} \normal{ \newrep \no{93-24} \author{Wolfgang SCHREINER} \title{Parallel Functional Programming (An Annotated Bibliography)} \spons{ Austrian Forschungsf\"orderungsfonds, project no.S5302-PHY (Parallel Symbolic Computation). } \key{computer algebra} {\abstr 93-24.} } % \repdate{May 19, 1993} \published{ \newrep \no{93-25} \author{Sabine STIFTER} \title{Research Activities in Robotics at RISC-Linz} \publ{Proc. of Workshop ``Robotics in Alpe-Adria-Region'', June 1993, Krems, Austria. To appear.} \spons{ } \key{robotics} {\abstr 93-25.} } % \repdate{May 28, 1993} \normal{ \newrep \no{93-26} \author{Franz WINKLER} \title{Constructive Algebraic Geometry with CASA} \publ{Presented at COCOA III, Cortona, Italy, May 31 -- June 4, 1993.} \spons{ Austrian Science Foundation project P8573-PHY, and POSSO project (Polynomial System Solving), Esprit III Basic Research Action 6846, supported by the Austrian Science Foundation project 9181-TEC. } \key{computer algebra} %{\abstr 93-25.} } % \repdate{May 28, 1993} \normal{ \newrep \no{93-27} \author{Volker STAHL} \title{Exact Real Root Isolation with Sturm Sequences on a Shared Memory Multiprocessor} \spons{ Austrian Forschungsf\"orderungsfonds, project no.S5302-PHY (Parallel Symbolic Computation). } \key{computer algebra, parallel computation} {\abstr 93-27.} } % \repdate{June 8, 1993} \published{ \newrep \no{93-28} \author{Eugen E. ARDELEANU} \title{Completion and Invariant Theory in Symbolic Computation and Artificial Intelligence} \publ{Proceedings of the International Conference on AI and Symbolic Mathematics and Computation, Karlsruhe, Germany, 1992, Springer LNCS. To appear.} \spons{ } \key{computer algebra} {\abstr 93-28.} } %\repdate{June 11, 1993} \published{ \newrep \no{93-29} \author{Eugen E. ARDELEANU} \title{Control Transfer} \publ{Presented at PROMotion School, Rodez, France, 1993.} \spons{ } \key{robotics} {\abstr 93-29.} } % \repdate{June 11, 1993} \published{ \newrep \no{93-30} \author{Hoon HONG, Andreas NEUBACHER, Wolfgang SCHREINER} \title{The Design of the SACLIB/PACLIB Kernels} \publ{Proceedings DISCO'93, Sept. 1993, Gmunden, Austria, Springer LNCS. To appear.} \spons{ Austrian Forschungsf\"orderungsfonds, project no.S5302-PHY (Parallel Symbolic Computation). } \key{computer algebra, parallel computation} {\abstr 93-30.} } % \repdate{June 15, 1993} \published{ \newrep \no{93-31} \author{Olga CAPROTTI} \title{Extending RISC-CLP(Real) to Handle Symbolic Functions} \publ{Proceedings DISCO'93, Sept. 1993, Gmunden, Austria, Springer LNCS. To appear.} \spons{ in the frame of the ACCLAIM project, Esprit III Basic Research Action 7195, supported by the Austrian Science Foundation project no. P9374-PHY. } \key{computer algebra} {\abstr 93-31.} } % \repdate{June 16, 1993} \published{ \newrep \no{93-32} \author{Jochen PFALZGRAF} \title{On Mathematical Modeling in Robotics} \publ{Proceedings Conference on AI and Symbolic Mathematical Computation, Karlsruhe, Germany, August 1992. To appear.} \spons{ Austrian Ministery for Science and Research in the frame of Esprit Basic Research Actions 3125 project MEDLAR. } \key{robotics} {\abstr 93-32.} } % \repdate{June 18, 1993} \published{ \newrep \no{93-33} \author{Jochen PFALZGRAF} \title{A Category of Geometric Spaces -- Some Computational Aspects --} \publ{Submitted for publication.} \publ{Special Issue on Algebraic Approaches to Geometry Theorem Proving, Annals of Mathematics and AI. To appear.} \spons{ Austrian National Science Foundation project no. 9316 in the frame of Esprit Basic Research Project 6471 project MEDLAR II. } \key{geometry} {\abstr 93-33.} } % \repdate{June 18, 1993} \normal{ \newrep \no{93-35} \author{Heinrich ROLLETSCHEK} \title{Some New Lattice-Theoretic Constructions in High R.E. Degrees} \publ{Submitted for publication.} \spons{ Austrian Science Foundation (FWF) project no.\ P7220. } \key{geometry} %{\abstr 93-35.} } % \repdate{June 29, 1993} \internal{ \newrep \no{93-36} \author{Peter PAULE, Markus SCHORN} \title{A Mathematica Version of Zeilberger's Algorithm for Proving Binomial Coefficient Identities -- A Description How to Use It} \spons{ Austrian Science Foundation (FWF) project no.\ P7220. } \key{geometry} %{\abstr 93-36.} } % \repdate{June 29, 1993} \published{ \newrep \no{93-37} \author{Ziming LI} \title{Mechanical Theorem Proving of the Local Theory of Surfaces} \publ{Special Issue of Math and AI, on Algebraic Approaches to Geometric Reasoning. To appear.} \spons{ POSSO project (Polynomial System Solving), Esprit III Basic Research Action 6846, supported by the Austrian Science Foundation project 9181-TEC. } \key{geometry} {\abstr 93-37.} } % \repdate{June 30, 1993} {\published \newrep \no{93-38} \author{Stephan DREISEITL, Dongming WANG} \title{Automatic Generation of C++ Code for Neural Network Simulation} \publ{Proc. New Trends in Neural Computing, Mira/Cabestany/Pricto (eds.), Springer, LNCS, 1993, pp. 358--363.} \spons{ } \key{neural networks} {\abstr 93-38.} } % \repdate{July 1, 1993} \published{ \newrep \no{93-39} \author{Dongming WANG} \title{Solving Polynomial Equations: Characteristic Sets and Triangular Systems} \publ{Proc. Int. IMACS Symp. on Symbolic Computation, Lille, France, June 1993, pp. 3--9, G. Jacob, N.E. Oussous, S. Steinberg (eds.)} \spons{ Esprit Basic Research Actions 3125 project MEDLAR. } \key{computer algebra} {\abstr 93-39.} } % \repdate{July 12, 1993} \published{ \newrep \no{93-40} \author{Dongming WANG} \title{Geometry Theorem Proving with Existing Technology} \publ{Medlar II 12-month deliverables, Leeds, England, July 1993} \spons{ Esprit Basic Research Actions 3125 project MEDLAR. } \key{computer algebra} {\abstr 93-40.} } % \repdate{July 12, 1993} \published{ \newrep \no{93-41} \author{Carla LIMONGELLI, Hans Wolfgang LOIDL} \title{Rational Number Arithmetic by Parallel P-adic Algorithms} \publ{Proceedings Second Int. Conference of the Austrian Center for Parallel Computation (ACPC), Gmunden, Austria, October 1993. To appear.} \spons{ Austrian Forschungsf\"orderungsfonds, project no.S5302-PHY (Parallel Symbolic Computation). } \key{computer algebra, parallel computation} {\abstr 93-41.} } % \repdate{July 12, 1993} \published{ \newrep \no{93-42} \author{Sabine STIFTER} \title{Shortest Non-Synchronized Motions -- Parallel Versions for Shared Memory CREW Models} \publ{Proceedings Second Int. Conference of the Austrian Center for Parallel Computation (ACPC), Gmunden, Austria, October 1993. To appear.} \spons{ Austrian Ministery of Science and Research in the frame of the project PARGRAPH. } \key{computational geometry, parallel computation} {\abstr 93-42.} } % \repdate{July 12, 1993} \published{ \newrep \no{93-43} \author{Franz WINKLER} \title{Parametrized Solutions of Algebraic Equations} \publ{Proceedings International IMACS Symposium on Symbolic Computation, Lille, France, June 1993} \spons{ Austrian Science Foundation project P8573-PHY, and POSSO project (Polynomial System Solving), Esprit III Basic Research Action 6846, supported by the Austrian Science Foundation project 9181-TEC. } \key{computer algebra} {\abstr 93-43.} } % \repdate{July 12, 1993} \normal{ \newrep \no{93-44} \author{Klaus SUTNER} \title{Computational Automata Theory} \spons{ } \key{theoretic computer science} %{\abstr 93-44.} } % \repdate{August 2, 1993} \published{ \newrep \no{93-45} \author{Tudor JEBELEAN} \title{Systolic Normalization of Rational Numbers} \publ{Proceedings ASAP"93 (Application Specific Array Processors), Venice, Oct. 1993, IEEE Computer Society Press. To appear.} \spons{ Austrian Forschungsf\"orderungsfonds, project no.S5302-PHY (Parallel Symbolic Computation). Austrian Ministery of Science, project no. 613.523/3-27a/89 (Gr\"obner Bases) and doctoral sholarship. POSSO project (Polynomial System Solving), Esprit III Basic Research Action 6846, supported by the Austrian Science Foundation project 9181-TEC. } \key{computer algebra, parallel computation} {\abstr 93-45.} } % \repdate{August 3, 1993} \normal{ \newrep \no{93-46} \author{Klaus SUTNER} \title{Linear Cellular Automata and their Fischer Automata} \spons{ } \key{automata theory} {\abstr 93-46.} } % \repdate{August 12, 1993} \normal{ \newrep \no{93-47} \author{Istvan NEMES} \title{Fibonacci Representations of Multiples of Fibonacci Numbers} \spons{ } \key{combinatorics} {\abstr 93-47.} } % \repdate{August 18, 1993} \published{ \newrep \no{93-48} \author{Tudor JEBELEAN} \title{Rational Arithmetic Using FPGA} \publ{Presented at: Second International Workshop on Field Programmable Logic and Application; Oxford, England, Sept. 7-9, 1993.} \spons{ Austrian Forschungsf\"orderungsfonds, project no.S5302-PHY (Parallel Symbolic Computation). Austrian Ministery of Science, project no. 613.523/3-27a/89 (Gr\"obner Bases) and doctoral sholarship. POSSO project (Polynomial System Solving), Esprit III Basic Research Action 6846. } \key{computer algebra, parallel computation} {\abstr 93-48.} } % \repdate{September 6, 1993} \normal{ \newrep \no{93-49} \author{Wolfgang SCHREINER} \title{Compiling a Functional Language to Efficient SACLIB C} \spons{ Austrian Forschungsf\"orderungsfonds, project no.S5302-PHY (Parallel Symbolic Computation). } \key{computer algebra, parallel computation} {\abstr 93-49.} } % \repdate{September 14, 1993} \published{ \newrep \no{93-50} \author{Bruno BUCHBERGER} \title{{\em Mathematica:} A System for Doing Mathematics by Computer?} \publ{Invited Talk at DISCO'93, Gmunden, Austria, Sept. 1993.} \spons{ } \key{computer algebra} {\abstr 93-50.} } % \repdate{September 21, 1993} \normal{ \newrep \no{93-51} \author{Michal MNUK, J. Rafael SENDRA, Franz WINKLER} \title{On the Comlexity of Parametrizing Curves} \spons{ Austrian Science Foundation project P8573-PHY, and the Grant of Slovak Academy of Sciences No. 88. Partially supported by DGICYT A.I. Spain-Austria HU-007 and \"OAD Int. Akt. 16. } \key{computer algebra} {\abstr 93-51.} } % \repdate{September 21, 1993} \normal{ \newrep \no{93-52} \author{Lucian CUCU, Mircea DRAGAN, Tudor JEBELEAN, Viorel NEGRU, Ion POPESCU} \title{Construction of Voronoi Diagrams} \spons{ Austrian Ministery of Science and Research in the frame of the project PARAGRAPH. } \key{computational geometry} %{\abstr 93-52.} } % \repdate{September 24, 1993} \normal{ \newrep \no{93-53} \author{Ion POPESCU} \title{Construction of Delaunay Triangulation and Voronoi Diagram. Efficient Sequential and Parallel Implementation.} \spons{ Austrian Ministery of Science and Research in the frame of the project PARAGRAPH. } \key{computational geometry} {\abstr 93-53.} } % \repdate{September 24, 1993} \internal{ \newrep \no{93-54} \author{Rene ROIDER} \title{OSP -- Optimal-Safe-Path (Implementation Details)} \spons{Austrian Ministery of Science and Research, project no. 613.551/2-26/92.} \key{computational geometry, parallel computation} %{\abstr 93-54.} } % \repdate{September 28, 1993} \internal{ \newrep \no{93-55} \author{Thomas MORITZ} \title{Eine iterative Methode zum Entwurf von korrekten wissensbasierten Systemen f\"ur den praktischen Einsatz in der Industrie} \publ{Ph.D. Thesis} \spons{ VOEST-ALPINE Industrieanlagenbau GmbH. Linz } \key{expert systems} %{\abstr 93-55.} } % \repdate{September 30, 1993} \internal{ \newrep \no{93-56} \author{Jochen PFALZGRAF, Ute SIGMUND, Karel STOKKERMANS} \title{MEDLAR II: First Year Deliverable Tasks I.3: Comparison of Two Approaches to Modeling Robotics Scenarios} \publ{RISC/TH Darmstadt Deliverable for the MEDLAR II 12-months-review-workshop, Leeds, UK, July 1993.} \spons{ Austrian National Science Foundation project no. 9316 in the frame of Esprit Basic Research Project 6471 project MEDLAR II. } \key{computer algebra, robotics} %{\abstr 93-56.} } % \repdate{October 5, 1993} \normal{ \newrep \thesis{Ph.D. Thesis} \no{93-57} \author{Bernhard WALL} \title{Symbolic Computation with Algebraic Sets} \spons{ Austrian Science Foundation (FWF) project no.\ P7220. Austrian Science Foundation (FWF), projects no. P6763. DGICYT A.I. Spain Austria HU-007 and \"OAD Int. Akt. 16, Austrian Science Foundation (FWF), projects no. P8573-PHY. } \key{computer algebra} {\abstr 93-57.} } % \repdate{September, 1993} \published{ \newrep \no{93-58} \author{Jochen PFALZGRAF, Karel STOKKERMANS} \title{On Robotics Scenarios and Modeling with Fibered Structures} \publ{Springer Series Texts and Monographs in Symbolic Computation, J. Pfalzgraf, D. Wang (eds.). To appear.} \spons{ Austrian Ministery for Science and Research and Austrian National Science Foundation project no. 9316 in the frame of Esprit Basic Research Projects 3125, project MEDLAR I, and 6471, project MEDLAR II. } \key{robotics, computer algebra} %{\abstr 93-58.} } % \repdate{November 17, 1993} \published{ \newrep \no{93-59} \author{Karel STOKKERMANS} \title{Towards a Categorical Calculus for Critical-Pair/Completion} \publ{Springer Series Texts and Monographs in Symbolic Computation, J. Pfalzgraf, D. Wang (eds.). To appear.} \spons{ Austrian Ministery for Science and Research and Austrian National Science Foundation project no. 9316 in the frame of Esprit Basic Research Projects 3125, project MEDLAR I, and 6471, project MEDLAR II. } \key{robotics, computer algebra} {\abstr 93-59.} } % \repdate{November 17, 1993} \nopubl{ \normal \newrep \no{93-60} \author{Peter Stadelmeyer} \title{MAPLE V Package for: Computation of Gr\"obner Bases and Syzygies in $K[X]^r$} \spons{ } \key{computer algebra} {\abstr 93-60.} } % \repdate{November 29, 1993} \published{ \newrep \no{93-61} \author{Bernhard KUTZLER} \title{DERIVE -- The Future of Teaching Mathematics} \publ{The International Derive Journal, vol. 1, no. 1, April 1994.} \spons{ } \key{computer algebra} {\abstr 93-60.} % {\repdate{December 6, 1993} \normal{ \newrep \no{93-62} \author{Lucian CUCU, Mircea DRAGAN, Tudor JEBELEAN, Viorel NEGRU} \title{Delaunay Triangulation Using Divide-and-Conquer} \spons{ Austrian Ministery of Science and Research in the frame of the project PARAGRAPH. } \key{computational geometry} {\abstr 93-61.} } % \repdate{December 6, 1993} \normal{ \newrep \no{93-63} \author{Michal MNUK, Bernhard WALL, Franz WINKLER} \title{CASA Reference Manual (Version 2.1)} \spons{ Austrian Science Foundation (FWF), projects no. P8573-PHY. } \key{computer algebra} %{\abstr 93-63.} } % \repdate{December 10, 1993} \published{ \newrep \no{93-64} \author{Franz WINKLER} \title{Computer Algebra -- Problems and Developments} \publ{Proceedings of SCAFI'92. Amsterdam, The Netherlands. To appear.} \spons{ Austrian Science Foundation (FWF), projects no. P8573-PHY. } \key{computer algebra} %{\abstr 93-63.} } % \repdate{December 17, 1993} \normal{ \newrep \no{93-65} \author{Ana Maria MANDACHE} \title{Applications of Polynomial Systems Solving in Geometric Modeling and Robotics -- An Annotated Bibliography -- } \spons{ POSSO project (Polynomial System Solving), Esprit III Basic Research Action 6846, supported by the Austrian Science Foundation project 9181-TEC. } \key{computer algebra} {\abstr 93-65.} } % \repdate{December 20, 1993} \normal{ \newrep \no{93-66} \author{Carl Van Geem} \title{Towards a Fast Solution Method for the General Robot Motion Planning Problem using a Manhattan-like Distance Function on a Non-uniform Grid in Configuration Space. (Proposal for Ph.D. Thesis)} \spons{ } \key{computer algebra, robotics} {\abstr 93-66.} } % \repdate{December 20, 1993} \normal{ \newrep \no{93-67} \author{Ana Maria MANDACHE} \title{The Gr\"obner Basis Algorithm and Subresultant Theory} \spons{ POSSO project (Polynomial System Solving), Esprit III Basic Research Action 6846, supported by the Austrian Science Foundation project 9181-TEC. } \key{computer algebra} {\abstr 93-67.} } % \repdate{December 20, 1993} \published{ \newrep \no{93-68} \author{Sabine STIFTER} \title{Robot Vision Based on Dexel Modeling: Density of Sensor Data Versus Accuracy of the Dexel Model} \publ{Proceedings Image Analysis and Synthesis, W. P\"olzleitner, E. Wenger (eds.), Oldenbourg Verlag, 1993, pp. 137--145.} \spons{ Austrian Forschungsf\"orderungsfonds, project no. P8786-PHY. } \key{robotics, geometric modeling} {\abstr 93-68.} } %\repdate{December 21, 1993} \normal{ \newrep \no{93-69} \author{Hans Wolfgang LOIDL} \title{Solving a System of Linear Equations by Using a Modular Method} \spons{Austrian Science Foundation, project no. S5302-PHY (Parallel Symbolic Computation).} \key{computer algebra, parallel computation} {\abstr 93-69.} } % \repdate{December 23, 1993} \normal{ \newrep \no{93-70} \author{Sabine STIFTER} \title{Gr\"obner Bases in Non-Associative Reduction Structures} \key{computer algebra} {\abstr 93-70.} } % \repdate{December 23, 1993} \normal{ \newrep \no{93-71} \author{wolfgang WINDSTEIGER} \title{Using GR\"OBNER as a "Black Box"} \spons{This work was done during a two-months visit at the Department of Electronics and Electric Engineering at the University of Pretoria, South Africa.} \key{computer algebra} {\abstr 93-71.} } % \repdate{November 15, 1993} \normal{ \newrep \no{93-72} \author{wolfgang WINDSTEIGER, Bruno BUCHBERGER} \title{GR\"OBNER: A Library for Computing Gr\"obner Bases based on SACLIB} \spons{Austrian Ministery of Science, proj. no. 613.523/3-27a/89 (``Gr\"obner Bases''), POSSO project (Polynomial System Solving), Esprit III Basic Research Action 6846, supported by the Austrian Science Foundation.} \key{computer algebra} {\abstr 93-72.} \published{ \newrep \no{93-73} \author{George E. COLLINS, Werner KRANDICK} \title{An Efficient Algorithm for Infallible Polynomial Complex Root Isolation} \publ{Proceedings of the International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation ISSAC'92, Paul S. Wang (ed.), ACM Order Department, P.O. box 64145, Baltimore, MD 21264, pp. 189--194.} \spons{ } \key{computer algebra} {\abstr 93-73.} } % \repdate{January 24, 1994} \published{ \newrep \no{93-74} \author{Werner KRANDICK, Jeremy R. JOHNSON} \title{Efficient Multiprecision Floating Point Multiplication with Optimal Directional Rounding} \publ{Proceedings of the 11th IEEE Symposium on Computer Arithmetic, 1993, Earl Swartzlander, Jr., M.J. Irwin, G. Jullien (eds.), IEEE Computer Society Press, pp. 228--233.} \spons{ Austrian Science Foundation (FWF) projects no. P8572-PHY and M022-PHY. } \key{computer algebra} {\abstr 93-74.} } % \repdate{January 24, 1994} \published{ \newrep \no{93-75} \author{George E. COLLINS, Werner KRANDICK} \title{A Hybrid Method for High Precision Calculation of Polynomial Real Roots} \publ{Proceedings of the International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation, ISSAC'93, M. Bronstein (ed.), Kiev, Ukraine, 1993, ACM Order Department, pp. 47--52.} \spons{ Austrian Science Foundation (FWF) projects no. P8572-PHY and M022-PHY. } \key{computer algebra} {\abstr 93-75.} } % \repdate{January 24, 1994} \normal{ \newrep \no{93-76} \author{Werner KRANDICK, Jeremy R. JOHNSON} \title{Efficient Multiprecision Floating Point Multiplication with Exact Rounding} \spons{ Austrian Science Foundation (FWF) projects no. P8572-PHY and M022-PHY. } \key{computer algebra} {\abstr 93-76.} } % \repdate{January 24, 1994} \normal{ \newrep \no{93-77} \author{George E. COLLINS, Werner KRANDICK} \title{A Tangent-Secant Method for Polynomial Complex Root Calculation} \spons{ Austrian Science Foundation (FWF) projects no. P8572-PHY and M022-PHY. } \key{computer algebra} {\abstr 93-77.} } % \repdate{January 24, 1994} \published{ \newrep \no{93-78} \author{Franz WINKLER} \title{Parametrized Solutions of Algebraic Equations} \publ{Proceedings IMACS SC-93, Lille, France. To appear.} \spons{ Austrian Science Foundation project P8573-PHY, POSSO project (Polynomial System Solving), Esprit III Basic Research Action 6846, supported by the Austrian Science Foundation project 9181-TEC. } \key{computer algebra} {\abstr 93-78.} } % \repdate{February 4, 1994.} \published{ \newrep \no{93-79} \author{Franz WINKLER} \title{Algebraic Computation in Geometry} \publ{Proceedings IMACS SC-93, Lille, France. To appear.} \spons{ Austrian Science Foundation project P8573-PHY. } \key{computer algebra} {\abstr 93-79.} } % \repdate{February 7, 1994.} \normal{ \newrep \no{94-01} \author{Wolfgang SCHREINER} \title{Garbage Collection on a Stack} \spons{ Austrian Forschungsf\"orderungsfonds, project no.S5302-PHY (Parallel Symbolic Computation). } \key{garbage collection} {\abstr 94-01.} } % \repdate{January 3, 1994} \normal{ \newrep \no{94-02} \author{Wolfgang SCHREINER} \title{Virtual Tasks for the PACLIB Kernel} \spons{ Austrian Forschungsf\"orderungsfonds, project no.S5302-PHY (Parallel Symbolic Computation). } \key{parallel computation} {\abstr 94-02.} } % \repdate{January 10, 1994} \normal{ \newrep \no{94-03} \author{Volker STAHL} \title{The Overestimation Error of the Centered Form for Univariate Polynomials can be Reduced by Half} \spons{ in the frame of the ACCLAIM project, Esprit III Basic Research Action 7195, supported by the Austrian Science Foundation project no. P9374-PHY. } \key{computer algebra} {\abstr 94-03.} } % \repdate{January 26, 1994} \normal{ \newrep \no{94-04} \author{Volker STAHL} \title{Interval Horner Evaluation of Univariate Polynomials Gives Sometimes the Range} \spons{ in the frame of the ACCLAIM project, Esprit III Basic Research Action 7195, supported by the Austrian Science Foundation project no. P9374-PHY. } \key{computer algebra} {\abstr 94-04.} } % \repdate{January 26, 1994} \normal{ \newrep \no{94-05} \author{Edward S. BLUROCK} \title{REACTION 1.0 System for Modelling Chemical Reactions} \spons{ UNI SOFTWARE PLUS, Hagenberg, and Labor f\"ur Forschung und Produktentwicklung \"OMV Aktiengesellschaft.} } \key{chemistry} {\abstr 94-05.} } % \repdate{January 26, 1994} \internal{ \newrep \no{94-06} \author{Edward S. BLUROCK} \title{Research Proposal: General System for Modelling Reaction Mechanisms Toward Determination of Research Octane Number} \spons{ } \key{chemistry} %{\abstr 94-06.} } % \repdate{January 26, 1994} \normal{ \newrep \no{94-07} \author{Hoon HONG, Wolfgang SCHREINER, Tibor FADGYAS} \title{Performance Analysis of Parallel Programs: The PACVIS Visualization Tool} \spons{ } \key{parallel Computation} {\abstr 94-07.} } % \repdate{January 28, 1994} \normal{ \newrep \no{94-08} \author{Hoon HONG} \title{Confluency of Cooperative Constraint Solving} \spons{ in the frame of the ACCLAIM project, Esprit III Basic Research Action 7195, supported by the Austrian Science Foundation project no. P9374-PHY. } \key{computer algebra} {\abstr 94-08.} } % \repdate{February 11, 1994.} \normal{ \newrep \no{94-09} \author{Hoon HONG} \title{CLP(CF) Constraint Logic Programming over Complex Functions} \spons{ in the frame of the ACCLAIM project, Esprit III Basic Research Action 7195, supported by the Austrian Science Foundation project no. P9374-PHY. } \key{computer algebra} {\abstr 94-09.} } % \repdate{February 11, 1994.} \normal{ \newrep \no{94-11} \author{Hoon HONG} \title{Modular Confluency of Cooperative Constraint Solvers} \spons{ in the frame of the ACCLAIM project, Esprit III Basic Research Action 7195, supported by the Austrian Science Foundation project no. P9374-PHY. } \key{computer algebra} {\abstr 94-11.} } % \repdate{February 11, 1994.} \published{ \newrep \no{94-12} \author{Thomas STRELOW, J\"urgen VOSS, Werner BAUM} \title{Electroreduction of Organic Compounds, 23} \publ{Zeitschrift f\"ur Naturforschung, 1993.} \spons{ } \key{chemistry} %{\abstr 94-08.} } % \repdate{February 16, 1994.} \normal{ \newrep \no{94-13} \author{Franz WINKLER} \title{Introduction to Computer Algebra (Lecture Notes, WA 93/94)} \spons{ } \key{computer algebra} %{\abstr 94-13.} } % \repdate{February 24, 1994.} \published{ \newrep \no{94-14} \author{Jochen PFALZGRAF} \title{On a General Notion of a Hull} \publ{Automated Practical Reasoning: Algebraic Approaches, J. Pfalzgraf, D. Wang (eds.), Texts and Monographs in Symbolic Computation, Springer, 1994. To appear.} \spons{ Austrian National Science Foundation project no. 9316 in the frame of Esprit Basic Research Projects 3125, project MEDLAR I, and 6471, project MEDLAR II. } \key{computer algebra} %{\abstr 94-14.} } %\repdate{February 24, 1994.} \normal{ \newrep \no{94-15} \author{Thomas HAINZL} \title{A Report on Fuzzy Sets and Neural Networks (A Formal Introduction)} \spons{ Austrian National Science Foundation project no. 9316 in the frame of Esprit Basic Research Project %s 3125, project MEDLAR I, 6471, project MEDLAR II. } \key{neural networks} {\abstr 94-15.} } % \repdate{February 24, 1994.} \normal{ \newrep \no{94-16} \author{Hans-Peter FEICHTENSCHLAGER} \title{ECOCIM-EH: A Consistent Error Handling Concept for an Object Oriented Leitstand for a Highly Automated Window Production Line} \kind{Diploma Thesis} \spons{ Actual Maschinenbau Gmbh, Haid, Austria } \key{C-technologies} %{\abstr 94-16.} } % \repdate{January, 1994.} \normal{ \newrep \no{94-17} \author{Editors: B. Buchberger, S. Stifter, J. Volkert, P. Zinterhof} \title{Workshop PARAGRAPH'94 (Collection of Abstracts)} \spons{ Austrian Ministery of Science and Research in the frame of the project PARAGRAPH. } \key{computer geometry, graphics} %{\abstr 94-16.} } % \repdate{March 21, 1994, Hagenberg, Austria.} \published{ \newrep \no{94-18} \author{Christopher CARLSON} \title{Describing Spaces of Rectangular Dissections via Grammatical Programming} \publ{Proceedings CAAD Futures'93, U. Flemming, S. Van Wyk (eds.), Elsevier, pp. 143--158} \spons{ } \key{automata theory} {\abstr 94-18.} } % \repdate{March 12, 1994} \normal{ \newrep \no{94-19} \author{Hoon HONG, Hans Wolfgang LOIDL} \title{Parallel Computation of Modular Multivariate Polynomial Resultants on Shared Memory Machine} \spons{ Austrian Forschungsf\"orderungsfonds (FWF), project no.S5302-PHY (Parallel Symbolic Computation). } \key{parallel computation} {\abstr 94-19.} } % \repdate{March 12, 1994} \normal{ \newrep \no{94-20} \author{Hoon HONG, Volker STAHL} \title{Safe Starting Regions by Fixed Points and Tightening} \spons{ in the frame of the ACCLAIM project, Esprit III Basic Research Action 7195, supported by the Austrian Science Foundation project no. P9374-PHY. } \key{constraint logic programming} {\abstr 94-20.} } % \repdate{March 12, 1994} \published{ \newrep \no{94-21} \author{Christopher CARLSON} \title{Design Space Description Formalism} \publ{Proceedings IFIP WG 5.2 Workshop on Formal Design Methods for Computer Aided Design, J. Gero, F. Susreks (eds.), Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1994.} \spons{ } \key{CAD, automata theory} {\abstr 94-21.} } % \repdate{March 15, 1994} \published{ \newrep \no{94-22} \author{Christopher CARLSON} \title{A Tutorial Introduction to Grammatical Programming} \publ{Proceedings IFIP WG 5.2 Workshop on Formal Design Methods for Computer Aided Design, J. Gero, F. Susreks (eds.), Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1994.} \spons{ } \key{CAD, automata theory} {\abstr 94-22.} } %\repdate{March 15, 1994} \normal{ \newrep \no{94-23} \author{Carla LIMONGELLI} \title{On an Efficient Algorithm for Big Rational Number Computations by Parallel p-adics} \spons{ MURST and CNR under the Project "Sistemi Informatici e Calcolo Parallelo. } \key{computer algebra, parallel computation} {\abstr 94-23.} } %\repdate{March 22, 1994} \normal{ \newrep \no{94-24} \author{Walter SIEBERER} \title{Geometric Modeling Applied to Five-Axis-Milling (An Annotated Bibliography)} \spons{ } \key{computer geometry, CAD/CAM} {\abstr 94-24.} } % \repdate{January, 1994} \normal{ \newrep \no{94-25} \author{Carla LIMONGELLI, Roberto PIRASTU} \title{Exact Solution of Linear Equation Systems over Rational Numbers by Parallel p-Adic Arithmetic} \spons{ Austrian Forschungsf\"orderungsfonds (FWF), project no.S5302-PHY (Parallel Symbolic Computation). CNR (National Research Council of Italy) under the Grant nr. 203.07.23. Commision of the European Communities in the frame of the program "Human Capital and Mobility", contract nr. ERBCHBICT930501. } \key{computer algebra, parallel computation} {\abstr 94-25.} } % \repdate{March 22, 1994} \published{ \newrep \no{94-26} \author{Jochen PFALZGRAF} \title{Gra\ss mann-Variet\"aten} \publ{IN: A Zaddach: Gra\ss manns Algebra in der Geometrie. B.I.-Wissenschaftsverlag, Mannheim, Wien, Z\"urich, 1994, pp. 349--363.} \spons{ } \key{computer algebra, geometry} %{\abstr 94-26.} } % \repdate{March 30, 1994} \published{ \newrep \no{94-27} \author{P.J. GRABNER, R.F. TICHY, I. NEMES, A. PETH\"O} \title{Generalized Zeckendorf Expansion} \publ{Appl.Math.Lett., vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 25--28, 1994.} \spons{ Austrian-Hungarian Scientific Cooperation Programme, project no. 10U3, Austrian Science Foundation, project nr. P8274-PHY, Hungarian National Science Foundation for Scientific Research, grant nr. 1641.} } \key{computer algebra, geometry} {\abstr 94-27.} } % \repdate{March 30, 1994} \published{ \newrep \no{94-28} \author{Mark J. ENCARNACION} \title{On a Modular Algorithm for Computing GCDs of Polynomials Over Algebraic Number Fields} \publ{Proceedings ISSAC'94, Oxford, UK, June 1994. To appear.} \spons{ POSSO project (Polynomial System Solving), Esprit III Basic Research Action 6846, Austrian Science Foundation (FWF) project no. P8572-PHY } \key{computer algebra} {\abstr 94-28.} } % \repdate{April 15, 1994} \nopubl{ \normal \newrep \no{94-29} \author{Hoon HONG, Volker STAHL} \title{Safe Starting Regions by Fixed Points and Tightening} \spons{ in the frame of the ACCLAIM project, Esprit III Basic Research Action 7195, supported by the Austrian Science Foundation project no. P9374-PHY. } \key{computer algebra, constraint logic programming} {\abstr 94-29.} } % \repdate{April 25, 1994} \nopubl \normal \newrep \no{94-30} \author{Hoon HONG, Andreas NEUBACHER, Volker STAHL} \title{The Sturm Library Manual} \spons{ Austrian National Science Foundation (FWF), project no. S5302.} \key{parallel computation} %{\abstr 95-05.} } % \repdate{March 30, 1995} \nopubl \normal \newrep \no{94-32} \author{Piergiorgio BERTOLI, Hoon HONG, Andreas NEUBACHER, Wolfgang SCHREINER, Volker STAHL} \title{The C++ Interface to the Sturm Distributed Multi-Porcessor Kernel} \spons{ Austrian National Science Foundation (FWF), project no. S5302.} \key{parallel computation} %{\abstr 95-05.} } % \repdate{March 30, 1995} \normal{ \newrep \no{94-34} \author{Bruno BUCHBERGER} \title{Symbolic Computation: Foundations and Applications} \publ{Presented at GAMM'94, April 6, 1994, Braunschweig, Germany.} \spons{ } \key{symbolic computation} %{\abstr 94-34.} } % \repdate{April 25, 1994} \normal{ \newrep \no{94-35} \author{Hoon HONG, Wolfgang ST\"OCHER} \title{Exact Division Applied to Diagonalizing Symmetric Matrices} \spons{ } \key{computer algebra} {\abstr 94-35.} } % \repdate{May 4, 1994} \published{ \newrep \no{94-36} \author{Helmut HEUGL, Bernhard KUTZLER} \title{DERIVE in Education Opportunities and Strategies} \publ{} \spons{ } \key{computer algebra, education} %{\abstr 94-36.} } % \repdate{May 4, 1994} \thesis{Ph.D. Thesis} \normal{ \newrep \no{94-37} \author{Tudor JEBELEAN} \title{Systolic Multiprecision Arithmetic} \spons{ } \key{computer algebra, parallel computation} {\abstr 94-37.} } % \repdate{March, 1994} \published{ \newrep \no{94-38} \author{Werner KRANDICK} \title{Komplexe Nullstellen von Polynomen -- Vergleich zweier unfehlbarer Methoden --} \publ{ZAMM Berichte, Proceedings der GAMM'94, Braunschweig, Germany} \spons{ National Science Foundation (FWF), project no. M0135-PHY, Lise-Meitner Stipendium. } \key{computer algebra} {\abstr 94-38.} } %\repdate{May 25, 1994} \thesis{Diploma thesis} \normal{ \newrep \no{94-39} \author{Johannes SIXT} \title{Design of an Artificial Neural Network Simulator and its Integration with a Robot Simulation Environment} \spons{ } \key{computer algebra} %{\abstr 94-38.} } % \repdate{March 1994} \internal{ \newrep \no{94-40} \author{Jochen PFALZGRAF} \title{MEDLAR II Deliverable DIII.2.2P: Towards a General Semantics for Relational Structures} \spons{ Austrian National Science Foundation project no. 9316 in the frame of Esprit Basic Research Project 6471, Medlar II. } \key{reasoning, computer algebra} %{\abstr 94-40.} } % \repdate{June 16, 1994} \normal{ \newrep \no{94-41} \author{Eugen ARDELEANU, Sabine STIFTER} \title{Intersection Algorithms: A Comparative Study} \spons{ Austrian National Science Foundation (FWF), project no. P8620-TEC} } \key{robotics, computer geometry} {\abstr 94-41.} } % \repdate{June 22, 1994} \normal{ \newrep \no{94-42} \author{Lucian CUCU, Mircea DRAGAN, Tudor JEBELEAN, Viorel NEGRU} \title{Motion Planning Through Voronoi Diagrams Construction on Shared Memory Architecture} \spons{ Austrian Ministery of Science and Research in the frame of the project PARAGRAPH. } \key{robotics, computer geometry} {\abstr 94-42.} } % \repdate{June 27, 1994} \normal{ \newrep \no{94-43} \author{Edward S. BLUROCK} \title{LISP Fundamentals: An Introduction to COMMON LISP} \spons{ } \key{functional programming} %{\abstr 94-43.} } % \repdate{July 8, 1994} \normal{ \newrep \no{94-44} \author{Wolfgang SCHREINER} \title{Compiling a Para-Functional Language to Parallel PACLIB C} \spons{ Austrian Forschungsf\"orderungsfonds (FWF), project no.S5302-PHY (Parallel Symbolic Computation). } \key{parallel computation} {\abstr 94-44.} } % \repdate{July 15, 1994} \published{ \newrep \no{94-45} \author{Dongming WANG} \title{Some Advances in Geometric and Algebraic Reasoning (Deliverable DII.4.2P)} \publ{MEDLAR II Report PPR2, Rome, Italy, July 25-27, 1994, pp. 205--220.} \spons{ Austrian National Science Foundation project no. 9316 in the frame of Esprit Basic Research Project 6471, project MEDLAR II. } \key{computer algebra} {\abstr 94-45.} } % \repdate{August 3, 1994} \published{ \newrep \no{94-46} \author{Wolfgang SCHREINER} \title{A Para-Functional Programming Interface for a Parallel Computer Algebra Package} \publ{Proceedings PASCO'94, World Scientific Publishing} \spons{ Austrian Forschungsf\"orderungsfonds (FWF), project no.S5302-PHY (Parallel Symbolic Computation). } \key{parallel computation} {\abstr 94-46.} } % \repdate{August 3, 1994} \published{ \newrep \no{94-47} \author{Tudor JEBELEAN} \title{Designing Systolic Arrays for Integer GCD Computation} \publ{Proceedings of ASAP'94 (Application Specific Array Processors), San Francisco, August 1994, IEEE Computer Society Press.} \spons{ } \key{parallel computation} {\abstr 94-47.} } % \repdate{August 3, 1994} \normal{ \newrep \no{94-48} \author{Bruno BUCHBERGER, Jens VOLKERT (eds.)} \title{CONPAR 94 -- VAPP VI (Poster Presentations)} \spons{ } \key{parallel computation} %{\abstr 94-48.} } %\repdate{August 3, 1994} \published{ \newrep \no{94-49}%{93-79}%{92-75}%{**-11} % 92-34 fuer Hoon: SACLIB primer \author{Tran Quoc Nam} \title{Extended Newton's Method for Finding the Roots of an Arbitrary System of Equations and Its Applications} \publ{Proc. 12th IASTED International Conference 1994, Annecey, France.} \spons{ Austrian Science Foundation project P8573-PHY } \key{computer algebra} {\abstr 94-49.} } % \repdate{August 9, 1994} \published{ \newrep \no{94-50} \author{Werner KRANDICK, Tudor JEBELEAN} \title{Bidirectional Exact Integer Divison} \publ{Proceedings, PASCO'94, World Scientific Publ. Comp.} \spons{ National Science Foundation (FWF), project no. M0135-PHY, Lise-Meitner Stipendium, and project no. P10002. %no. P8620-TEC} } \key{computer algebra} {\abstr 94-50.} } % \repdate{August 11, 1994} \published{ \newrep \no{94-51} \author{Kurt SIEGL} \title{A Parallel Factorization Tree Gr\"obner Basis Algorithm} \publ{Proceedings, PASCO'94, World Scientific Publ. Comp.} \spons{ Austrian Forschungsf\"orderungsfonds (FWF), project no.S5302-PHY (Parallel Symbolic Computation). POSSO project (Polynomial System Solving), Esprit III Basic Research Action 6846, supported by the Austrian Science Foundation project 9181-TEC. } \key{computer algebra} {\abstr 94-51.} } % \repdate{August 11, 1994} \normal{ \newrep \no{94-52} \author{Hoon HONG, Volker STAHL} \title{Bernstein Form is Inclusion Monotone} \spons{ in the frame of the ACCLAIM project, Esprit III Basic Research Action 7195, supported by the Austrian Science Foundation project no. P9374-PHY. } \key{computer algebra} {\abstr 94-52.} } % \repdate{August 16, 1994} \published{ \newrep \no{94-53} \author{Eugen ARDELEANU, Adriana ARDELEANU} \title{Databases of Activities and Modeling} \publ{Technical Report 93-97 of Cornell University, MSI} \spons{ } \key{computer algebra} %{\abstr 94-53.} } % \repdate{August 16, 1994} \published{ \newrep \no{94-54} \author{Eugen ARDELEANU, Adriana ARDELEANU} \title{Methodological Issues in Structural and Syntactical Theories} \publ{Technical Report 93-98 of Cornell University, MSI} \spons{ } \key{computer algebra} %{\abstr 94-54.} } % \repdate{August 16, 1994} \published{ \newrep \no{94-55} \author{Jochen PFALZGRAF, Ute Cornelia SIGMUND, Karel STOKKERMANS} \title{Modeling Cooperative Agents Scenarios by Deductive Planning Methods and Logical Fiberings} \publ{Proceedings AISMC-2, Cambridge, UK, August 1994, Springer LNCS. To appear.} \spons{ Austrian National Science Foundation project no. 9316 in the frame of Esprit Basic Research Project 6471, project MEDLAR II. } \key{computer algebra, robotics} {\abstr 94-55.} } % \repdate{August 17, 1994} \normal{ \newrep \no{94-56} \author{Wolfgang GEHRKE} \title{Rewriting Techniques Applied to Basic Category Theory} \spons{ Austrian National Science Foundation project no. 9316 in the frame of Esprit Basic Research Project 6471, project MEDLAR II. } \key{computer algebra} %{\abstr 94-56.} } % \repdate{August 19, 1994} \published{ \newrep \no{94-57} \author{Tudor JEBELEAN} \title{Implementing GCD Systolic Arrays on FPGA} \publ{Proceedings of FPLA 94 (Field Programmable Logic and Applications), Prague, Czech Republic, Sept. 1994.} \spons{ National Science Foundation (FWF), project no. P10002. } \key{computer algebra} {\abstr 94-57.} } % \repdate{August 19, 1994} \published{ \newrep \no{94-58} \author{Tudor JEBELEAN} \title{Systolic Algorithms for Long Integer GCD Computation} \publ{Proceedings of CONPAR 94, Linz, Austria, Sept. 1994.} \spons{ National Science Foundation (FWF), project no. P10002. } \key{computer algebra} {\abstr 94-58.} } %\repdate{August 19, 1994} \internal{ \newrep \no{94-59} \author{Wolfgang FREISEISEN} \title{Computing Convex Hulls in the Plane using Divide-and-Conquer} \spons{ Austrian Ministery of Science and Research in the frame of the project PARAGRAPH. } \key{computational geometry} %{\abstr 94-59.} } % \repdate{August 24, 1994} \internal{ \newrep \no{94-60} \author{Werner KRANDICK} \title{Final Report on Projects M022-PHY and M0135-PHY: Improvements of Quantifier Elimination in Real Closed Fields} \spons{ } \key{computer algebra} %{\abstr 94-60.} } % \repdate{August 29, 1994} \published{ \newrep \no{94-62} \author{Kim Ritter WAGNER} \title{Solving Recursive Domain Equations with Enriched Categories} \publ{Ph.D. thesis at Carnegie Mellon University} \spons{ } \key{} %{\abstr 94-62.} } % \repdate{September 1994} \normal{ \newrep \no{94-64} \author{George E. COLLINS, Mark J. ENCARNACION} \title{Efficient Rational Number Reconstruction} \spons{ Austrian Science Foundation (FWF) project no. P8572-PHY % and M022-PHY. } \key{computer algebra} {\abstr 94-63.} } % \repdate{September 19, 1994} \normal{ \newrep \no{94-65} \author{J. Rafael SENDRA, Franz WINKLER} \title{Optimal Parametrization of Algebraic Curves} \spons{ Austrian Science Foundation project P8573-PHY and P9181-TEC. } \key{computer algebra} {\abstr 94-65.} } % \repdate{September 30, 1994} \normal{ \newrep \no{94-66} \author{Wolfgang GEHRKE} \title{Proof of the Decidability of the Uniform Word Problem for Monads Assisted by Elf} \spons{ } \key{computer algebra} %{\abstr 94-66.} } % \repdate{October 3, 1994} \normal{ \newrep \no{94-67} \author{Bernhard WALL} \title{Intersection Detection for Convex Semi-Algebraic Sets in Two Dimensions by the Roider Method} \spons{ Austrian National Science Foundation (FWF), project no. P8620-TEC} } \key{computer algebra, robotics} {\abstr 94-67.} } %\repdate{October 27, 1994} \thesis{Ph.D. Thesis} \normal{ \newrep \no{94-68} \author{Petr LISONEK} \title{Computer-Assisted Studies in Algebraic Combinatorics} \spons{ } \key{computer algebra, combinatorics} {\abstr 94-68.} } %\repdate{October, 1994} \normal{ \newrep \no{94-69} \author{Hoon HONG} \title{Implicitization of Curves Parameterized by Generalized Trigonometric Polynomials} \spons{ POSSO project (Polynomial System Solving), Esprit III Basic Research Action 6846, supported by the Austrian Science Foundation project and P9181-TEC. } \key{computer algebra, algebraic geometry} %{\abstr 94-68.} } % \repdate{November 22, 1994} \normal{ \newrep \no{94-70} \author{Dingjia XIN} \title{Generalization of Welch-Berlekamp Theorem and Universal Algorithm of Decoding Cyclic Codes Beyond BCH Bound} \spons{ jointly by the NSFC of China and the Austrian FWF} \key{computer algebra} %{\abstr 94-70.} } % \repdate{October 1994} \normal{ \newrep \no{94-71} \author{Eugen ARDELEANU} \title{Relational Structures} \spons{ Austrian National Science Foundation project no. 6471 %9316 in the frame of } \key{computer algebra} %{\abstr 94-70.} } % \repdate{November 1994} \normal{ \newrep \no{94-72} \author{Ileana TOMUTA} \title{A Library for Detecting the Intersection of Plane Convex Objects} \spons{ Austrian National Science Foundation (FWF), project no. P8620-TEC} \key{computer algebra} %{\abstr 94-70.} } % \repdate{October 1994} \normal{ \newrep \no{94-74} \author{Carl Van GEEM} \title{On Using a Manhattan Distance-Like Function for Robot Motion Planning on a Non-Uniform Grid in Configuration Space} \spons{ Austrian Ministery of Science and Research } \key{computer algebra} %{\abstr 94-70.} } %\repdate{October 1994} \normal{ \newrep \no{94-75} \author{M. DIAS, R. EISENST\"OCK,H.P. FEICHTENSCHLAGER} \title{The Dexel Model: A Challenging Concept for Geometric Modeling} \spons{ Austrian Ministery of Science and Research } \key{computer algebra} %{\abstr 94-70.} } %\repdate{October 1994} \normal{ \newrep \no{94-76} \author{Stefan RATSCHAN} \title{RISC-CLP(Tree$(\Delta)$) A Constraint Logic Programming System With Parametric Domain} \spons{ } \key{computer algebra} %{\abstr 94-70.} } %\repdate{September 1994} \published{ \no{94-73} \author{Roberto PIRASTU, Kurt SIEGL} \title{Parallel Computation and Indefinite Summation: A $\|$MAPLE$\|$ Application for the Rational Case} \publ{Journal of Symbolic Computation, Special Issue on Symbolic Computation and Combinatorics, P. Paule, V. Strehl (eds.)} \spons{ Austrian Science Foundation (FWF) project no.\ P7220. Commision of the European Communities in the frame of the program "Human Capital and Mobility", contract nr. ERBCHBICT930501. } \key{computer algebra, combinatorics, parallel computation} %{\abstr 94-73.} } % \repdate{December 16, 1994} \normal{ \newrep \no{94-74} \author{Ziming LI} \title{An Implementation of the Characteristic Set Method for Solving Algebraic Equations} \spons{ } \key{computer algebra} %{\abstr 94-74.} } % \repdate{December 15, 1994} \normal{ \newrep \no{94-75a} \author{Franz LICHTENBERGER, Klaus MIESENBERGER, Bernhard ST\"OGER} \title{Projektantrag: Zugang zur Mathematik f\"ur Blinde: Integrierte, computerunterst\"utzte Arbeitsumgebung f\"ur Blinde und Sehende im Bereich der Mathematiklehre} \spons{ } \key{} %{\abstr 94-74.} } % \repdate{October, 1994} \normal{ \newrep \no{94-76a} \author{Bruno BLIEM, Rudolf EISENST\"OCK, Sabine STIFTER} \title{Roider Method for Polygons and Polyhdera} \spons{Austrian National Science Foundation, project no. P8620.} \key{} } % \normal{ \newrep \no{95-01} \author{Thomas FAHRINGER, Hoon HONG} \title{On Using Volume Computation to Estimate the Work Distribution for Parallel Programs} \spons{ } \key{} %{\abstr 95-01.} } % \repdate{January 20, 1994} \normal{ \newrep \no{95-02} \author{J. Rafael SENDRA, Juana SENDRA} \title{On the Rationality of Offset Curves} \spons{ } \key{} %{\abstr 95-02.} } % \repdate{January 23, 1995} \normal{ \newrep \no{95-03} \author{Olga CAPROTTI, Alois FERSCHA, Hoon HONG} \title{Reachability Test in Petri Nets by Gr\"obner Bases} \spons{ Austrian Forschungsf\"orderungsfonds (FWF), project no.S5302-PHY (Parallel Symbolic Computation). } \key{} %{\abstr 95-03.} } % \repdate{January 27, 1995} \normal{ \newrep \no{95-04} \author{Thomas FAHRINGER, Hoon HONG, Franz KRIFTNER, Volker STAHL} \title{Computing the Volume of a Convex Polytope Using Interval Arithmetic} \spons{Austrian Science Foundation, project S5302} %{\abstr 95-04.} } % \repdate{January 27, 1995} \normal{ \newrep \no{95-05} \author{Michal MNUK, Bernhard WALL, Franz WINKLER} \title{CASA Reference Manual (Version 2.2)} \spons{ POSSO project (Polynomial System Solving), Esprit III Basic Research Action 6846, supported by the Austrian Science Foundation project P9181-TEC. Austrian Science Foundation (FWF), projects no. P6763 and P8573-PHY. } \key{} %{\abstr 95-05.} } %\repdate{February 2, 1995} \normal{ \newrep \no{95-06} \author{Hoon HONG} \title{The Exact Region of Stability for MacCormack Scheme} \spons{ } \key{} %{\abstr 95-06.} } % \repdate{February 6, 1995} \published{ \newrep \no{95-07} \author{Wolfgang SCHREINER} \title{Application of a Para-Functional Language to Computer Algebra Problems} \publ{HPFC Conference on High Performance Functional Computing, Denver, Colorado, April 9--11, 1995.} \spons{ Austrian Forschungsf\"orderungsfonds (FWF), project no.S5302-PHY (Parallel Symbolic Computation). } \key{} %{\abstr 95-07.} } % \repdate{February 9, 1995} \published{ \newrep \no{95-08} \author{Roberto PIRASTU, Volker STREHL} \title{Rational Summation and Gosper-Petkovsek Representation} \publ{Journal of Symbolic Computation, vo. 11, 1995} \spons{ Commision of the European Communities in the frame of the program "Human Capital and Mobility", contract nr. ERBCHBICT930501. } \key{} %{\abstr 95-08.} } % \repdate{February 9, 1995} \published{ \newrep \no{95-09} \author{Roberto PIRASTU} \title{Algorithms for Indefinite Summation of Rational Functions in Maple} \publ{The Maple Technical Newsletter} \spons{ Commision of the European Communities in the frame of the program "Human Capital and Mobility", contract nr. ERBCHBICT930501. } \key{} %{\abstr 95-09.} } % \repdate{February 9, 1995} \published{ \newrep \no{95-10} \author{Peter PAULE, Markus SCHORN} \title{A Mathematica Version of Zeilberger's Algorithm for Proving Binomial Coefficient Identities} \publ{Journal of Symbolic Computation. To appear.} \spons{ \vskip0.2truecm \par\noindent Updated Version of RISC report no. 93-36 } \key{} %{\abstr 95-10.} } % \repdate{February 10, 1995} \published{ \newrep \no{95-11} \author{Peter PAULE, Volker STREHL} \title{Symbolic Summation -- Some Recent Developments} \publ{Computer Algebra in Science and Engineering -- Algorithms, Systems, and Applications, J. Fleischer, J. Grabmeier, F. Hehl, W. K\"uchlin (eds.), World Scientific, Singapore. To appear.} \spons{ } \key{} %{\abstr 95-11.} } % \repdate{February 10, 1995} \published{ \newrep \no{95-12} \author{Peter PAULE} \title{Short and Easy Computer Proofs of the Rogers-Ramanujan Identities and of Identities of Similar Type} \publ{The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, vol. 1, 1994, R10} \spons{ Austrian Science Foundation (FWF) project no.\ P7220. } \key{} %{\abstr 95-12.} } % \repdate{February 10, 1995} \normal{ \newrep \no{95-13} \author{Edward S. BLUROCK} \title{Analysis 4.0: An Interactive System for the Analysis of Data} \spons{ Uni Software Plus, Hagenberg, Austria. } \key{} %{\abstr 95-13.} } % \repdate{February 16, 1995} \normal{ \newrep \no{95-14} \author{Carl van GEEM} \title{Preparations with Workspace Information for Meaningful Robot Motion Planning in Configuration Space} \spons{Austrian Ministery for Science and Research, project PARAGRAPH} %{\abstr 95-14.} } % \repdate{March 16, 1995} \normal{ \newrep \no{95-15} \author{Manfred MINIMAIR} \title{Design, Analysis and Implementation of an Adder by Ladner and Fisher} \spons{ Austrian National Science Foundation (FWF), project no. P10002. } \key{} %{\abstr 95-15.} } % \repdate{March 16, 1995} \normal{ \newrep \no{95-16} \author{A.Y. UTESEV, T.M. CHERKASOV} \title{On the Search of the Maximum of a Polynomial} \spons{\"OAD grant no. GZ 560.302/1-IV/A/5a/94, Austrian National Science Foundation, project no. P9374, in the frame of Esprit BRA ACCLAIM.} %{\abstr 95-16.} } % \repdate{March 17, 1995} \published \newrep \no{95-17} \author{Edward S. BLUROCK} \title{REACTION: System for Modeling Chemical Reactions} \publ{Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Science} \spons{ Uni Software Plus, Hagenberg, Austria, Labor f\"ur Forschung und Produktentwicklung der \"OMV AG, Schwechat, Austria} \key{} %{\abstr 95-17.} } % \repdate{March 31, 1995} \published \newrep \no{95-18} \author{Edward S. BLUROCK} \title{Automatic Learning of Chemical Concepts: Research Octane Number and Molecular Substructures} \publ{Computers and Chemistry} \spons{ } \key{} %{\abstr 95-18.} } % \repdate{March 31, 1995} \nopubl \normal \newrep \no{95-19} \author{George E. COLLINS, Mark J. ENCARNACION} \title{Improved Techniques for Factoring Univariate Polynomials} \spons{ Austrian National Science Foundation (FWF), project no. P8572.} } \key{} %{\abstr 95-19.} } % \repdate{April 6, 1995} \nopubl \normal \newrep \no{95-25} \author{Hoon HONG, Stefan RATSCHAN} \title{RISC-CLP (Tree$(\Delta)$): A Constraint Logic Programming System with Parametric Domain} \spons{ in the frame of ACCLAIM, Esprit BRA, supported by the Austrian Science Foundation } \key{} %{\abstr 95-25.} } % \repdate{May 11, 1995} \published \newrep \no{95-26} \author{Jochen PFALZGRAF} \title{Graph Products of Groups and Group Spaces} \publ{Journal of Geometry. To appear.} \spons{ } \key{} %{\abstr 95-26.} } % \repdate{May 11, 1995} \published{ \newrep \no{95-28} \author{Sabine STIFTER} \title{Technological Aspects in Geometric Problems: A Case Study for the Nesting Problem} \publ{Conference on Integration in Manufacturing (IiM), Sept. 13-15, Vienna, Austria. To appear} \spons{ } \key{} %{\abstr 95-05.} } % \repdate{June 27, 1995} \nopubl{ \normal \newrep \no{95-29} \author{Carl Van Geem} \title{Counting Cells in a Grid} \spons{ Austrian Ministery for Science and Research in the frame of CEI} } \key{} %{\abstr 95-05.} } % \repdate{June 29, 1995} \normal{ \newrep \no{95-31} \author{George E. COLLINS} \title{Applicaton of Quantifier Elimination to Solotareff's Approximation Problem} \spons{ Austrian Science Foundation, grant P8572-PHY. } \key{} %{\abstr 95-05.} } % \repdate{July 7, 1995} \normal{ \newrep \no{95-32} \author{George E. COLLINS, Scott McCALLUM} \title{Adjacency Algorithms for Cylindrical Algebraic Decomposition of Three and Higher Dimensional Space I: Adjacencies Over a Non-nullifying $\{0,1\}$ Adjacency} \spons{ } \key{} %{\abstr 95-05.} } % \repdate{July 3, 1995} \nopubl { \normal \newrep \no{95-34} \author{Hoon HONG} \title{A Basis for Multivariate Hermite Interpolation} \spons{ in the frame of ACCLAIM, Esprit BRA, supported by the Austrian Science Foundation } \key{} {\abstr 95-34.} } % \repdate{August 14, 1995} \nopubl { \normal \newrep \no{95-35} \author{Ziming LI} \title{A Subresultant Theory for Linear Ordinary Differential Polynomials} \spons{ Austrian National Science Foundation, project no. P9181-TEC, POSSO } \key{computer algebra} %{\abstr 95-35.} } % \repdate{August 16, 1995} \normal{ \newrep \no{95-37} \author{Edward S. BLUROCK} \title{Reaction: System for Modeling Chemical Reactions I. Generation of Reaction Mechanisms} \spons{ Uni Software Plus, Hagenberg, Austria, Labor f\"ur Forschung und Produktentwicklung der \"OMV AG, Schwechat, Austria } \key{} %{\abstr 95-35.} } % \repdate{September 19, 1995} \normal{ \newrep \no{95-38} \author{Edward S. BLUROCK} \title{Reaction: System for Modeling Chemical Reactions II. Analysing and Using the Generated Reaction Mechanism} \spons{ Uni Software Plus, Hagenberg, Austria, Labor f\"ur Forschung und Produktentwicklung der \"OMV AG, Schwechat, Austria } \key{} %{\abstr 95-35.} } % \repdate{September 19, 1995} \normal{ \newrep \no{95-39} \author{Edward S. BLUROCK} \title{Reaction: System for Modeling Chemical Reactions III. Notes on Applications and Basis for Future Work} \spons{ Uni Software Plus, Hagenberg, Austria, Labor f\"ur Forschung und Produktentwicklung der \"OMV AG, Schwechat, Austria } \key{} %{\abstr 95-35.} } % \repdate{September 19, 1995} \normal{ \newrep \no{95-40} \author{Edward S. BLUROCK, Ileana TOMUTA} \title{Use of Machine Learning in Economic Studies: A Tutorial Study} \spons{ Uni Software Plus, Hagenberg, Austria, Labor f\"ur Forschung und Produktentwicklung der \"OMV AG, Schwechat, Austria } \key{} %{\abstr 95-35.} } % \repdate{September 19, 1995} \published \newrep \no{95-41} \author{Edward S. BLUROCK} \title{REACTION: Symbolic Methods in the Generation and Analysis of Complex Reaction Systems} \publ{Presented at: AI Petro'95, The International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in the Petroleum Industry} \spons{ } \key{} %{\abstr 95-35.} } % \repdate{September 28, 1995} \published{ \newrep \no{95-42} \author{Sabine STIFTER} \title{Characterization of Contour Elements that Generate Abstract Voronoi Diagrams} \publ{Int. J. on Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications. To appear.} \spons{ } \key{} %{\abstr 95-35.} } % \repdate{September 18, 1995} \normal{ \newrep \no{95-45} \author{Carl Van GEEM} \title{Path Planning for Manipulators with Many Degrees of Freedom Using a Discrete Representation of Configuration Space Extensively} \spons{ } \key{} %{\abstr 95-35.} } % \repdate{October 27, 1995} \normal{ \newrep \no{95-46} \author{Michal Mnuk} \title{Computing Adjoint Curves (An algebraic approach)} \spons{ Austrian National Science Foundation, project no. P9181-TEC, POSSO } \key{} %{\abstr 95-35.} } % \repdate{November 7, 1995} \normal{ \newrep \no{95-47} \author{Hoon HONG} \title{Subresultants Under Composition} \spons{ in the frame of ACCLAIM, Esprit BRA, supported by the Austrian Science Foundation } \key{} %{\abstr 95-35.} } % \repdate{November 7, 1995} \normal{ \newrep \no{95-48} \author{Peter HIRT} \title{AIPC: An Assitant for Interactive Proof Construction Using Natural Deduction} \spons{ } \key{} %{\abstr 95-35.} } % \repdate{January, 1995} \normal{ \newrep \no{95-49} \author{J. Pfalzgraf, U.C. Sigmund, V. Sofronie, K. Stokkermans} \title{Towards a Cooperating Robots Demonstrator} \spons{ Austrian Science Foundation, ESPRIT BRA 6471 "MEDLAR II" } \key{} %{\abstr 95-35.} } % \repdate{November 17, 1995} \normal{ \newrep \no{95-50} \author{Hoon HONG, Wolfgang ST\"OCHER} \title{Implementing Real Root Count with Polynomial Constraints for the Multivariate Case with one Constraint Polynomial} \spons{ } \key{} %{\abstr 95-35.} } % \repdate{November 17, 1995} \normal{ \newrep \no{95-51} \author{Hoon HONG, Josef SCHICHO, Wolfgang ST\"OCHER} \title{Structure and Efficient Computation of Multiplication Tables and Associated Quadratic Forms} \spons{ } \key{} %{\abstr 95-35.} } % \repdate{November 17, 1995} \normal{ \newrep \no{95-52} \author{Peter STADLMEYER} \title{Ordered Completion with Selection for Horn Clauses} \thesis{Diploma Thesis} \spons{ } \key{} %{\abstr 95-35.} } % \repdate{November 1995} \normal{ \newrep \no{95-53} \author{Karel STOKKERMANS} \title{A Categorical Framework and Calculus for Critical Pair Completion} \thesis{Ph.D. Thesis} \spons{ } \key{} %{\abstr 95-35.} } % \repdate{September 1995} \normal{ \newrep \no{95-54} \author{Giovanna RODA} \title{Linear Algebra Methods for the Transformation of Gr\"obner Bases} \spons{ } \key{} %{\abstr 95-35.} } % \repdate{December 20, 1995} \normal{ \newrep \no{95-55} \author{Hoon HONG} \title{Gr\"obner Bases Under Composition} \spons{ } \key{} %{\abstr 95-35.} } % \repdate{December 29, 1995} \normal{ \newrep \no{95-56} \author{Hoon HONG} \title{Multivariate Resultants Under Composition} \spons{ } \key{} %{\abstr 95-35.} } % \repdate{December 29, 1995} \normal{ \newrep \no{96-01} \author{Carl Van GEEM} \title{Enclosing Robot Links by Superellipses and Superellipsoids} \spons{ } \key{} {\abstr 96-01.} } % \repdate{January 1996} \normal{ \newrep \no{96-02} \author{Hoon HONG, Dalibor JAKUS} \title{Testing Positiveness of Polynomials} \spons{ } \key{} {\abstr 96-02.} } % \repdate{January 1996} \normal{ \newrep \no{96-03} \author{Hoon HONG} \title{Gr\"obner Bases Under Composition II} %\publ{} \spons{ } \key{} %{\abstr 96-03.} } % \repdate{January 1996} \normal{ \newrep \no{96-04} \author{Hoon HONG, Daniela VASARU} \title{Survey on Nonlinear Optimization} %\publ{} \spons{ } \key{} {\abstr 96-04.} } % \repdate{February 1996} \published{ \newrep \no{96-05} \author{Wolfgang SCHREINER} \title{A Para-Functional Programming Interface for a Parallel Computer Algebra Package} \publ{Journal of Symbolic Computation, Special Issue on Parallel Symbolic Computation. To appear.} \spons{Supported by the FWF grant S5302-PHY "Parallel Symbolic Computation. } \key{} %{\abstr 96-05.} } % \repdate{March 1996} \published{ \newrep \no{96-06} \author{Jochen PFALZGRAF, Viorica SOFRONIE, Karel STOKKERMANS} \title{On a Semantics for Cooperative Agent Scenarios} \publ{$13^{th}$ European Meeting on Cybernetics and Systems Research (EMCSR), Vienna, Austria, April 1996. To appear.} \spons{Esprit BRA 6471 "MEDLAR II" } \key{} %{\abstr 96-06.} } % \repdate{March 1996} \published{ \newrep \no{96-07} \author{Jochen PFALZGRAF, Ute Cornelia SIGMUND, Karel STOKKERMANS} \title{Towards a General Approach for Modeling Actions and Change in Cooperating Agents Scenarios} \publ{Special Issue of the Journal of the Interest Group in Pure and Applied Logics, D. Gabbay ed., vol. 4, pp. 1-28, 1996.} \spons{Esprit BRA 6471 "MEDLAR II" } \key{} %{\abstr 96-07.} } % \repdate{March 1996} \normal{ \newrep \no{96-08} \author{J. Rafael SENDRA, Franz WINKLER} \title{Real Parametrization of Algebraic Curves} \spons{Univ. Alcala Proj. 030/95 and Austrian Science Foundation Proj. SGC, No. 8573, and POSSO, No. 9181 (Esprit BRA 6846). } \key{} %{\abstr 96-08.} } % \repdate{March 1996} \normal{ \newrep \no{96-09} \author{Wolfgang SCHREINER} \title{RT++ -- Higher Order Threads for C++ : Tutorial and Reference Manual (Version 1.0)} %\publ{} \spons{Austrian National Science Foundation, grant S5302 "Parallel Symbolic Computation". } \key{} %{\abstr 96-04.} } % \repdate{April 1996} \normal{ \newrep \no{96-10} \author{Hoon HONG, Wolfgang SCHREINER} \title{HPGP: High Performance Generic Programming for Computational Mathematics by Compile-Time Instantiation of Higher Order Functors} %\publ{} \spons{Submitted to the Austrian National Science Foundation and granted under grant no. P11414.} } \key{} %{\abstr 96-04.} } % \repdate{April 1996} \normal{ \newrep \no{96-13} \author{Hoon HONG, Josef SCHICHO} \title{A New Proof for the Implicitization of Curves Parameterized by Generalized Trigonometric Polynomials} \spons{} } \key{} %{\abstr 96-13.} } % \repdate{May 1996} \published{ \newrep \no{96-14} \author{Ziming Li} \title{A Subresultant Theory for Linear Differential, Linear Difference and Ore Polynomials, with Applications} \publ{Ph.D. thesis} \spons{} \key{} %{\abstr 96-14.} } % \repdate{February 1996} \published{ \newrep \no{96-15} \author{Carl Van GEEM} \title{Fast Planning of a Good Path for a Manipulator Using Potential Fields on a Non-Uniform Grid in C-Space} \publ{Ph.D. thesis} \spons{} } \key{} %{\abstr 96-14.} } % \repdate{May 1996} \published \newrep \no{96-16} \author{Eugen ARDELEANU} \title{Invariant Theory of Finite Groups and Applications} \publ{Ph.D. thesis} \spons{} \key{} %{\abstr 96-14.} } % \repdate{May 1996} \published{ \newrep \no{96-17} \author{Volker STAHL} \title{Interval Methods for Bounding the Range of Polynomials and Solving Systems of Nonlinear Equations} \publ{Ph.D. thesis} \spons{} \key{} %{\abstr 96-14.} } % \repdate{September 1995} \published{ \newrep \no{96-18} \author{J. PFALZGRAF, V. SOFRONIE, K. STOKKERMANS} \title{A Fibered Approach to Modeling Space-Time Dependent Cooperating Agents Scenarios} \publ{Planning Workshop at the Conference on Formal and Applied Reasoning, FAPR, Bonn, June 1996.} \spons{} \key{} %{\abstr 96-14.} } % \repdate{June 1996} \normal{ \newrep \no{96-19} \author{Christopher W. BROWN, George E. COLLINS} \title{Simple Truth Invariant CAD's and Solution Formula Constraints} \spons{} \key{} %{\abstr 96-14.} } % \repdate{July 1996} \published{ \newrep \no{96-20} \author{Michael JOSWIG} \title{Translation Generalized Quadrangles} \spons{} \publ{Arch.Math., to appear.} \key{} %{\abstr 96-14.} } % \repdate{July 1996} \published{ \newrep \no{96-21} \author{Michael JOSWIG} \title{Towards Modeling the Topology of Homogeneous Manifolds by Means of Symbolic Computation} \spons{} \publ{Proc. AISMC-3 Conf. Steyr, Austria, Sept. 1996. To appear.} \key{} %{\abstr 96-14.} } % \repdate{July 1996} \normal{ \newrep \no{96-22} \author{Michael JOSWIG} \title{Deciding the Exactness of Sequences of Finitely Generated Abelian Groups} \spons{} %\publ{} \key{} %{\abstr 96-14.} } % \repdate{July 1996} \normal{ \newrep \no{96-23} \author{Michael JOSWIG} \title{Quadratic Forms (Lecture Notes)} \spons{} %\publ{} \key{} %{\abstr 96-14.} } % \repdate{July 1996} \published{ \newrep \no{96-24} \author{Ana Maria MANDACHE} \title{On the Relationship between Involutive Basis and Gr\"obner Basis Algorithms} \spons{} \publ{Presented at MEGA'96, June 1996, Eindhoven, The Netherlands} \key{} %{\abstr 96-14.} } % \repdate{July 1996} \normal{ \newrep \no{96-26} \author{Hoon Hong} \title{Characterization of Bernstein Coefficients} \spons{} \key{} %{\abstr 96-26.} } % \repdate{December 1996} ------------------------------------------------------------------------ \newrep \no{**-01} \author{Georg GRATZL} \title{A Guide to the Computing Equipment at RISC-Linz} \newrep \no{**-02} \author{Sabine STIFTER} \title{How to Use the RISC-Library} \newrep \no{**-03.0} \author{Bruno BUCHBERGER \& Faculty} \title{Studienschwerpunkt RISC-Linz} \newrep \no{**-03.1} \author{Bruno BUCHBERGER \& Faculty} \title{The Symbolic Computation Curriculum at RISC-Linz} \newrep \no{**-04} \author{RISC-Linz Faculty} \title{Themen f\"ur Programmierprojekte, Diplomarbeiten und Dissertationen} \newrep \no{**-05} \author{Bruno BUCHBERGER} \title{RISC-Linz Description} \newrep \no{**-06} \author{Georg GRATZL} \title{RISC-Linz Computerunterst\"utzte Dienstleistungen} \newrep \no{**-07} \author{Klaus KUSCHE} \title{PC Guide} \newrep \no{**-08} \author{Bruno BUCHBERGER \& Faculty} \title{RISC-Linz Current Research Projects: A Survey} \newrep \no{**-09} \author{Michael KALKBRENER} \title{Gr\"obner Bases Implementations at RISC-Linz} \newrep \no{**-10} \author{Heinrich ROLLETSCHEK} \title{RISC-Pressespiegel} \newrep \no{**-11} \author{Georg GRATZL} \title{Zentrale EDV -- 1989} \newrep \no{**-12} \author{Wolfgang SCHREINER} \title{User Guide and System Administration Reference for the Sequent Symmetry}